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The Spirit Of Ryoushi Hissori

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The Spirit Of Ryoushi Hissori Empty The Spirit Of Ryoushi Hissori

Post by Munashii Hissori Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:10 am

Name of Spirit: Ryoushi Hissori

Gender of the Spirit: Male

Age of the Spirit: As old as the first Raikage would be.

Appearance: In the prime of his youth, Ryoushi was a stern looking man, with an intense stare and sharp features. His spirit has taken this form in death. Located inside his tomb with his remains, the only way in is too place a hand of a Hissori clansman on the seal engraved on the tombs doors. When this is done, the doors open automatically and close when the person is inside. Only a person with Hissori blood in his or her veins can see his form, although those trespassing in the tomb can hear his voice and sense his presence.

Personality: As in life, Ryoushi is a hard man, and has little patience for jokes and small talk. His sense of duty to his descendants stronger than ever, he has taken to the existence in his tomb well, accepting the solitude and enjoying the peace and quiet it brings.

Skills/Abilities: When a Hissori becomes a fully fledged ninja, they are taken to Ryoushi’s tomb and left there for five minutes alone. During this time, he places a seal on the ninja’s chest (see seal details here) to ensure the clans’ secrets are safeguarded. In addition, he holds scrolls containing the Hissori clans’ more powerful jutsu, techniques and summonings, and the only way to gain them is by asking for his approval to read from the scrolls. He also can see through people, knowing their true intentions and motivations, even if they themselves do not.

History: As a child, he was tempered through his years of living rough in the wilderness outside the walls of Kumogakure. When he became a ninja, he became very serious and was not a very popular person due to his unfriendly attitude towards people he did not know. He distrusted people to extreme measures, almost to paranoia. However, one day he proved himself to the village (see clan history for details) and they finally accepted him and acknowledged his abilities.
For many years, he spent time creating ninjutsu to pair up with his sword skills and tracking ability to make himself an almost unstoppable force. Even though he, like most ninja, only had two element affinities, he made theories on sword techniques that would work with other elements. After he died, these theories were put into practise and, with a little tweaking, proved to be effective. He married another ninja and they settled down and had five children, three boys and two girls. When he died, the Raikage, for his efforts in rescuing his daughter, built him a tomb nearby his family’s’ home in the forests just outside Kumogakure.
Years later, when the oldest son had a child of his own that reached to the rank genin, he brought him to Ryoushi’s tomb to tell him the story of his grandfather. When they went inside, the doors automatically closed behind, shocking the two ninja. The spirit of Ryoushi appeared before them, congratulating his grandson for becoming a genin. He then proceeded to place the seals on both ninja while explaining their purpose. After that was over, Ryoushi placed the seal on the doors of his tomb and announced that all Hissori’s who became shinobi must come to him for the seal. And so it has been for generations, and hopefully generations to come.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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The Spirit Of Ryoushi Hissori Empty Re: The Spirit Of Ryoushi Hissori

Post by Kenshi Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:09 pm



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