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FanFic Empty FanFic

Post by Kenshi Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:53 pm

Here's a ballin' Fanfic that a buddy of mines wrote at OneManga.

Just a random short story...hope you enjoy!

He could never understand the pain that Pamela had been going through for so many years. In fact, he never cared about what Pamela was going through ever since… ever since…never mind that. After all, it was only a glimpse into the mind of the beautiful Colombian girl, and in the end, her mind didn’t even match the gorgeous lines of her face. In it were emotions and feelings filled with hatred and loathing towards him. Neglect. Discomfort. Anger. So why did she deserve his sympathy? Why did she deserve his love? The answer was, she didn’t deserve it. And he wasn’t going to give it to her. Or, so were the thoughts that he’d had.

This man, Mon-Albert, wasn’t the most handsome man in the world, but within him was the most important of emotions: determination. But that emotion had long since evaporated. All that was left was emptiness as black as the universe. And within that universe, there lay a face as beautiful as the moon.


Mon-Albert slammed his muscular fists on the ground. He had to forget her, he knew he did. But how? How can any man forget a woman who was as sweet as honey? How can he forget about the woman that held his fragile heart in her warm, soft hands? Because she wasn’t sweet; she was like a lemon, and her acidic existence left a scar on his conscious. But the slate was clean; he didn’t need her. He didn’t want her. So he had to forget her. But that same question remained: How?

Mon-Albert walked into the bathroom, depressed. He leaned his head forward and bent over in front of the toilet, letting his long hair hang off of his eyes. He peered into the translucent water, and suddenly, Pamela’s face swirled into existence.

“I hate you,” he said, growing angry. “I hate you so much. Look what you’ve done to me, you whore. Look what you’ve done…” He spit into the toilet and her face disappeared. It was replaced by his own reflection.

“I hate you too. I hate you. I hate you.” He repeated it over and over again. The words fell from his lips, but he knew he didn’t mean it. He loved them both, and, if anything, he loved Pamela more than himself. He loved her soft, tan skin, her long black hair, and her hazel brown eyes. He loved her so much. There was no way that he’d be able to get over her. He needed her. He needed her so badly…

There was a sudden knock on the door, and it snapped the man back into reality. Leaving the bathroom, he stepped into the front hallway and pulled the door open. No emotion could describe what he felt at that moment. Because at that moment, there she stood. She; the woman he loved. Pamela.

“Yes?” said Mon-Albert, swallowing hard as to not let his emotions escape him. Pamela smiled, showing her flashy, white teeth. There she goes again with that smile. That damn sweet smile.

“Good morning, Albert!” she replied cheerfully. “Did you want something?”

“Did I want something?” he questioned, confused. “What do you mean?”

“Remember, you asked me to come by here last night. You said that there was something you needed to tell me. What is it?”

So many things flew through his mind. So many words, insults, and curses zoomed around. What could he say? What could he do? How should he react? But before he could decide…

“I love you.”

…fell out of his lips. Pamela laughed. It was a laugh that was kind, but to Mon-Albert it sounded cynical, mocking. When the laugh subsided, she smiled.

“Albert, this is the 8th time that you’ve told me that,” she responded. “And I’ve told you seven times that I’m engaged to Derek. I’m sorry, Mon. You’re a nice person, but I’m in love with someone else.”

“Oh…” There was an ominous silence before Pamela responded.

“Well, if that’s all, I’ll see you around.” With that, Pamela turned and left Mon-Albert standing in the doorway. But not before she left something that was important…the most important of all emotions…

-By Sephero Sama


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