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SoriKata Empty SoriKata

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:35 pm

Name of Demon/Spirit Sorikata
Gender of the Demon/Spirit: Male
Age of the Demon Spirit: 170 (equivalent to 17 in human years)
Appearance: This Demon is a shape shifter, so the true form of the demon is not one hundred percent certain. Supposedly it’s body is mostly black and gold for the most part in coloring, It’s true FORM, however, is another story. The Demon’s body has wings and an oddly more brutish right arm, showing a connection to physical strength. The rest of the body seems almost unreal, as it seems that a person can walk right through it, and somewhat see through it. This demon, unlike most, carries a sword and sheath at its side. It, and the arm, both seem to almost levitate as the rest of the body doesn’t seem to have a physical form. It uses the physical arm to wield the sword, which seems to have two forms, a physical and a more spiritual. The demon, since being sealed in four separate vessels, can no longer be seen in the world of the living, by mortals, or the vessels.

Personality: This demon is a neutral balance between ‘good’ and ‘evil’ it is, however, very much corrupt and self serving. This means, that though it’s not a cold blooded murderer, it cares little for things other than itself. This demon doesn’t like mortals, and as such it never really came out into the world of people other than to feed, and due to its mostly spiritual body it fed on chakra. This made it seem like a worse being than it was to the few who saw it draining excess chakra from an area to feed.

Skills/Abilities: The Sorikata is able to change its shape, and influence the form of its surroundings. Thus it could actually warp the battlefield to its will with full access to its powers. Its possessor can do this either by direct contact and influx of a little of the demon's chakra, or through actually mustering and forcing the demon's chakra at a location or person through hand seals. Its other ability was to drain chakra from living things or just the area around it, and to influence other's thoughts to some extent. It's possessor can do this in the same ways they can do the physical warping. Supposedly its blade had the same abilities as it did. Due to the abnormal conditions of the bodies that possess this demon (the soullessness and subsequent full control by the demon) the bodies actually age only one year for every ten years that pass.

History: The story of this demon starts in the wastelands, with a small clan ten years ago. They wanted a weapon, something that they could use to beat down any who opposed them. They knew of a demon, one that fed on chakra and could supposedly warp reality. They thought and thought, trying to come up with a plan on how to catch the demon, then finally came up with a plan. They knew where the demon was, and went there, setting up a special trap. After the demon went out to feed the trap sprung, trapping its physical and spiritual parts. They acted quickly, having already set up a plan to seal it away in such a way to make it an ultimate weapon. They brought forward two sixteen-year-old boys and a blade, and set up the sealing process, the memories and instincts were transferred to the blade, causing it to split between a spiritual and physical half. The boys were drained of their souls in a special ritual known only by their leader. After their bodies were soulless the physical portion of the demon’s chakra was sealed into a boy deemed Sori, and the spiritual portion into the other boy, deemed Kata. With no memories and surrounded by strangers the blades instincts imprinted on the boys, and the spirit blade drained them of their chakra while Sori, scared out of his mind, inadvertently melded the peoples bodies into oblivion. It’s been then years since that day, and the boys, ten years wiser and merely one older, are ready to take others under their wings, and hope to gain memories back along the way. But should they?

Posts : 716
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Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 32

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