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Zonbi(N/F) Empty Zonbi(N/F)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:28 pm

Name: Zonbi

Age: 16

Rank: Chunnin

Village: Rain

Appearance: Zonbi, to lay it down simple, looks a lot like a zombie. He has always had cold, rough, pale skin. He has many scars one his body, from his past. His eyes hold many among many pain, in which is why he covers his right eye, as best as he can with his hair. His hair, is a grayish whiteish color, that looks ragged and covers one of his eyes, so it is fairly long. His eyes are completely white, and the reasoning behind that, is still to this day, unknown. His finger tips are failry long for nomarl length. They are also exetermly strong and hard to break. He sometimes use them as a weapon. His mostly notable feature is his scar on his front chest, which comes from himself. Zonbi is very well toned and it seems he does a work-out daily.

His clothing contist of no shirt, at anytime. Zonbi will sometimes wear a mask to cover up his mouth. He also sometimes wears a cloak that he keeps wrapped around his neck all the time. The cloak is a blood red color and it looks like it has been around a few years, because it looks very ripped up. The cloak reaches down past his knees. He never wears a top. However he does wear what look like sleeves that reach up to about his elbow and then he has fairly large gaunlets on both of his arms. These gaunlets reach down to about the top of his hand. The each have three spikes on them. He then has gloves that reach to his finger tips, nothing is speical about them, they are just a shade of red. Lastly on his arm, he wears a small belt right, above is elbow. Zonbi happens to wear two belts, one of which is on his waist and one that is right above it. The belts have small spikes around them and the buckle are fairly big for the size of the belts. The belts also have a chain attached to them. It is a small chain, but it could easily fit around his neck. It seems he wears a metal plate right below his waist. It does not seem very thick, and he can easily move around with it there, but it prioveds a bit of protection.

His pants reach down to his shoes. They are very baggy pants, that happen to be a faded red color. His pants can be easily moved in. His pants also seem old, becasue they have many small holes in them and small rips all around them.

Personality:As of now, Zonbi is a very quite person, but it seems he is hidding something. It is unsure at this what that thing really is, and how wildly it will affect people. Anyways, he seems to get very pissed easy. And once he is mad, who knows how long or what he will. He loves to be left alone and not talked to, unless it is about his scars. He loves to show off his scars, even though he is ashamed of them. He is a very odd person. What he shows people is his hidden self. Zonbi is really an evil person, and only thinks of himself and how to get power in anyway he can. He loves to laugh, and seeing other in pain. He loves to train all he can, because he just loves getting the feeling of him getting stronger. He is selfish, but does not show it. Among all of this, his mind is not easily changed on anything. If He would happen to every get in a battle, it seems he likes to keep anything that was left him, in for a while.

Which is why he has undead or zombie like features. Zonbi, also has problems with trusting anyone, which is way he will only show off his scars, and never tell the stories behind them. It is said he has been through a lot of pain. He sticks to what he wants, unless it will some how affect his goal as of now, which is to become the most evil that lived. Zonbi has been heard crying, because he is in much pain, he has a corrputed mind and does not know what is best for him. All he really wants is a good friend and someone he can love, but he can't find that now, so he will stay evil, until he is changed. To sum everything up, Zonbi hides behind two masks, one that is just a quite boy, that seems to be a freak, and the other is an evil person who cares for himself. Really, Zonbi is a good person at heart, but needs help to finally show that.

History: (Please no one liners or a few sentences. Please put some thought into this. For genin just two to three paragraphs, for chuunin 7-8 paragraphs, for jounin 12-13 paragraphs. Kage leveled shinobi need atleast 15 paragrapghs. And remember!!! Each paragraph must have atleast 5 sentences. And each sentence must have atleast 5 words. Yes we want to know alot about your character. It helps the moderators and adminstrators to determine rank)

Learned jutsus: (Just a few, not all of the jutsu's you have)

Weapons/items: Cleaver in picture.

Goals: Find a friend

Zonbi(N/F) Teenage_mutant_ninja_zombie_2_by_Sa
Zonbi(N/F) Teenage_mutant_ninja_zombie__by_Sam


Posts : 585
Points : 231
Reputation : 5
Join date : 2008-11-22

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