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Spark ignition gloves

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Spark ignition gloves Empty Spark ignition gloves

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:34 pm

Name of Weapon or Item: Spark ignition clothes

Description: Kyouken black gloves with transmutation circles on them that are made of a material called "pyrotex/ignition cloth" that create sparks or 'flames' when he rubs his fingers together. By adjusting the oxygen densities in the surrounding atmosphere through alchemy, he can create flames anywhere in the surrounding area at will and manipulate them as he desires. While oxygen, by itself, cannot combust, it is assumed that he makes use of the more flammable gases found in the atmosphere such as hydrogen. However if it gets wet its useless, but he can still manipulate water when it is not useless

History: Created years ago at the age of 12 by Kyouken himself and uses it in battle whenever the use of manipulating water users and fire users

Appearance: Spark ignition gloves RoyMustangscircle.jpg
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

Posts : 997
Points : 500
Reputation : 38
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 33
Location : Akron, Ohio

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