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Konran Shuusennin

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Konran Shuusennin Empty Konran Shuusennin

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:07 pm

Name: Konran Shuusennin

Age: 735

Rank: Kage level

Village: Realm of the between/Otogakure

Appearance: Konran Shuusennin The_joker-6975

Personality: The most psychotic of the council. He has no intentions on following plans since he never wants to have plans, more sadistic and twisted then any other person in the world or possibly the universe. He is a mass-murdering anarchist

History: Born orginally from the goddess of torment and the god of despair, Konran was an uneasy child growing up. His father was a alcoholic, drinking himself into a alcoholic rage and began to beat both his wife and Konran. In terms, this made Konran very deranged in the head and probably worst off than he was before. His personality before was already dark and very pesstimistic. He didnt like life as it is and when he was getting beat, another dark and twisted personality came out. Konran at the age of 14, he had begun to learn about terrorism around the world and around the universe. How it can turn any time of being against one another and make them chaotic. This made Konran extremely interested in it. One day, a rain and stormy day in the realm of the between, his father began to beat on him. Konran took a knife and slashed his father in the throat, ultimately killing him slowly by letting him bleed. He saw that he could never smile again after that and made him a cynical rat of the univerese. This made Konran extremely schizophrenic and took the knive and slashed on the edges of his lips making him smile for life.

During the ages of 14 throughout, he began to devolop and harness his abilities as the "Agent of chaos" he travelled across the universe causing terrorist acts against the whole realms. Countless times he was locked up for the crimes he commited and every time he escaped with nothing but a scratch on his head and him becoming more insane. This, in actuality, attracted the king of gods and he wanted him on his council team.

He is the most powerful council member (excluding Kyouken and Algol). He specializes in all types of jutsus.

Learned jutsus: Profient in bomb based ninjutsu, he is very well known for his chaotic taijutsu

Weapons/items: (Specific items that you carry around thats not part of the typical shinobi. Ex: A poisoned-dipped katana)

Goals: He has no goals, he just wants to see the universe burn
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

Posts : 997
Points : 500
Reputation : 38
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 33
Location : Akron, Ohio

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