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trail to sandvillage

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trail to sandvillage Empty trail to sandvillage

Post by narutah lucahrio Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:07 am

Narutah hade a strange face now he thought kratos hatd him so to be nice narutah wavedback and said"bye kratos i hope one day we will get to fight"he sai with a smile then he looked at akuma then kratos agin and started skating threw the gate
narutah lucahrio
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trail to sandvillage Empty Re: trail to sandvillage

Post by stone hearted shedemon Sun Jan 11, 2009 4:56 pm

Akuma blinked at Kratos as he appeared in front of them and just nodded at him in silence, she watched him turn away and let her ears droop as she continued walking with Narutah. Her face masked all the confused thoughts and emotions that was causing turmoil in her head.
stone hearted shedemon
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trail to sandvillage Empty Re: trail to sandvillage

Post by narutah lucahrio Mon Jan 12, 2009 4:31 pm

Narutah started to skat backwards looking at Akuma and said "hey why the long face Akuma"he said with a concerned voice he also was still thinking about he blood licking thing he looked at her and kept skating waiting for her response
narutah lucahrio
narutah lucahrio

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trail to sandvillage Empty Re: trail to sandvillage

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:56 pm

"Hmm?" She snapped out of her thoughts and smiled when she saw Narutah showing off and her ears perked up again. "Oh, just thinking about things is all. I'll definatly miss you when I leave though." she smiled again and kept walking beside him.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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trail to sandvillage Empty Re: trail to sandvillage

Post by narutah lucahrio Wed Jan 14, 2009 4:31 pm

Narutah smiled and said "well ill realy miss you to"narutah said with a smile.but thats when things went from bad to worse they came to a brige an saw it was shakey and wobilly they were almost to the desert of the sand village narutah looked at the bridge and made a clone the clone easly walked aross so narutah steped on it and it cracked and fell. narutah was now falling into a river narutah put chakra in his skates and tried to go up the side of the wall but it was slippery narutah then said"akuma help"
narutah lucahrio
narutah lucahrio

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trail to sandvillage Empty Re: trail to sandvillage

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Jan 14, 2009 4:40 pm

Akuma froze in place, eyes so wide they were in danger of popping out of her head. Her tail stood on end and so did her ears. Her muscles all tensed up and she was struggling to breath, her whole body twitched and shivered violently. Hearing Narutah cry for help snapped her out of it, she gulped and ran forward, lying flat on her stomach and reaching out a hand for him to grab hold of, her tail wrapping around a small shrub to keep her from the water. "Grab on!"
stone hearted shedemon
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trail to sandvillage Empty Re: trail to sandvillage

Post by narutah lucahrio Wed Jan 14, 2009 4:45 pm

Narutah reache out for her but he slipped and was falling headfirst into the river he made shadow clones but they poped an sliped narutah landed hard in a river and the current was so strong a couldt get out he was slamed aganst rocks and and walls tyynig to stay above water riaku was ontop of his head narutah grabed riaku with both hands to keep him from going under then he saw a realy bi waterfall he then looked back at akuma and yeilded "akuma catch riaku"he said as he threw him at her geting ready to fall off the waterfall
narutah lucahrio
narutah lucahrio

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trail to sandvillage Empty Re: trail to sandvillage

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:05 pm

Suddenly, a gust of a high powered wind came across the two, as red leaves flew through the gustly wind. It was Kratos that appeared inside of the gust, as it then died down to nothing but mear wind. Kratos examined Narutah's and Akuma's position, as he simply focused normal chakra to his feet, and walked downwards the steep cliff. He grabbed Narutah, embracing him in his arms of protection. "I got you, kid."He said, smiling down victoriously to him. He looked upwards, as he walked forwards and up the cliff, coming to the surface. He chucked Narutah upwards as the child landed saftly on the land.

Kratos smiled and got himself up as well, dispercing the focused chakra to he could regain more. He stood up straight and looked down at him, "You okay?"He asked, as he bent down to his height, whispering in a serious tone, "You need to be more careful."
Shin Uchiha
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trail to sandvillage Empty Re: trail to sandvillage

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:21 pm

Akuma caught Raiku and went to go after Narutah, but the wind caught her offgaurd and she knelt down to protect the little animal. She looked up to see Kratos holding Narutah and putting him down gently. She stood up and made for the two of them, still holding Raiku protectivly, she stopped a few feet from them. She looked dissapointed with herself, ears back and tail tucked between her legs. "I'm sorry Naru-kun...I ... I uh.." She couldn't finish her sentance, she was too embarrased and angry at herself she had to keep her mouth shut.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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trail to sandvillage Empty Re: trail to sandvillage

Post by narutah lucahrio Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:23 pm

Narutah got a mad look as he shoke all the water off him and said "i didnt need your help"he said coldly as he skated by akuma then he looked at him and said "what are you doing here anyway"he said as he looked at him coldly then he said "and also dont treat me like a kid"
narutah lucahrio
narutah lucahrio

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trail to sandvillage Empty Re: trail to sandvillage

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:34 pm

Kratos chuckled and smirked a bit, whisking his hair out of his eyes. His smirk turned into a soft smile, as he tilted his head to the side slightly, "Now now, thats no way to thank someone that pretty much just saved your life." He then looked at Akuma with a warm smile, telling her everything was alright through a simple face expression. He turned his head to Narutah again, with the same soft smile, "Im here to make sure nothing bad happens."
Shin Uchiha
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trail to sandvillage Empty Re: trail to sandvillage

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:10 pm

She said nothing and let Narutah have Raiku back, not looking at him directly. "I'll carry on on my own, Narutah, you can go back to the village with Kratos, I don't want you getting hurt on my account." She kept her head down and turned back the other way, heading up stream to find a safer place to cross.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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trail to sandvillage Empty Re: trail to sandvillage

Post by narutah lucahrio Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:49 pm

Narutah watched as she walked off then looked at kratos then took off and then walked byy akuma and walked with her he looked at her and said "i told you ill protect you with my life"he said with a smileas he bit ishand and marked blood on his headband thats a promise until i die then he leaned by her and said "between you and mean i kinda dont turst kratos alot yet"
narutah lucahrio
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trail to sandvillage Empty Re: trail to sandvillage

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Jan 14, 2009 7:20 pm

Kratos watched Narutah take off, as he sighed and shook his head. He began to walk towards Akuma and Narutah once again, walking on Akuma's other side. He smiled towards the two, as he heared clearly what Narutah had said even if he whispered to her. "You know, I never said you had to trust me. If you wish to not befriend a poweful Jounin who can save your butt anytime, thats fine with me."He said in a logical tone, knowing that Narutah would be more safe with him around, if they became allied. He then turned his attention to Akuma, and told her comfortinly, "I dont want to leave you and Narutah out here in between the crossing of Suna and Konoha... There are serious villians out here who could easly kill you both."
Shin Uchiha
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trail to sandvillage Empty Re: trail to sandvillage

Post by stone hearted shedemon Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:20 pm

Akuma growled in frustration. "I am aware that the both of you are worried but I can take care of myself!" She snapped at them, walking ahead and stopped to face them both, glaring at them. "I'm not like other gennin, I'll be fine, just leave me alone!" She didn't mean to yell at them but it was done, she turned on her heal and marched off, breaking into an all fours run, her tail circling behind her as she gained speed.
stone hearted shedemon
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trail to sandvillage Empty Re: trail to sandvillage

Post by narutah lucahrio Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:48 pm

Narutah smiled as she took off he looked at kraots with a smile and said well later dude and diseaperaed into the wind he reappeared in front of akuma skating backwards andsaid later then diseapered into the leafs of a tree he hade to quickly get back home
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trail to sandvillage Empty Re: trail to sandvillage

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:58 pm

Kratos sighed, more yelling as it came at him. He shook his head and made a series of handsigns, "Spiritual Transformation."He said quietly with a deep and intence voice. He then transformed into his spirit form; a red wolf with large eagle wings, red feathers. He then howled out into the sun, then calming down and looking forwards. He used his eagle like vision to watch Akuma run, as if it werent even close to what he would call running or sprinting.

He then leaped into the air and began to soar at different angles, saftly flying above Akuma, watching down on her as his paws were set to give him great and accurate speed.
Shin Uchiha
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trail to sandvillage Empty Re: trail to sandvillage

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:59 pm

Kratos had been between the crossroads of Suna and Konoha, but suddenly, his neck mic began to buzz. He clicked it on with his paw, as he was in spirit form. An ANBU shinobi told him urgently that there were demons attacking Konoha. He growled as he turned his body, causing him to change in air in a new direction. Kratos flapped his wings harder and faster, picking up a strong gust of wind from behind him, as he smiled and began to glide even faster, coming closer and closer to Konoha's gates.

OOC: sorry for the double post, there is trouble in Konoha.
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