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Tenshu Hitokoki

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Tenshu Hitokoki Empty Tenshu Hitokoki

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:36 am

Name of the Kekkei Genkai: Tenshu Hitotoki (Time from the gods)

Type of Kekkei Genkai: Molecular Manipulation

Rank: D-S(D-B through the running (taijutsu) ability, C-S through the molecular (ninjutsu) ability)

Description: Considered one of the fastest kekkei genkai's and possiblity the most deadliest out of the three speed kekkei genkai's (other kekkei genkai's include the Chisoku and the other unknown one), the Tenshu Hitotoki is the advance movement of Caelum's body running there bodies at high speeds. The speeds are so intense that even a light jog for them is 120% sprint for a regular shinobi or even a supernatural being. Even at the beginning stage of learning how to master, they have a faster sprint, run or even jogging pace, its because naturally the Caelum can run with or without the activation of the kekkei genkai. A master of the Caelum clans running ability can run at mid-distance in a couple of seconds without strain. A rarity is when someone can actually run at extremely long distance without activating the kekkei genkai (Kyouken's side of the family) The movement works like so, the Caelum begins to run, sometimes they leave an aftertrail behind them (depending how fast they move). The aftertrail fades after two seconds or so. While they run, they can move but not attack for attacking cause's more work, they would literally stop and run to attack, however being a taijutsu, there is only a few moves that allow them to make a quick attack (a quick slash of the blade for example). Although it seems as though they are teleporting, there muscle movement and there bodies move at such high of speeds that it is impossible to track unless you are in one of the three speed clans. The kekkei genkai also allows the body to become tangible for a brief moment by vibrating the molecules of there human body phasing through mostly everything. The Tenshu Hitotoki is a running ability mostly, in the lower form (or basic of mostly all Caelums) the person leaves a after trail of themself (For example look at sig, Kyouken leaves a blue trail based on his hair). The Caelum is able to move on the ground, from ground to air and move from air to ground in a instanteous movement. Reason for this is, they can press on air molecules and use that as a support platform. The more advanced form allows them to move from across a land in a period of seconds. The more refined of the Tenshu Hitokoki running ability is that the Caelum is able to move faster and faster the more times it is use at a very fast and unstable pace. (simular to a regular person running, the more conditioning the more faster that person gets). However, one weakness of this is that if the Caelum's leg is somewhat distorted either by a medical ninjutsu ability, then the running ability is lowered drastically.

One of the more refined abilities is there ability to manipulate other molecules by rapidly changing them by touch. The Caelum member grabs on to any item and begins to rapidly change the age of the item or the molecules, damaging them through the molecules for the molecules begin to rub against each other at such a fast rate that the either the item (i.e a human being) is burned do to the amount of friction caused by the molecules. Molecules that are surrounding the Caelum's body can also be affected i.e using the ability of water ninjutsu, the Caelum can affect the molecules to either make it spiraling hot or intensely cold, same goes for the other elements (excempting the sixth element). Elements that deal with the periodic table are also affected, elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, carbon etc, are also affected since molecules.

Secret techinque and Final "Perfected" Tenshu Kanshiki Hitotoki (Time from the judgement of the gods)

A legendary member of the clan (possibly Atrum Caelum) obtain this power of the most powerful Tenshu Hitotoki, its power was so great that it allowed him to obtain the position "leader" to the clan (Simular to how Madara obtain the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan to become leader). It was unknown on what is power allowed him to do but until Nokutisu obtain this ability, it was recorded by him. It is only obtain when someone that is blood brother or sister and transfer there power of their Tenshu Hitokoki before there death to another relative or a close 'brother' or 'sister' relationship. This can only when the person knows that he is about to death. The power is dormint if the Caelum is still alive but unlocks itself when the person is officially dead. The power releases all over there body. Considered the Tenshu Kanshiki Hitokoki, the most powerful and ultimately dangerous ability to have for any Caelum. This ability drasticially increases the speed of the current user, a 400% increase in speed to be exact. It varies from user to user though, some might be able to use the molecular manipulation much stronger than others but there mostly a certain jump in speed. A special form that is allowed called Difensou Kouki (Final Defense) where the Caelum uses his speed to creat a pure and legitmate copy of him or herself out of the molecules surrounding them. Unlike a clone, it cannot perform jutsus but allows the person to use the kekkei genkai. When it came to Kyouken's special form, he chose to continue to increase his ability called the Unlimited Potential ability. It allows him to continue to increase in speed. It doesnt have any risk like the Difensou Kouki where it wears down the body to a point of exhaustion and such deathly fatigue that it would be point in using that. Thankfully, Kyouken pertains the Unlimted Potential ability.

Weakness: Considered one of the fastest kekkei genkai's in history and deadliest, there are some boundaries to it. For the more longer and more reached distance, at times when the Caelum's human body is at not at least 40% at its max, it takes a re-charge time for them to do a long travel distance. Even in a short distant travel, there is alos a re-charge time (much shorter than the long distance travel re-charge time). However the ability to ignore the charge time is available for those who specialize in it (Noctis, Volo specialize in parts of the Ninjutsu). He can continue on running at the same speed without running, however, if he continues not to let it re-charge, the running will slow down, not drastically but slowly.From genin to chuunin, without the proper protocols of training both physical and mental status, the user's body can only travel so long at a long distance. The more condition and training one's body takes, the faster and long lasting the ability is. If the user, who is unproperly train, goes at full speed for a period of time (say for example, the Caelum user goes all out for four-five post) then he/she will have a ten post recharge in order to gain back up to 50%, it takes 20 post to fully gain back to 100%. For the molecular ability, the vibration of their bodies is only limited a few times for the molecules of there bodies are sometimes not stable and using it too much would cause damage to there body. The refined molecule manipulation is a extremely powerful and deadly form of the Tenshu Hitotoki, the lower form (affecting elementals) does not entirely affect the chakra but the elements are much more difficult to learn

Last edited by Kyouken Uchiha on Sun Jul 05, 2009 8:42 am; edited 11 times in total (Reason for editing : Got rid of the time ability)
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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Points : 500
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Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 33
Location : Akron, Ohio

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