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Sousuke Unagai {Done}

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Sousuke Unagai {Done} Empty Sousuke Unagai {Done}

Post by serpents-prey Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:26 pm

Name: Sousuke Unagai

Age: 23

Bloodline: N/A

Rank: Chuunin
Village: Kumogakure
Alignment: Neutral

Appearance: Sousuke is tall for his family, standing about 5"10 and weighing about 190 pounds. He is quick on his feet and slightly muscular he has two tattoos, the first is on his back and is the kanji for pain in blood red, the other is on his right arm and is an ivory dragon clutching a blue orb and a black scroll. he has two noticeable scars which form an X over the bridge of his nose. he has blue eyes and silvery long hair that is untidy and gives him an air of "I just got out of bed."

Sousuke wears a black fishnet under a black shirt with a gray flak jacket worn over them and black pants. he has a pendant that depicts a yin yang and in the coloured dots are the kanji for Ivory Dragon and Shadow Cat

Personality: Sousuke is often impatient and has, more than once paid the price for it. he believes in his religion almost to the point of fanaticism but only shows it through his Kenjutsu

History: Sousuke's parents were killed on a mission around the same time that he entered the ninja academy at age 10. While he attended he was constantly ridiculed by his classmates. One of his instructors took pity on him and provided him with housing and food while he had no home. Sousuke graduated about the middle of his class at age 12. At that point he began going on missions with his instructor on his team.

On his first mission as a Genin, While his team was waiting to ambush their target, Sousuke became impatient and, rather than waiting for an opening, rushed out and attacked the enemy who dodged Sousuke and then gut punched him knocking him out. When he came to he had two cuts across his face and his instructor had come to his aid and killed the man. About a week after returning from that mission Sousuke was taking a walk around where his apartment was and happened upon a traveling priest.

The priest belonged to a sect that believed that there were two governing forces that held the world's positive and negative forces in check. Sousuke listened to the priest explain that these forces influenced the world's people by sending angels, disguised as good intentions, and demons, disguised as killing intent, to the people of the world. He then explained that the two governing forces were called the Ivory Dragon, who guarded the world's positive forces, and Shadow Cat, who guarded the world's negative forces. After hearing all the priest had to say Sousuke willingly joined the religion hoping it would explain some of his pain.

When Sousuke turned 16 took the Chuunin exams and advanced to the rank of Chuunin. On the way back to Kumogakure from his second mission as a Chuunin, Sousuke happened upon a wolf pup whose mother was lying dead a few feet from it. Sousuke took pity on the pup, scooped it up, and took it back to his temporary housing. he named the pup Kaze or wind since he was constantly disappearing but always came back to him. After the pup was a few months older Sousuke began training the pup to go on missions with him by playing their version of 'Hide and seek'.

Shortly after Sousuke had turned 17 he finally had enough money saved up to pay for a new house for himself and Kaze. Sousuke moved out of his instructor's care and into his own home. About a week after he moved in he recieved a message from his instructor wishing him luck and listing a joke list of expenses that ended with five zeroes. At the end of the same month the instructor passed away from injuries inflicted to him on a mission. Sousuke felt very depressed that the man who practically raised him was now dead and attributed it to the burden of pain his gods had placed upon him.

When he turned 18 Sousuke had two weapons custom made for him, a katana with no hand guard and a chakra blade, and a pair of interlocking daggers with chakra blades. The katana had a black blade with a silvery edge, the handle was black with one white line splitting into two mid-handle towards the blade the scabbard was solid black. To Sousuke this katana represented Shadow Cat and infused with his recessive fire chakra would, "lift a Demon from the soul of an individual". The twin daggers, when locked together, had an outline of a dragon on their ivory handles. They were only about one foot long apiece and locked together form an excellent defense stick. He used these two weapons with a frightening degree of skill until the present time.

Recently Sousuke has been attempting to use his recessive Fire chakra. He has been training with one of his past instructors but has not quite yet got the hang of it. recently he learned that he could send his fire chakra through his chakra weapons but is still set on learning Goukakyou no Jutsu. Sousuke's most recent attempt at dating failed miserably when Kaze tackled his girlfriend, Kirin, straight into a mud puddle while they were taking a walk in the park near Sousuke's home. Although Sousuke felt hurt that Kirin had left him, he realized that he was happy just living alone with Kaze.

Speciality: Kenjutsu

Learned jutsus:


Name of Jutsu: Angel's Fall
Used with: Ivory Daggers
Rank: C
Range: Close
Elemental Affinity: sometimes, Katon

Description: Sousuke will stab his opponent in the shoulders and rip his blades downward through the oppponent's body he then stabs them again in the shoulder blades and rips his blades outward as if he were a demon ripping an angel's wings off. Sousuke may infuse the daggers with Fire chakra to make the cuts easier, (hot knife through butter stuff you know)

Weakness: this technique is physically exhausting and requires about one Post to complete if Sousuke can land it

Name of Jutsu: Demon's Flight
Used with: Black Katana
Rank: D
Range: Close
Elemental Affinity: Katon

Description: the technique involves his blade being angled downward then slashing upward through his opponent as if lifting the demon from their body it is used in conjunction with his Fire chakra

Weakness: This technique is rather easily avoided so it is used either as a diversion or after an opponent has been stunned or immobilized

Name of Jutsu: God's Judgement
Used with: Ivory Daggers
Rank: D
Range: Close
Elemental Affinity: N/A

Description: Sousuke will rush an opponent and stab them with both blades in between the ribs and crossing in an X in the center of their chest most of the time the heart is damaged severely so Sousuke reason's that if an opponent lives after this technique he/she has the Gods' on their side

Weakness: once again easy to avoid and usually used on a stunned or immobilized opponent

Name of Jutsu: God's Wrath
Used with: Ivory Daggers
Rank: C
Range: Close
Elemental Affinity: Raiton

Description: Sousuke simply stabs his opponent through the temples with his blades coursing with his lightning chakra

Weakness: used as a finisher move

Elements: Lightning (Dominant), Fire (Recessive)

Weapons/items: Ivory Daggers, Black Katana[b]

Last edited by serpents-prey on Sun Feb 15, 2009 9:03 pm; edited 4 times in total


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Join date : 2009-02-04

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Sousuke Unagai {Done} Empty Re: Sousuke Unagai {Done}

Post by Kenshi Fri Feb 06, 2009 6:14 am

Alright here's the run-down.

1) Your history is OK, but for a Chuunin I need a little bit more, and a little less grammatical errors. The Chuunin Exams are coming up soon, and if you change the age and make this character a genin, then you can take the Chuunin Exams and just be a Chuunin.

2) You can still keep the black katana at genin, but the problem lies in the techniques. Use the template from Technique/Jutsu Creation and you'll be fine.

3) Once you make those edits, then I can approve it.

4) Can't wait to see your RPing in action, make sure you bring some great RPing to Kumogakure! We hold the best shinobi/kunochi.


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Sousuke Unagai {Done} Empty Re: Sousuke Unagai {Done}

Post by Zen Fri Feb 06, 2009 9:16 am

Also whats your ressive and dominant elements? it says lighting and then fire recessive, is your fire the dominant or recessive?
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Sousuke Unagai {Done} Empty Re: Sousuke Unagai {Done}

Post by serpents-prey Fri Feb 06, 2009 7:48 pm

Made the asked for changes and am hoping it will be suficient to pass the character i posted his kenjutu in the template provided and posted them in his Ninjutsu topic as well just so i can keep track of them

I attempted to clear up the chakra issue in both his history and by putting Lightning (dom.), Fire (rec.) etc at this point i won't post any Fire Techniques because most sites i have been on only allow Jounin to have 2 chakra's so for now he is working on Fire but can use it in Kenjutsu

I hope this will be up to your standards and if not please feel free to let me know what i need to work on most thanks^^


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Sousuke Unagai {Done} Empty Re: Sousuke Unagai {Done}

Post by serpents-prey Mon Feb 09, 2009 12:43 am

I feel my edits may have gone unnoticed as i updated within a post without posting that i had updated it so, . . . bump . . . ^^


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Sousuke Unagai {Done} Empty Re: Sousuke Unagai {Done}

Post by serpents-prey Sat Feb 14, 2009 7:08 pm

its been a week (7days) since my last bump so *bump* ^^


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Sousuke Unagai {Done} Empty Re: Sousuke Unagai {Done}

Post by Aki Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:28 pm

I suppose that since you have done as Yoshi requested, and you have been patient...


(I just became a Mod, but this seems alright. Nothing too OP or anything.)

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Sousuke Unagai {Done} Empty Re: Sousuke Unagai {Done}

Post by serpents-prey Sun Feb 15, 2009 9:02 pm

yay ^^


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