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Raida Ryochi

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Raida Ryochi Empty Raida Ryochi

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:02 pm

Name: Raida Ryochi

Age: 16

Rank: Genin

Village: Kumo


Personality: Someone born in the year of the Boar is usually honest, straightforward and a patient person. They are a modest, shy character who prefers to work quietly behind the scenes. When others despair, they are often there to offer support. This type of person is reserved with those they do not know too well, but as time passes and they gain confidence, those around them may discover a lively and warm-hearted person behind that mask of aloofness. Despite those born in the year of the Boar having a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, they have few close friends who understand them and share their inner thoughts and feelings. It is easy to put trust in Boars; they won't let you down and will never even attempt to do so. Such people simply want to do everything right according to social norms.[9]
It is important to remember that these people are not vengeful creatures. If someone tries to take advantage of them, the Boars tend to withdraw to reflect on the problem and protect themselves. All they need in such situations is a little time to find a constructive way to respond.[9]
There is a tolerant and peaceful side to their character. Such people are never afraid to allow others their freedom of expression; they do not want to cause arguments and if there is any way to avoid arguing, they will probably take this option. However, they are not weak and if the situation forces them to fight, these people will rise to the occasion, whether it is to defend themselves or those close to them


Being Raised - Baby: When Raida was born, he was the type of kid that got into everything. He was very curious about almost everything. At the time, nothing had caused him to become bored. He always got bruised, scratched, and injured, but nothing stopped him from being curious. Not until one dreadful night of his past, this caused everything about him to break out into mayhem. But...That will be explained more soon. As a baby, as said, he was curious. Because of that, one day when his parents went outside with Raida, and just glanced away, Raida had ventured off. An old man's sheathed sword grabbed Raida's shirt and lifted him into the air by the sheath. He managed to find out where Raida's parents were. He held Raida up, hanging by the sheath, in front of them. His mother grabbed him. Raida reached back towards the man, grabbed the sheath, and pulled on it, revealing the blade. It was backwards. Of course, Raida didn't know that yet, because that was the first sword he'd ever truly seen at the time. The man grabbed the sheath back. Raida's mother started to yell at Raida. Raida kept staring at the man, who just disappeared. Since this time it had been Raida's goal to become a swordsman.

Being Raised - Kid: A little older, now around 6, Raida had a wooden sword and had been training with it. All he had really done though is swing it randomly as strong as he could. As he swung the sword at a tree, the sword snapped and the broken bit fell to the ground. Raida was still very curious, and this had been the first time having it break, so he continued hitting the tree with only the handle of his sword. Raida's hands were bloody by the end of the day. He knew not to do that again. After showing his parents, they grinned at his effort, which was obviously shown on his hands, and then grabbed some bandages and wrapped Raida's hands in it. They had a conversation if he knew how to control his sword. He nodded, and talked about how 'strong' he swung the sword. He wasn't really aware of any styles yet, and thought swordsman just randomly swung their sword in a random angle hoping to hit. He was in for a surprise though...

Being Raised - Academy Graduation: Raida had now been in the academy. Eventually he graduated. He was 12 when he did. He still lived in Suna at the time. He went to tell his parents. They were really happy. As a gift for becoming a real ninja, they bought him a real sword. By now he knew what real swords were, and was able to still look back in time and remember the reverse blade sword. He didn't really know what it was called, he just knew it was backwards, so he got a normal sword. From that point he practiced with that on trees. After an entire month he still hadn't been able to get even a fourth the way through the tree. That just gave him motivation to try harder. He still swung the sword at random angles, as hard as he could, though.

The Slaughter - Family's Death: A shiver went down Raida's back as he ran home from a mission, the winds of Suna making him extremely cold. He was now 13. It was his 13th birthday, and he raced home hoping not to be late. He was in for a surprise later that night, though. When he arrived home the house smelled of rosemary and spices of all sorts he entered the kitchen where his mother was busy preparing dinner. She looked at him and left the room for a second. In that second Raida went over to the stove pulled a random container smelled it and then put a dash of the substance in it. He then put the container back in its place and left the room as her mother reentered the kitchen. She was oblivious to the thing Raida had added. The night went on as a normal night until dinner came around The entire family showed up grandparents and uncles all showed up for his birthday. When they sat down at the table to eat the soup smelled delicious it was Raida's favorite. When it was passed out Raida didn't touch it he waited for the presents to make a appearance. However before they showed up everyone at the party who ate the soup (everyone beside Raida) began choking up. Raida looked at his family members his mouth gaping open. Then his mother spoke up to Raida and she said "Help us Raida help us!!!!" she said while she was grasping for breath. She looked at Raida pain in her eyes and she let out with groping shutters of breath. "Raida... Take your sword... Kill us... Were going to die anyway... PUT... Us... Out... Of our misery..." She said then suddenly she collapsed her hand landing on the sword that was under the table it had a red bow on it and it was his present. Raida held the sword tears falling down his cheeks He stuttered a little then he slashed down the sword piercing through the neck of his mother. Blood shot out from the wound and covered his sword and it trickled down its length of metal and touched his hands. Raida Shrieked at this as the blood of his mother was still warm. Raida almost lost his composure went to his father and thrust his blade threw the now shaking body of his father. The sword pierced through his father and cut out the other side. When he tried to remove the blade after his father stopped breathing and moving instantly the blade wouldn't budge. He jerked and twisted the blade and then it finally jerked out and it brought blood out and it covered Raida's clothes. He looked down at his blade and shivered once again he then just fell to the ground. He held his blade up to his throat and then let out a shiver as he still hadn't finished with what his mother had told him to do. He got back up and killed his uncle and the rest of his family members slowly one at a time. At the end he was covered in blood and he was on the table in the very center he had his sword in his hands up to his throat. He was going to kill himself so he told himself. He however was unable to go through with it. He dropped the sword on the center of the table and got up and left the house and ran through the village.

His New Life of Fear and Self Loathing: After the night that he would call for the rest of his life The Slaughter, he left Suna. It held memories of the night and he couldn't even think clearly until he was out of the village. He now held a hatred of blood and wants to never see it again. He had left his sword in Suna and hopefully his love of swords. He spent time in a hotel far away from anyone, he was thinking. One day he finally had a revelation that would be his new life. He would never kill again he would repent for his sins that he had committed. Raida went to a village of Kirigakure, it was a village of criminals and supposedly one were the people of the village were treated like crap that you just want to scrape off. He, however, once arrived in the village found out that it was now peaceful and very kind. The people of the village walked with smiles and the children ran and played throughout the village. Raida wondered what had brought the change that had happened to the village. He asked around the village and he was told that the peace had been brought to them by a group of people that were leaded by a man named Stefan.

Raida's New Master and the Reverse Blade Sword: Raida went to the former Mizukage's office hopping to find the man named Stefan or someone who knew where he was. When he opened the door he right away had a sword held up to his neck. Raida closed his eyes and said "this is it this is my death" The sword then was instantly removed from his throat and re-sheathed Raida sighed and he stared at the man who had used the sword. The man had green hair was fairly tall and well built. Raida asked the man his name and the man replied "Stefan". This man after Raida bugging him for a month finally agreed for him to train under him. However once he agreed he said he was leaving Kiri and going somewhere else and he could follow him if he wanted. Raida did so and after a few months of traveling Stefan came back one night with two swords both of them were reversed in there blades he gave one to Raida and kept the other telling him that he would teach him a style when he got to Konoha.

Raida's New Life in Kumo and a Chunnin Exam: When they got into Kumo Raida was welcomed by the villagers and so was Stefan everyday they practiced and soon Raida was placed into a squad of Genin. The squad was a normal one and he still had lessons from Stefan constantly in the style known as Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu style. He began learning all of its techniques and how to use it with his wind element. However after a month of being in Konoha he was picked for the Chunnin exams. The first round was him and his Squad mates in a forest after scrolls they accomplished this and got there other scroll and passed that test. In the Chunnin exams second round Raida took a wound to the stomach and began to bleed then all Hell broke loose so you could say. Raida did something he flipped his reverse blade sword and he slashed at the kid leaving deep cuts that gurgled with blood after Raida stopped. The kid fell to the ground and medics rushed onto the field and they checked the kid out they said he would live but he would never be able to do taijutsu again. Raida after showing his anger he was failed in an instant without going through the 3rd round as everyone had become scared at what he had done and he showed he had no control. Raida however failed the chunnin exam

Learned jutsus: Hiten mistrugi ryu (wind style) Summoning jutsu (pig)

Weapons/items: Reverse blade sword

Goals: To never see his own blood again

Posts : 716
Points : -9821
Reputation : -10012
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 32

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Raida Ryochi Empty Re: Raida Ryochi

Post by Kenshi Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:13 pm



Posts : 1401
Points : 629
Reputation : 29
Join date : 2008-11-19
Age : 33
Location : Apopka, Florida

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