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Trials(for Zen only)

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Trials(for Zen only) Empty Trials(for Zen only)

Post by Zen Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:48 pm

A rush of wind was heard as somone was moving swiftly to their destination,jumping on and off branches as the shinobi then stopped infront of what appeared to be the bottom of a cliff. Zen stared at it for some time with his right eye"this should be the right place if I remember correctly"Zen thought as he then grabbed his headband closing his right eye before lifting it up. He then opened his eyes agian showing his kekkei genkai as his golden eyes flashed,he carefully scanned the cliff infront of him and then noticing a doorway he walked up close and then quickly did a few handsigns before placing his paws on the door. He then moved away from the door and lowered his paws as it slowly opened up to him,he walked up to the now open entrance and looked down seeing a staricase and torches on the side lit up instantly. Zen stood still for a momment as if deciding what to do,he then took a deep breath and entered and as soon as he was on the first step the door in a flash sealed up behind him.

"Well...guess im gonna have to find another way out of here when im done"Zen thought as he then went down the staries. It seemed like a long time but really it was just a few minutes when he finally reached the end he stood in what seemed to be a tomb of some sort,he looked at the floor seeing a symbol of a wolf howling and it crossed with two kunai. He walked up and stood on it and no sooner had he did a deep voice rang out to address him"welcome young wolf ninja where you are now is where you shall be taking your trials,infront of you are three doors walk through one of them and you will be faced with a test that shall put you to your limits with your body,mind and spirit fail two of these tests and you shall never be allowed to take them agian"the deep voice explained. Zen was about to comment when the voice spoke agian"however....when you complete each test you shall become stronger and more powerful then before,now choose and may the wolves guide you"the deep voice said before fading out.

Zen then looked infront of him seeing the three doors and took a deep breath" goes nothing"Zen thought as he then walked into the first door on his left as it sealed behind him,it was the test of the mind.
Anbu Captain
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Trials(for Zen only) Empty Re: Trials(for Zen only)

Post by Zen Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:35 pm

1st Test:The test of mind

Zen continued to walk down what seemed to be a long hallway before finally reaching the end only to be met with what looked like a maze. He scanned it over with his right eye seeing how high the walls around him acutally were"hmm...a maze eh? and I bet I have to run through it,well better get started then"Zen thought as he then started to run through the maze. As he started though he didn't relize a floor tile sinking in which would set off traps throughout the maze,but Zen himself did not know that yet. Zen turned a corner going through different pathways,but then his ears perked up as he then stopped and jumped back narrowly avoiding be crushed by a giant hammer coming from above. "Hmm...guess this is gonna be a challenge"Zen thought as he then ran when the hammer was going up,as he kept going arrows shot out at him from the walls. He kept running through and then near the end he leaped up slightly into the air and spun his body as a few arrows went right past his fur before landing on the safe side of the walls.

Zen continued to move swiftly taking turns and some wrong turns but always getting back to where he was and making the right turn althought when he went over the ground a trap door opened up and he almost fell it but luckily caught the end just in time to save himself from being fried by lava. He pulled himself up and then started agian,he then stopped after awhile to catch his breath from narrowly avoiding the traps,he looked up and saw the exit. Zen then took off once more see the end,but suddenly the floor caved in and some pindulums came around and started to swing although there was a wooden pole in the middle so Zen could get to the other side. The wolf ninja took a deep breath and back up till he reached the end of the wall behind him,he then took off running quick and swift and then near the legde he jumped up,and everything seemed to slow down the blades crossing eachother as Zen used his paw and grabbed the wooden pole and pushing himself off to the other side as the blades crossed agian. Everything then went back to normal for him it seemed and the test was completed,he wipped his forehead and stood up,but as he stood up he was instantly teleported back to the room he started it,the door on his left closing and two remaning. He stretched out his body and closed his right eye thinking before opening it agian"well can't stop now"Zen thought as he then walked through the middle door,it sealing behind him just like the first.

Last edited by Zen on Fri Jun 05, 2009 12:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Trials(for Zen only) Empty Re: Trials(for Zen only)

Post by Zen Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:42 pm

2nd Test:The test of spirit

Just like the first test Zen was walking down a long hallway,only this one on both walls showed his past on one side and the present on the other side. He looked at each one seeing his family and clan brethern alive on one and the other seeing his life as a jounin and anbu with all of his friends and brother with him. Zen then soon arrived to what seemed to be two pathways which were dark and it seemed to have no end,his ears flattened abit confused" what?"Zen thought. His ears then perked up as he heard what seemed to be two noises from both ends of the two hallways,his right eye then widened as he saw his parents come out the left hallway and his old mentor Kakashi come out the other. " can't be.."Zen thought as he was struck with suprise at seeing them,Kakashi was the first to speak staring at him lazily"Zen you now have to choose between your duty to the village or your family but choose one for only the right one can you get out of this"Kakashi explained his arms crossed.

His mother Rhia nodded"yes you must choose,but choose quickly you only have a limited ammount of time"Rhia said smiling at her son. Zen was just staring at them confused and suprised unable to say anything before shaking his head"wait wait,so I can't choose both of you only one?"Zen asked,they both nodded. Zen thought for a momment thinking back to the time he had spent with his clan and then spent with the village,he thought of his friends and then also thought of his family. Of course one hand he did have all his family in the clan,but on the other he had his friends and his brother which togeather they were like his 2nd family,he was hard for him to choose but he knew he had to. He stared at Kakashi and his mother finally have his descion,he looked to Kakashi"I choose my duty to my village to protect the ones that are my family and my friends..."Zen said looking at the copy ninja,he smiled underneath his mask"you pass"Kakashi said as him and Rhia then disappeared.

Zen was then transported back to the main room he started in,the middle door closing and then turning to the final door,he knew it would be harder then the last two but he was ready. "Well....can't give up now,not when im close.."Zen thought as he then walked through the 3rd and final door to the last test.
Anbu Captain
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Trials(for Zen only) Empty Re: Trials(for Zen only)

Post by Zen Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:45 pm

3rd Test: The test of the body

Zen vs Minato part:1

This time Zen walked through the door and straight into what looked to be like a large arena lit up by torches,he looked around seeing the walls craved in some art form. His ears then perked up and forward hearing footsteps as he swiftly turned his head to the other end of the arena showing another doorway,he stood ready for anything holding his ground as he waited to face whatever it was that was coming out. His right eye then widened as he saw the 4th hokage himself walk out onto the arena across from the wolf ninja,it was quiet for a momment before Minato started to speak. "I must admit Zen,I didn't think you would get this far but it seems you do have greatness in you as both a ninja and leader now for your final test,you must beat me in combat"Minato explained with his arms crossed. Zen looked confused and he shook his head"wait hold on a second,I can't possibly beat you your the 4th hokage"Zen said looking at him,Minato just shook his head"no you are wrong Zen,hokage is just a title and not everything is impossible you can beat me you just have to belive that you can"Minato said.

Zen just stared for a few momments pondering over the words of the 4th hokage,he nodded slightly as his face then turned serious as he grabbed his headband closing his right eye and lifting it up,opening them agian showing his golden eyes. Minato then lowered his arms and suddenly disappeared instantly without a trace,Zen's eyes widened"damn is that the...."Zen then suddenly turned around only to be met with a fist to the chest making him go flying back and hitting the wall. He groaned abit in pain as he got up spiting out some blood"damn....that is,the flying thunder god techqinue..."Zen thought as he stared at Minato who looked right back. Zen then grabbed a kunai and threw it at Minato who deflected it with his own kunai and then clashed his kunai against Zen's right before it hit his chest,a fist then hit his chest but Zen refused to go down which caught Minato by suprise.

Zen then smirked and broke the lock hitting the ground and doing a sweep kick making Minato lose his balence before then being kicked in the chest sliding across the arena floor. He then put away his kunai and quickly made handsigns"fire blaze jutsu!"three streams of fire then shot out aiming down at Minato,but with his speed he quickly disappeared just before the flames had hit and reappearing on the left side of Zen a few feet away. Minato then once agian disappeared and Zen quickly turning around blocking a kick to his head,but unable to react in time to getting kicked in the side and being thrown off and sliding across the floor,Zen growled abit but he shrugged off the pain he didn't feel it. He then slowly got up to his feet all the while looking at Minato who just stood there waiting for anything.
Anbu Captain
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Trials(for Zen only) Empty Re: Trials(for Zen only)

Post by Zen Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:48 pm

Zen vs Minato part:2

Zen stared at Minato with his golden eyes as he stared right back at him. Zen then quickly made handsigns"lighting/water dragon jutsu!"a large water dragon then appeared also having a lighting effect to it as it then charged at the 4th hokage. Minato just stood as he saw the dragon and as it neared him he jumped up and to Zen's suprise started to run on the back of the dragon,as he got near he threw a kunai at Zen which he dogded by spinning quickly,and then grabbed his foot as he tried to kick him. Then manuvering his body and Zen using his own foot kicked Minato down in the chest and breaking off of the copy ninja leaping back as Zen did the same.

The two looked at eachother again Zen having some scars and bleeding wound in his arm from when he was kicked back by the flying thunder god jutsu,Minato however had little to no scratches or wounds on him,except for the one when he was kicked in the chest and onto the ground as he bled alittle from his mouth. "Well Zen I didn't think you would last this long,but I suppose it would be time to end this would you think?"Minato asked as he then disappeared instantly. Zen quickly noticing what he was going to do,turned around and grabbed his foot just as he was about to be kicked again he held it tightly and then raised one arm to block a blow from his other leg. Zen then brought up both his legs and kicked the binded hokage in the back making him fly into the air,Zen then leaped up to his level and did a bicycle kick to Minato's chest but he disappeared before he was hit. He then landed and Minato appearing across from him as he turned around"now would be the time..."Minato said as he brought his right hand up and started to gather chakra. Zen looked abit confused before noticing what it was"the rasengan..."Zen thought,he then quickly brought his right arm down and gathered chakra for an inferno raikiri.
Anbu Captain
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Trials(for Zen only) Empty Re: Trials(for Zen only)

Post by Zen Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:42 am

Minato vs Zen:Part 3

Zen stared at Minato,his golden eyes flashing as the two gathered chakra for their attack. When his inferno raikiri was complete he wasted no time and rushed at the 4th hokage dragging the raikiri along the ground kicking up the ground and leaving a blaze trail of fire. Minato then ran forward aswell with his rasengan,the two came closer and closer until"Inferno Raikiri!,Rasengan!"the two then colided as he shook the whole room and a sound wave whipping across the ground breaking it apart slightly. The two kept pushing and struggling to win the lock,but since the weakness to wind was fire Zen won and what caught Minato by suprise as Zen then hit him directly on the chest with the inferno raikiri sending him flying back and crashing into part of the wall.

Zen then lowered his paw as it stung slightly and burnt somewhat,it had taken abit out of him using that attack he then heard Minato get up a hole in his chest and burn marks around him as he smiled at the wolf ninja. "Well Zen,didn't think you would beat me....I guess I underestimated you somewhat,didn't think you would beat the all powerful 4th hokage....but then agian anyone can be beaten even me,so now I bid you a farewell keep the village safe,for my sake"minato said as he then disappeared into nothingness. Zen just watched and listened to what Minato had to say while lowering his headband back down, and then watching him go,he was then transported back in the room with the now three sealed doors as they eached glowed with light.

"You have completed each task set before you,you will now be given the power that has been sealed away and forgotton"the deep voice said to Zen before fading out. Zen then stared with his right eye at the doors as they then shot out beams of light into Zen lifting him off the ground,it felt like forever but it was only an instant and as he blinked he was back on the leaf village streets. Zen did feel different however,his body felt different aswell as his mind he knew what he had to do was complete and with his new found power he would use it to defend the village.
Anbu Captain
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