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Iesumonto(done) Empty Iesumonto(done)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:09 pm

Name: Iesumonto

Age: 20


Rank: No Formal Training(probable Chunnin)

Village: Fire Conutry
Alignment: Good

Appearance:Iesumonto(done) Kazuma-1

Personality:Iesumonto is a man of great power, but he never gives himself credit. He always is praying, to the one he calls Iesu. Like Hidan, he seems to recive power from his God. He always follows those rules. He also carries around a small book and seems to alwasy be reading. Even in fights like Kakashi. Above all he looked up to Asuma, but they seem to have different out looks on their Gods. Even so, Asuma was strong and a good man. Monto, wished to be just like him, and is also kind. For Example he loves helping people and talking about his faith, if they listen. Above all, he still messes up and does thing against the rules, but he is forgiven, if he asks.

History: As a small boy, named Iseumonto was left in the rain, in the Fire Country, near a temple. He was crying and had no one to care for him. In an hour os so, a man named Asuma found him and took him in. He knew that this boy needed him and they Ninja in the temple would have to care for him. Asuma was the first and last person to train him. He grew up fighting like Asuma, but other Guridans trained him, butnot much. To Asuma Monto was a son. Soon, Asmua had to leave Monto behind and go back to his village.

Iseumonto was once part of the Twelve Guardian Ninja and is the last survior. While the two groups attacked, he was merely only in training, and could not fight with the two. He was nowhere strong enough to do so, so he feld. He went back to the temple and noticed everyone was gone. He did not cry, but he did pray. He prayed that he would find the power to get stronger.

He asked every night, and slowly that power came to him, while he was training. But this Training was different than that of what the other Gurdians gave him. Something had been above him, helping him and gudieing him. He soon left the temple a new man, he had strength and was ready to face the world. He followed in Asuma's footsteps and did not want to overthrow the Hokage, but he did not wish to join the leaf village, just yet. He would go around the world and speak the word of his god, with the book he was given and try to get more followers for him.

Monto, did happen to go around the world and got many followers, to follow his god. He spoke of a relationship, not a religion. He did not always follow the rules set in that book, for example, he lusted for many women, but this was a problem he couldn't improve on his own.

He is not a bad man, and his god forgave him, after he asked for help. The followers, followed in his footsteps, and it was know Monot's goal to make his god known by as many people as he could. He is know looking for a village where he can complete his goal. Asuma was part of the leaf, and he is thinking of joining that.

However, he diecded to not join the village, because it may interefere with his teachings. He knew that people needed him outside of the village, he could visit the village ever so often, but he knew that it would just get in his way if he did join. He would also have a lot more work to do if he did join. He would have to become a ninja at the bottom. He would also have to chance that he would get shunded by the others.

He traveled to the another village, to where he could start small and it would be easier this way, becasue of the simple fact that he could get more follower for his God and then get bigger. Traveling to this village he was stopped by a force of great power. It was an archangel, Michael. He told Monto of his great deeds and would live inside if Monto ever would need him. Michael soon disappeared, but he left Iesumonto with much power.

He is now traveling to the Mist.

Speciality: Ninjutsu, Bloodline
Learned jutsus:
Elements: Wind
Weapons/items: Book
Goals: To speak the word of his God and make him know


Posts : 585
Points : 231
Reputation : 5
Join date : 2008-11-22

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Iesumonto(done) Empty Re: Iesumonto(done)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:38 pm



Posts : 585
Points : 231
Reputation : 5
Join date : 2008-11-22

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Iesumonto(done) Empty Re: Iesumonto(done)

Post by Kenshi Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:48 pm



Posts : 1401
Points : 629
Reputation : 29
Join date : 2008-11-19
Age : 33
Location : Apopka, Florida

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