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Kata (n/f)

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Kata (n/f) Empty Kata (n/f)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:22 pm

Name: Kata

Age: 17 (physical) unknown (chronological)

Bloodline: (to come soon)

Rank: Jounin
Classification: S rank
Village: Mist
Alignment: Neutral

Appearance: Kata (n/f) 1121833731_ltsHolyMan

- People
- Chakra
- Food
- Animals
- Being alone
~Moral Values: Kata after the seal was placed on him he was infused with the sorikata's kinder half. This half prefers to be with people talk and loves food and animals. He will talk constantly and wont stop untill he is pulled away by his brother. When this happens a verbal argument will occur but thats about it. However he has a urge for chakra since he was also given the sorikata's taste of chakra. This causes him to have to feast on peoples chakra periodicly. If he dosent do so he has a chance of dieng and taking sori with him as if one part dies the other part dies.


Kata before his body was taken over by sorikata was a normal kid. He was born into a good family that loved him. He was trained to become a mercenary and to protect his kekkei-genkailess clan. His clan however were called weak because of there lack of abilitys. The clan wanted to prove people wrong and create a ultimate weapon. They searched and soon found a demon. This demon however was to powerful to be put into a single body. So they decided to develop a seal to seperate its power into 4 seperate powers and seal the main into 2 boys and the rest of it into 2 swords. The boys Sori and Kita were chosen and were trained to peak powers of there ability's. The clan had captured the demon and erased its memories. They had hoped that by doing that they could control the demon once it took control of the boy's. The boys were prepped with a ritual that removed there souls making the body's nothing but empty shells. Then the final ritual was started and the demons powers were divided and implanted into the 4 objects. The demon took control of the body's instantly. The boys utalizing the powers of the demons by pure instinct destroyed the clan killing all witnesses. A few of the people screamed out the names of the boys. "Sori!!! Kata!!!" as a blade was slashed through them. The now demon controlled bodys of the boys took these names instinctivly.

The boys themselves created there identitys as wanderers they trained in there abilitys. For some odd reason everytime they wandered to far from eachother they grew weaker. They soon learned how to use there abilitys with eachother. They developed combo's that could defeat almost any opponent. They became stronger the longer they trained before they knew they were in a bingo book as very dangerous criminals. They were having all good fun trying to figure there ability's out. Sure they destroyed a few lesser villages and made some just dissapear right off the map.

After a while the bodys that held the demon began to develop there own minds and personalitys they each took on there own personality. They became what people who have met these boys (if they survived that is) Kata and Sori. These boys powers became more developed as the years passed on and they understood it more and more. They each took up other specialtys also. Sori took up weaponry based taijutsu. Kata took up medical jutsu.

The boys also noticed that it have been 5 years of actual time yet they still looked like when they had 5 years ago. There bodys aged very slowly now and they only had aged half a year instead of 5 years.

The boys continued training they grew stronger and they though that no one could beat them. They grew coky and that lead to there first defeat. The man that they lost to was named wyn. He was also somewhat of a wanderer but he was powerful very powerful. Even with some of there most devistating attacks but the man simple just found his way out of them or just stood back up. The boys were shocked at how powerful this man was and accepted there loss. They parted the boys coming off with knowledge that there we people of power that could still challenge them.

The boys using the loss as a inspiration to get stronger trained even harder. They soon brought themselves to a whole new level of powers. They had risen in rank in the bingo book to one of the top 25 highest bountys. They smirked as people came after them almost everday it seemed. The people that were sent out never made it back to there people who they worked for. Well alive that is. They killed mericlessly anyone who tried to attack them. The bodys were discovered in a village horibble warped beyond what any normal people could belive. These boys slowly rose higher through the bingo book. After that they reached 8th on the bingo book. This pleased the kids this showed they were feared. They werent criminals really they didnt want to kill everyone they just wanted to live there lives.

The Boys had lived there memoriless lives for 8 years they seemed like the same way when the sorikata was infused. They seemed like there body had aged only a single year not 8.

One day however the 2 boys ended up fighting eachother. The fight somehow ended up as the form of the sorikata showing itself as all 4 components were combined into a single enity. It ravaged a few villages before it was difused back into the 4 components. Kata and sori awoken a day later they had no memories except that they somehow merged and then it blanked out on them. All they knew was that they had a new trump card as they walked back through the destruction.

The next few days they developed slightly more ability's in wich there powers grew they cause a little bit more destruction to test out there powers. This brought them to a powerful 4th on the bingo book. This sent even more people after them. These people also met there demise and were hanged at towns highest point as a example. There victioms held there mark of being completely warped even when it came to the physical body or even the spirutual and chakra network.

It had been 10 years they had learned there powers somewhat well. They decided they would like to have some more people to help them out. They used there reputation to bring in people to learn under them. Kata was a good and powerful smart teacher teaching medical jutsu and some strategys and some water jutsu. Sori taught weapons and taijutsu. They also set up a council where they would hold two seats in it along with 3 other people that would hold power in a organization to try and keep wanderers under control. They also wanted to give them some what of a structured life without being under the control and having to stay loyal to a village. This was also a way to allow them to train with other wanderers and create senseiship with stronger wanderers in what they specialized.

More specialized

Kata and sori's traveled through many of the hidden villages and when they did Kata took his time and urged his brother to learn jutsu from them.

There travels through konoha: They met a man named wyn and they battled. They battled hard but the man wyn no matter how hard they tried would not falter he just stood back up with his odd green bunny and kept on fighting. This battle lasted what seemed days but really only took a matter of 6 hours. The boys were sprawled out on the ground and the man called wyn had his sword ready to strike. He then smiled and let his sword fall backwards with him falling with it. The battle itself wyn had won but the true victory was to show kata and sori that they were still beatable.

There travels through otogakure: In this village kata and sori went undercover to learn of oto's abilitys and there new supposed uprising in power. This is where kata learned some of the more newely designed healing jutsu. They were found out somehow and chased out of the village they killed about 20 ninja during there escape.

There travels through Hidden waterfall: They spent some time in this village. Kata was inspired by there water jutsu and wanted to learn some. He only had time however before sori dragged him along to learn one of there most precious jutsu's after going undercover for about 5 months.

There travels through kiri: This place was very deserted and it was decided that this would be Sori and Kata's base of operations where they would bring in and teach wanderers into a well organized super power.

Speciality: Medical jutsu Elementalist Kenjutsu
Learned jutsus: Will link soon
Elements: Water(dom) Fire(reccessive)
Weapons/items: Kiani & hitso
To return there memorys and gain more power.

Posts : 716
Points : -9821
Reputation : -10012
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 32

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