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Ratecan Bloodline

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Ratecan Bloodline Empty Ratecan Bloodline

Post by Tarak Fri Jan 09, 2009 12:36 am

Name of the Kekkei Genkai: Mitsudogan/Ichijigan

Type of Kekkei Genkai: eye trait

Rank: Genin (Mitsudogan) / Chunin (Ichijigan)

Main trait:(mitsudogan) their bloodline trait was specialized for years after being kicked from the island home, and is an eye trait allowing slightly enhanced movement reading, and in the more advanced state allows to see through left eye like an x-ray almost, seeing slight faults in bone, and concealed movements and weapons, it manifests itself as a darker orange left eye with a gash through the middle and two dots at the sides (always like that), when active the right eye turns gold, and the left eye goes through five stages, first black gashes form from the black spots of the left eye, then, in the second stage they link to the pupil causing the black to look like a shuriken, then four new small gashes form, and in the final level, black curlicues link the gashes to the black, in between them it turns a light blue, and veins appear in the white of the eye, focusing at the four prongs that formed in the third stage, and lastly the white of the eye turns black (from the iris outward). The majority of "special" techniques they use are pinpoint attacks on the bone structure.
Secondary trait: (Ichijigan) their bloodline also manifests itself when the user has a sufficient skill level and understanding of themselves and their main bloodline trait (chunin rank). Once they meet these mental requirements a reaction happens, causing a second trait to manifest in their left eye. This trait that manifests is a control of limited time/space techniques. When the user prepares to use their time/space techniques their right eye changes, retaining the effects and look from the fully released main bloodline. The look of the right eye changes as such: A vortex-hurricane pattern forms over the eye, from the corner of the white of the eye to the opposite corner (this pattern is where the design on the clan’s headband came from) these lines glow a faint blue over the black in the white of the eye and the gold-colored iris. Then, stemming from the pupil, and hourglass-looking shape forms in the iris, this glows a bright white. And the black pupil sits in the middle of it, making it almost look like an hourglass being warped in it’s center. (this part of this bloodline negates the users natural elemental chakra while active, not allowing their body to focus it.)

Weakness: If the main trait is used for too long a period of time their eye will stop picking up the waves given out to be able to see this, and they will be blind in one eye for a period of time. If the secondary trait is used to much it will speed the users aging and/or cause their body to degrade unnaturally, though supposedly some members have managed to reverse these affects shortly before death, though it's unknown if these rumors are true or not. another risk in using these techniques is that if you aren't properly focused that you could accidentally open a rift in space and drag yourself into the rift, or completely screw up your phasing with time, causing your self to actually cease to exist. (On a lighter note, the first trait can't see through very dense objects, but can still pick up things through things like wood and dirt)


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Ratecan Bloodline Empty Re: Ratecan Bloodline

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Jan 09, 2009 12:43 am

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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