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Tarou Kamijo (In Progress)

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Tarou Kamijo (In Progress) Empty Tarou Kamijo (In Progress)

Post by Tarou Kamijo Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:44 am

Name: Tarou Kamijo

Age: 17

Rank: Genin


Appearance: Modern kind of with several piercings.

Personality: Quiet. Calm. Relaxed. Determined.

History: Tarou was born and raised as a normal child. At age 4 his father walked out leavign his mother to care for him.As the years progressed Tarou tried to do what he could.By age 11 his mother had passed on and he decided to take on the world by himself.

After walking the streets for many years he settled in his village. There he practiced skills hoping to take out past aggressions through strength.( History will be lengthened eventually)

Learned jutsus:

Weapons/items: Electric Knives.

Goals: Has no specific goals

Tarou Kamijo (In Progress) Death Tarou Kamijo (In Progress) Death-2

Tarou Kamijo

Posts : 1
Points : 0
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2009-01-10

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