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Mide Jash N/F

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Mide Jash N/F Empty Mide Jash N/F

Post by Kaji-Kanto Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:37 am

Name: Mide Jash

Age: 27

Rank: S rank

Village: Unknown (for now)

Appearance: Mide Jash N/F Hidan16nk6

Personality: Mide is a lot like his father he is foul mouthed of the Akatsuki and a masochist beyond belief he is also very true to his religion always praying before a battle and then sacrificing his enemy after the battle. He however still holds different traits such as he is lazy he will literally not move for weeks from a single spot. He rarely will eat anything and he actually will drink his own blood.


Mide's Night of Spawn

Mide's father was a man named Hidan who was in the organization known as Akatsuki. His mother was a villager of the rain village. Hidan was undercover out of his Akatsuki robe and in the rain village drunk from drinking for a reason's unknown. Hidan had grown lustful not his usual kind of lust for blood and battle but for love.

By a single stroke of merciful luck Hidan bumped into Mide's mother who instantly fell in love with hidan as if it was a destiny of this would happen. As it would happen Hidan and the woman had sexual relations that night and by another stroke of luck Mide had been seeded inside the woman.

Hidan however after having slept with the woman had never shown his face in the rain village again as he was soon cut into pieces and defeated by a Nara kid. The rumors had traveled and the woman who was now 6 months pregnant had broken down crying as the kid who was Hidan's son was now fatherless.

The day of birth

It was a day of screaming and pain but at the end of the day a small child was crying throughout the night. Mide after 18 hours of labor had been born. He was a child of roughly 2 pounds and was relatively healthy.

Introduction of the Jashin religion


At the age of 4 the door of Mide's mom's small apartment was knocked and it was soon opened and there in front of the door was a scythe and a necklace with a strange symbolic meaning. Also there was a pair of scrolls that told of the artifacts and how they were used and what they stood for.

The first scroll stated:

These artifacts were that of Hidan (飛段) a man of the jashin religion. Your son Mide being the son of this man and the last living memory of him should be endowed with the faith of the jashin. You will give him these items right away and he will begin learning of how to perform abilities. We will come in 5 years to collect your son and he will become part of the group that his father was apart of. If you do not allow us to do so or run from the village we will be forced to find you and kill you.

The second scroll was of all of Hidan's record all of his techniques and even the spec's on his seal he used in battle. This was a complete breakdown of his life and even with updates up to the day mide was seeded. Whoever kept these records where very watchful and had eyes everywhere.

The childhood of Mide

Mide was shunned as a child as he had become a bloodthirsty kid with a will to become stronger by defeating his opponent and sacrificing them to lord jashin for his own power to increase. He always spoke about lord jashin and instantly learned how to curse naturally. Of course it wasn't up to the full blown cursing as of yet it was more like "Damn, fuck, Hell" that he used.

Mide was also normally disciplined a lot by his mother but all mide did was stare blankly as he inherited his fathers masochistic behavior. However his lust for power grew as he researched his fathers abilitys and he began to implant the seal upon himself.

Mide's first kill

Posts : 716
Points : -9821
Reputation : -10012
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 32

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