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Keiteki's Custom Jutsu

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Keiteki's Custom Jutsu Empty Keiteki's Custom Jutsu

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:01 am

Name of jutsu: Shiro Enkou Nenshou (White Flame Combustion)
Rank E-S: A
Range: Mid-Far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan: Drakun (NOT Kekkei Genaki)
Element Affinity: Katon

A Jutsu known to and used only by Keiteki Drakun. This jutsu uses a large amount of chakra, which can tire a user in a single use of the jutsu, and is usually only good for a single use when used without a soilder pill. Shiro Nenshou is a Ninjutsu technique which requires the user to be a member of the Drakun Clan, because of the physical requirements of the attack, and the immense blowback of the move. The clan member will initiate a series of hand seals, and will be able to create an extremely hot, powerful white fire, which can be expelled from the mouth, with the user using both hands to direct the fire at his foe. The capacity of the fire is so high, it can incinerate weaker metals. It can completely burn away his foe, not even leaving ashes. The jutsu takes up almost 50% of the user's chakra, and is regarded as either a finishing move when the opponent has almost no chance of escape, or when required to destroy a living or non living target on a whim. Either way, the jutsu is extremely strong, and hard to dodge, but tires the user quickly.

Weakness: Uses an immense amount of chakra, more than any other of Keiteki's Jutsu.

Name of jutsu: Enkou Hashira (Flame Pillar)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan: None
Element Affinity: Katon

Enkou Hashira is a Ninjutsu Technique used by Katon utilizers. Ninja can perform the needed hand seals, and use the Katon Element to send a wave of Chakra around them, and ignite it, sending pillars of intense, extremely powerful fire up to 20 feet into the air, leaving an opening in the top for escape or entry. Enkou Hashira can be used to deflect an incoming attack, because the heat and power of the bursting fire is so intense, it can actually deflect incoming attacks, and severely burning any Taijutsu move user, or even incinerate them to death. Speaking of which, Enkou Hashira can be used to trap an opponent inside the fire, and the ninja can open a portal in the fire to enter. However, the ninja cannot close the pillars of fire on the opponent for some reason.

Weakness: Requires strategic use to actually harm an opponent; otherwise used for defense.

Name of jutsu: Enkou Kabura (Flame Cobra)
Rank E-S: B
Range: (Close, Mid Range, or Far)[/b] Far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: Katon

Enkou Karaba is a Ninjutsu technique known for it's ballistick nature, and dangerous power. By performing the required hand seals, the ninja can wave his chakra out in the same method when using Flame Pillar, but rather, a large cobra made out of fire comes birsting out of the chakra pool, and the user must have the split second reflexes to immediately control the Jutsu, as if it is not properly controlled, it can become extemely dangerous. If used properly, the flaming projectile snake will extend from the chakra pool and onto the designated target area. However, after hitting the area, it will explode into a poisonous smokescreen, which can choke an opponent if they breathe in too much of the smoke. Enkou Karaba is dangerous to both the opponent and the user.

Weakness: The attack is ballistic and very hard to control, and may backfire on the user.

Name of jutsu: Tei Akurobatto No Jutsu (Air Acrobat Jutsu)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Drakun (NOT Kekkei Genkai)
Element Affinity: Fuuton

A Jutsu known only by the Drakun Clan to be utilized with their Kekkei Genkai, this special Fuuton Technique, the second element of Keiteki, allows him to channel air around and through special pores he can large on his wings, allowing air to flow through these tunnels, and allows Keitechi to perform amazing acrobatic feets while in the air, allowing him to dodge his enemies attacks, and flee from an opponent, or use it to fight an opponent. It is more defensive than anything else.


Name of jutsu: Hisan Konbo (Flying Combo)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Taijutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: None

Isan Konbo is a Taijutsu combo sequence which is initiated by a series of attack, which get the user ready to launch the opponent airborne. Then, when in the air, taking advantage of all the aspects of their persona, body, and techniques which increase speed, the user will use repeated strikes by jumping to and from the ground to juggle the opponent in the air, in which the user then comes to his opponent and finishes them off, sending them to the ground.

Weakness: Relatively easy to dodge and/or counter

Name of jutsu: Shiagari Konbo (Finisher Combo)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Taijutsu
Element Affinity:

Shiagari Konbo is a Taijutsu combo which is used to set the opponent up for a powerful attack, or jutsu. The user will launch a repeated barrage of attacks, and then using their speed, takes advantage of an injured foe and begins to disorient his opponent by constantly changing sight of attack, and then launching the opponent up into the air, and the user jumps to his opponent, and "rides" them down to the ground, cushioning their blow, but their opponent is not normally so lucky.

Weakness: Gives enough time to counter the attack.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Keiteki's Custom Jutsu Empty Re: Keiteki's Custom Jutsu

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:12 pm


Name of jutsu: Teikumaru no Jutsu (Airball)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: Fuuton

Teikumara is a Ninjutsu technique similar to the Goukakyuu, being that is a large sphere of the selected element of chakra, but given, this is different. Teikumaru, rather than blastying fire, shot a huge ball of powerful, rolled up winds, tied in a ball, and can hit an opponent with massive force, launching them rather far away. In addition, the attack can be used to literally blow apart the ground, and is very strong, which suits Keiteki's style greatly.

Weakness: The attack is fairly easy to dodge.

Name of jutsu: Doragon Tatsumaki (Dragon Tornado)
Rank E-S: A
Range: Far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Drakun
Element Affinity: Fuuton

Doragon Tatsumaki is often grouped alongside White Flame Combustion as two powerful, earth shaking techniques utilizing the elements of the dragon. While airborne, Keiteki will spin in the air, while swirling chakra around him, gathering wind and air around him, and whipping up a huge amount of it, creating an artificial tornado, which he will send towards an opponent, which will drag them into the air, and can throw them high up, as well as using the dust and pebbles collected in the inside of the tornado cut a opponent all over, and also allowing for Keiteki to intercept an opponent in mid air.

Weakness: Takes relatively long to set up

Name of jutsu: Roku Tama Seiryoku no Jutsu (Six Sphere Force)
Rank E-S: S
Range: Close-Mid-Far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: None

Roku Tama Seiryoku is an extremely powerful and unique jutsu developed by Keiteki Drakun. The jutsu itself is said to be very difficult to master, but the result of the jutsu is worth the training that is incorporated with the jutsu's creation. By using very high chakra control, Keiteki is able to focus a very large amount of chakra, and condense it into a sphere with a diamater no larger than 2 feet. This kind of condensing process makes the spheres extremely fast, strong, and powerful. Though it is only condensed chakra, it has a nature similar to steel. The jutsu's speed and force can allow it to shatter an opponent's skeletal system in a single, well placed hit, and destroy their opponent, making the jutsu extremely dangerous to the user's enemies. In addition, six of them are created at a time, which means should a ninja face this jutsu alone, they will find it near impossible to dodge all of the strikes of the spheres. In addition, the ninja has complete and total control over where the sphere moves and goes, and levitates. In addition, it can be used to block and counterattack moves, making this jutsu Keiteki's most versatile, undoubtedly.

Weakness: Though it is difficult, a single, well placed, piercing strike, like say, a Chidori, should go through the sphere, the sphere can be penetrated, and because so much chakra control is required to keep the sphere together in battle, and stand up against lower leveled attacks, a single, deep enouhg pierce will completely destroy the sphere. In addition, hitting the user with an attack, any at all, will end the jutsu.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Keiteki's Custom Jutsu Empty Re: Keiteki's Custom Jutsu

Post by Uchiha Kumori Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:58 pm


Name of jutsu: Atsugai (Pressure Damage)
Rank E-S: B
Range: All
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: Fuuton

Description: Atsugai is a very powerful Futton based Ninjutsu Technique that Keiteki uses. It involves the gathering and usage of a large amount of wind. Keitkei can blast this huge, cutting wind storm at an opponent, and the force of the wind, the cutting of the debris inside the wind, and power of the chakra used to release this blast make it a deadly move, able to obliterate foes in a single attack, and it spans a large area, making it very destructive and powerful, forcing foes to either think of a way to avoid the move, or be torn up in the blast.

Weakness: Long string of handseals required.

Name of jutsu: Goukakyuu No Jutsu (Fireball)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: Katon

Description: Fireball Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique which is most easily recognized among Katon Based Jutsu. After a few hand seals, the user can shoot out a large fireball, which can either take the form of a flamethrower, a continuous burst of fire on a single area, or a projectile, shot outwards. The latter is the more effective at long range, while a short range flamethrower will punish an opponent, especially if they are cornered.

Weakness: Not very hard to dodge

Name of jutsu: Gouryuuka no Jutsu (Great Dragon Fire)
Rank E-S: B
Range: All
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: Katon

Description: This is a powerful Fire based jutsu once used by skilled Uchiha clan members, and something similar to the fireball jutsu. The user will spit out a flurry of very large fireballs, shaped like dragon's head, which pack a huge punch in terms of heat and power, and punch through concrete, making it very dangerous, but because it cannot be aimed, it is usually used in conjunction with another jutsu, or simply used to keep an opponent on their toes.

Weakness: No matter what, this attack cannot be aimed, and is shot in a random flurry

Name of jutsu: Haisekishou (Burning Ash Accumalation)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: Katon

Description: A Jutsu typically used in conjunction with combos with Taijutsu, it involves hand seals. Keiteki can spew out a large cloud of ash, which will continue spewing out until he clicks his teeth, during which time, the ash will ignite, and explode, severely burning or bursting an opponent to pieces in fire.

Weakness: The opponent has a few seconds to escape the ash cloud before it is ignited and blown up

Name of jutsu: Kazekiri (Wind Cutter)
Rank E-S: C
Range: All
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: Fuuton

Description: Kazekiri is a Ninjutsu technique known by many Fuuton users, which creates a projectile of condensed wind, which can clean cut through an opponent, and many other objects and things.

Weakness: The slicing wind projectile itself is flat, and simple jump or duck can be used to get out of the flat, but still fast projectile's path.

Name of jutsu: Zukokku (Head Mincing Pain)
Rank E-S: B
Range: All
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: Katon

Description: Zukokku functions in a similar manner to Atsugai, only it is Katon. After a long string of handseals, a huge blast of intense fire will be fired upon an opponent, incinerating them and is very hard to dodge. Once, Keiteki Drakun was able to use the two jutsus at the same time to create

Weakness: Long string of hand seals required

Name of jutsu: Kamuriton (Impossible Fire)

Rank E-S: A
Range: Far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: Katon and Fuuton (NOT a mixture element)

Description: A Ninjutsu of epic proportions, this technique is known to use lots of chakra, as two jutsus are in fact being simultaneously in order to create an impossibly giant fire storm. Atsugai and Zukokku together create Kamuriton, Impossible Fire. Zukokku is strengthed and it's speed is enhanced when Atsugai is used in conjunction, creating a fire storm from which few enemies can escape.

Weakness: An extremely long string of handseals, as long as 35 handseals. In addition, an opponent should ideally be far away, or as demonstrated once in battle, an enemy hid behind the user and attacked them to negate the attack.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Keiteki's Custom Jutsu Empty Re: Keiteki's Custom Jutsu

Post by Kenshi Wed Jan 21, 2009 7:37 pm



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