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Marie Empty Marie

Post by Allelujah Tue Jan 20, 2009 9:17 am

Name: Marie / Soma Peries

Age: 23

Bloodline: None

Rank: Unknown (S-Ranked)
Classification: Super Soldier
Village: Currently in Taki
Alignment: Neutral/Good

Appearance: Marie SomaPeriesGrownup

Personality: Marie, much like Allelujah has two different personalities that co-exist with each other.

Marie: is a a very kind and happy girl who is very in tuned with her morals. She is a strong girl who believes in Allelujah and much like him doesn't like killing.

Soma: is the alter ego of Marie that was created as an effect due to the Super Soldier Program. She is loyal and cold hearted and follows the idea of herself being a super soldier. She can control herself in the heat of battle and kills those who get in the way of her missions and goals, as well as Allelujah's which are the same. She is ruthless in battle and fights with the intent to kill.

Access File 75:
-Marie's past-
Much of Marie's early childhood is unknown. Much like Allelujah, Marie was an orphan who had spent most of her life as a test subject in the Super Soldier Program. As a result of the tests all five of her senses were robbed due to psychosomatic paralysis. This left Marie to spend her days being observed alone in a glass case, attempting to communicate with others via quantum brainwaves. The only person who ever responded to her cries was an amnesiac young test subject who could not even remember his name; being incredibly thankful both for being alive and for the presence of the boy, Marie named him "Allelujah" as her way of giving thanks to God.

Access File 47:
-The Super Soldier Project-
The Super Soldier Project was a project created by Aeolia Schenberg to create super soldiers out of children. The project started when Aeolia started working for the Mist village, building them weapons and increasing their military power. Selective children from families of the mist village were submitted into this program to build an army of super soldiers to fight along side the mist shinobi during war. The project was far from humanism. Using quantum brainwaves and brainwashing on the children and subjecting them to strange chemicals that increased their bodies natural abilities in combat. Any test subject that would be flawed or a failure would be killed.

Access File 79:
One day when Marie was trying to communicate with Allelujah, she managed to find out about how the Super Soldier project was becoming a failed experiment and that the other test subjects were marked to be disposed of. Being this Marie quickly alerted Allelujah and told him about the whole thing. Being this they devised a plan of escape along with some of the other test subjects that were in Allelujah's test group. When the time came Allelujah rescued Marie from her glass containment cell and with the others they escaped the facility.

-File continuation: File 79-B-
During the escape from the facility, Marie wasn't much help to any of the others. She was merely carried on Allelujah's back as they made their escape. From that point Marie couldn't tell what was going on. She communicated with Allelujah the entire time through quantum brainwaves and in return he kept her updated on what their next move would be.

File continuation: File 79-C-
Once Marie and the others made it to the abandoned military base is when things started to change for Marie. Up until that moment, Marie had been able to keep in contact with Allelujah, but then she couldn't. She knew based off of some thoughts that went through Allelujah's head when he started arguing with the others was based on leaving her behind. She knew that Allelujah would never leave her behind and when conflict started; all the mental thoughts built up for brief moments and then just stopped. This scared Marie. She couldn't get in contact with Allelujah at and all other mental thought had become silent. Then a vicious and crazed mental brainwave came into existence. One caused by Hallelujah's appearance. Fear and terror breached Marie's mind as Hallelujah's thoughts and hers connected from constant attempts to reach Allelujah. These thoughts of killing, bloodshed, and death filled her mind and the air around them, along with the scent of blood as Hallelujah killed the others that had helped them escape. The feelings only became worse once the Mist shinobi that were tracking them showed up.

Access File 80:
-Soma is born-
Fear wrapped around Marie's mind, as did withdrawal as Hallelujah murdered their friends and the mist shinobi. Much like what had happened within Allelujah, the same was happening to Marie. During this time of great stress and exposure to quantum brainwaves, a new voice came into Marie's head. Marie wondered who the voice was until its speech became clear. It was her. Or at least who she thought was her.

File continuation: File 80-B-
Soma began speaking with Marie about who she was and what she was. She explained to her that if she wanted to live then she should let Soma take over. Marie wasn't sure what to do. The constant barrage of quantum brainwaves was making her disoriented. Soma then explained that she could help Marie relieve herself of the burden of Hallelujah's thoughts. That she could save her from her current suffering if she let her take control. Marie didn't know what to do until Soma's presence started to become more and more overwhelming. She started to take control until the entire quantum brainwaves stopped. Just then Marie could hear Allelujah's voice in her head, the real Allelujah. She cried out to him and regained control of her mind once more and the part of herself known as Soma has vanished...for the time being.

Access File 81:
-A thing called life?-
After leaving the abandoned military base, Allelujah and Marie traveled to overseas and sooner or later ended up in Taki. From that point on they lived out their lives together. Barley able to survive on what they had but they managed. Once Allelujah became nineteen he revealed to Marie his plans to destroy the facility. This worried her but she knew there was nothing she could do or say that could stop him. She merely wished him luck and told him to be careful. After that Marie awaited the day for Allelujah to return.

-File continuation: File 81-B-
Marie was so glad the day that Allelujah came home from his mission, baring news of his success. This made her very happy, not because of the destruction of the facility but that maybe now Allelujah and her could live a normal life without being plagued by their past.

Access File 82:
Celestial Being
Not to long after Allelujah had returned from his mission both him and Marie began their new objective. Through science and study of Aeolia's records, Allelujah had found a reversal process that would return Marie's senses to her. Overwhelmed with joy, Marie opened herself to all the new experiences of the world that came from her senses. Then they started the next stage of their plan, the creation of Celestial Being. Using Aeolia's knowledge and a dream to eradicate war from the world, Allelujah and Marie quickly took speed in establishing their goals. Together, just as they had been for years, they would find peace in the world and they would do so with Celestial Being.

Speciality: Hand to hand and armed combat.
Learned jutsus: None
Elements: None
Weapons/items: Any of Allelujah's weapons.
Goals: To bring an end to war by Allelujah's side.

Posts : 48
Points : 0
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2008-12-26
Age : 33

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Marie Empty Re: Marie

Post by Allelujah Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:44 am


Posts : 48
Points : 0
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2008-12-26
Age : 33

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Marie Empty Re: Marie

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Jan 25, 2009 2:05 am


Posts : 716
Points : -9821
Reputation : -10012
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 32

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