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Theories Empty Theories

Post by Guest Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:15 am

I jsut love reading differnt peoples takes and theories on the manga. Its interesting to see what everyone else thinks. So long as it makes sense anyway. Some times its just plain dumb. However, as I searched for some inteligent design in mind work of indicidulas who like to think up theories about the manga, I came across this selection of theories that make sense to me, and even though they may not come true in the manga, are interesting to read none the less. Feel free to post your input if you would like.

few theories through all the chaos going around in the plot right now:

Orochimaru and Kabuto:

I don’t think Orochimaru will be returning to Naruto, at least not in his truest form. When Amaterasu burnt the white snake at the end of Itachi and Sasuke’s battle, I think that was symbolism at its simplest for the end of Orochimaru. However, we all know that Kabuto has transplanted Orochimaru’s cells into his body. This is where the scent of Orochimaru will still remain in the manga. As much as Kabuto hopes to defeat the surging reptilian strength in his blood, I don’t think he is strong-willed enough like Naruto or Sasuke to defeat it. Wherever he is, we know he is looking for Sasuke, to kill him for killing Orochimaru. By the time he reaches him, I think the scales will have almost completely enveloped his body. As cool as he might have thought it would be to have Orochimaru in him, I believe Kabuto will end up looking like some bad science experiment. If Sasuke is truly ruthless, I think Kabuto is the perfect opportunity for Sasuke to illustrate this to the audience, and put an end to the serpent.

Itachi’s Remains:

Although I don’t know what became of Itachi’s body, I do know it has some importance to the plot and Tobi’s plans. If it didn’t, Tobi would have snatched the eyes and given Zetsu the OK to devour the body. Instead, he told him to recover it and bring it back to a hideout somewhere. Perhaps he wishes to reanimate it one day. How cool would that be in Naruto and Sasuke teamed up someday in the future, and were forced to fight the reanimated bodies of Jiraiya and Itachi, and probably a few other, not yet, deceased. I think that once Sasuke’s eyes get bad enough, he will tell Tobi that he wishes to implant Itachi’s eyes, but I think Tobi will have already put them to other uses by then. Question: Does anything happen if somebody who already has an Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan implants another Mangekyou? If so, that could be why Tobi has such a close eye for Sasuke and Itachi.

Pein’s Secret:

Although I already voiced my opinion here in the group Author’s blog about the secret of Pein, I’ll go ahead and reiterate it a little here. My theory was:

The six bodies of Pein with red hair that we saw fighting Jiraiya, and throughout the whole series for that matter, are mere puppets. I think they are being controlled by the original Nagato, the black haired orphan that Jiraiya remembers training a long time ago. He is most likely at some safe/hidden location, where he would be vulnerable if this location were found out. I don’️t know how, but I think Jiraiya realized this location, and is trying to reveal with the numbers he put on Pa toad. I doubt they are longitude and latitude, most likely page numbers that mention this location on every page (number in the code).

So far I my prediction has been pretty accurate. The only difference was that instead of location’s on the page numbers, it was a message. To add to that theory, I’d like to say that I don’t think that Nagato will be a push over when they finally do find him. In the ongoing fight in Konoha right now, the 6 Pein’s might be beaten, and the Villages might believe that the giant threat of Pein will finally be over, but what if, it was only the beginning. I think one of two things might happen if the 6 Peins are defeated here.

1.) The final fight will be Sasuke and Naruto against Tobi and the real Nagato. That’s right, sometime in the very distant future, this fight may take place. Tobi or Konan might be the only people who know this secret about Nagato. After Sasuke turns, and they find out the REAL secret about Pein. But I don’t think Nagato will be a pushover. On the contrary, I believe he will be more powerful than all 6 puppets combined.

2.) He will obtain 6 more bodies. Like I said before in the reanimation theory, Sasuke and Naruto might have to fight against Jiraiya and Itachi; this would be a perfect way how. Although he probably has hundreds of bodies, after seeing the last chapter, I still think that the stronger the original body, the stronger the puppet. So Jiraiya and Itachi would be some Bad Mama Jamas. Anyways, after defeating the new batch of puppets, whomever they are, everyone will finally realize that killing the Peins does no good, and will finally put everyting together and look for Nagato.

The Lightning Team:

The team the Raikage sent to go after Sasuke (Team Samui) will be a problem for team Hawk in the future. Possibly a way for them to test their new-found teamwork. But I remember a technique Kishimoto used a very long time ago with a certain 3-man team from another foreign country. The sand team filled with Gaara, Kankaru, and Tamari, who, after being a bother, actually became very key allies and interesting characters to the cast. This is my theory for team Samui. The only crack in this is that they might be too old. Other than villains, the only permanent characters Kishi likes to bring into the plot are youths, around Naruto and Sasuke’s age. It kind of adds to the “Passing the torch” theme. But who knows, it’ll be fun to watch them progress.

The Kage Summit:

To me, the Kage summit could play out in a few different ways. No matter how it turns out though, one thing should be for certain; we will finally get to see Gaara again. Not to mention some of the most powerful faces in a couple other countries. And if Tobi is the current Mizukage, we might get to see his true face, because if he shows up with the mask, he will most likely be recognized from Akatsuki intel. Now, will all of the Kages at least pretend to agree on teaming up against Akatsuki? Will there be a huge argument and force the countries to pick sides, and possibly kick-start a new Great Ninja War? At any rate, none of this can happen until after the Pein attack, since Tsunade is busy with that catastrophe. Also, will Danzou try and overthrow Tsunade before or after the Kage summit?

Danzou in Office:

I’m going to put my money on it that Danzou would be one of the worst Hokage’s to ever take office. His values are way out of line, his care for the people is miniscule, and I’m pretty sure he would do all but help with international relations. The people would reject him, and Konoha would be much like a communist nation. But lets walk before we can run… first off, how would he assume office? Well with most of Konoha’s ninja dead or injured after Pein’s attack, and Tsunade at a weakened state, there isn’t much physical opposition. I suppose he would kill anyone that rejected him, and impose a loyal fear into those too scared to fight. With Danzou in office, it would make Sasuke’s job of finding and killing him a lot easier. Speaking of which, this could be how Itachi’s dream of Sasuke being Konoha’s savior might come to play. With Naruto gone, or maybe at this time just held captive, and everyone else under Danzou and his ANBU’s watch, one of the only people capable of taking him down would be Sasuke and his Team Hawk. I am interested in seeing how this will play out…

The 8-tails:

As irritating as this guy is, there is no doubt he will play a big part in the plot later. First off, his disappearance has enraged the whole Lightning Country. Until he is found, they will be scouring the Earth, and chasing Sasuke and Akatsuki down. Also, without the 8-tails, Akatsuki can’t complete their goal, and might as well not even go after Naruto. Although it is a little too late for that.

Side note - The 8-tails disappearance may mean two things:
The Pein battle can end without the death of the 6 Peins - Pein’s destruction of Konoha could only end 2 ways. They somehow learn Pein’s secret and defeat him, or Pein gets Naruto and leaves willingly. Kishimoto can allow Pein to get Naruto because even if he brings him back, they have to extract the 8-tails before they extract the 9-tails. And I am sure something would happen where Naruto gets out or is saved before they have time to find the 8-tails,extract him, and then Naruto.

Sasuke is trying to save Naruto - Sasuke may have allowed the 8-tails to “fool them” so everything I just said could happen in case Akatsuki got Naruto.
Back to the 8-tails, wherever this Enka Village is, he had better hope its location is a secret, because some of the most powerful forces in the ninja world are looking for him. It would be interesting if the secret place he was going was relative in location to where Naruto’s secret training was taking place. I’m pretty sure those 2 knuckle heads would get along, and since they are both Jinchuuriki’s, they could definitely relate. This is where Naruto could finally be taught to tame the Kyuubi, and maybe become companions with it like the 8-tails.

Although this sage stuff is cool, I believe the Kyuubi is a permanent problem that Naruto will have to face one day. Just look at all the other Jinchuuriki’s we have seen so far. None of them have been able to go through life just “Avoiding their bijuu’s,” they are only successful when able to cope with it. Like Nii, Gaara, the 8-tails, all of them. It is a problem Naruto has to overcome one day, and the 8-tails is just the teacher he needs. (Not to mention the last one available.)

and also this one I found a little more unlikely than the others, but still found it interesting.
What all do we know about Danzo?

1) He was injured really bad. (How, What, Where, When, Why… and by Who?)

2) He likes a more military approach on things.

3) He wants to become the Hokage.

4) He wants Sasuke dead.

Ok so lets start with the fact that he is really old, and all banged up. We don’t know for sure if the younger brother of Madara was killed, we just know that he took his eye(s). The injurys that the old man has would acount for a all out fight. The fact that he is all covered up could mean that he has burns that he is trying to cover, the Uchiha’s are known for their fire attack.

The fact that he has a favor of the military approch could mean that it’s a family thing. Fugaku Uchiha (Itachi and Sasuke’s father) was the lead of the Konoha Military Police…. could Danzo be Fugaku’s father, or uncle?

He wants nothing more then to become Hokage… why? To get back to Madara? If Danzo was his younger bother, wouldn’t he want to take the one thing away from him that he sought after? Becomeing the Hokage before him, besting him at something, even without the use of the bloodline. (TAKE THAT MARADA!)

And last, he would like for Saskue to die… why? Well for the off chance that his other plans back fires, he may be looking to gain the bloodline again, to show big brother that he’s not out of the fight yet.

Again I’m not 100% on any of this (heck I’m not even 50%) … it just poped into my head one night and I would like to hear what others thought about this idea… or if I was really lost it. lol


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Theories Empty Re: Theories

Post by Kenshi Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:45 pm

With the Orochimaru theory whoever it is is dead-on, but Kabuto isn't fighting the blood and cells last time I checked. He's willingly doing this. The question about Oro/Kabuto that arises is will Orochimaru have his same persona? Will he gain the information through Kabuto about his past, if thats true he will surely remember Sasuke and what not, and he will learn that Itachi killed him. Will he still set out for Sasuke? The question lies within how the cells will affect the brain once Orochimaru returns...because he will. If Kishimoto wanted him dead, he would have been dead at the Itachi/Sasuke battle. He kept him alive to bring him back.

About Tobi and Sasuke, he's keeping Itachi's eyes for the hell of it. Madara/Tobi, knows that Sasuke will need the eyes one way or another. This very thing, will keep the manga on edge and about 99.9% of us don't realise it. The only way Sasuke would get the EMS is if there was another Uchiha. I don't think it's possible to use an EMS on a MS, to gain a triple EMS. Sasuke declined his brothers eyes, how will he function? Will he unlock something about the Uchiha's past and how the Sharingan works, or will we have found out that there's more Uchiha and Madara's a rolling stone? That's the secret cliffhanger here.

About Pain, I don't think that the code was mapping or anything. We had two of the brightest minds in Konoha search everything about the code, and it only lead to Naruto. Shikamaru and Shiho, the nerdy girl went through everything, so I highly doubt we know Nagato's location. I really do. I mean, if he had one, why would Jiraiya wait untill he was dead to send the message out about his location. Jiraiya would have went to the location and avoided battle, because after all it was Nagato he wanted to talk to. NOW it seems possible that Pain can get more bodies. Since the Hell Realm was destroyed, no Pain bodies can be regenerated, and I don't think Nagato will use Jiraiya's corpse, or Itachi. Itachi was fucked, and his body would be of no use. He has no eyes in his dead body either, because just like in the Madara/Tobi theory above, it's said that Madara took the eyes of Itachi to give to Sasuke if he wanted them, so that's out of the picture. And as much as we know about the puppets, we know they don't have many techniques, so Itachi and Jiraiya with several techniques would be out of the picture also.

Lightning Team? I wouldn't know what to think. All I know is that it takes FOREVER to get from Kumogakure to Konohagakure. They've been gone for a WHILE. So I don't want to assume to much about people we don't know, but we can assume that they are talented in Kenjutsu possibly.

I agree with everything about the Kage Summit except the Mizukage. Madara is the Mizukage, so for this one I think he will pull a Saddam Hussein meaning, that he will use a double. We could get to see his face, but I doubt it.

Gotta go lunch is ova--


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Theories Empty Re: Theories

Post by Guest Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:54 pm

Good input but nobody truly knows for sure. I agree with some points from both on that. All in all I dont put my trust in these theories, I just enjoy seeing what others think about when they try to predict what is going to happen next. I do however hope the persons speil about the eight tails is correct. It would make some sense and would add a new edge to the manga.


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