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Ankyo's Jutsus [48 Days Later and I'm Done!!!]

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Ankyo's Jutsus [48 Days Later and I'm Done!!!] Empty Ankyo's Jutsus [48 Days Later and I'm Done!!!]

Post by Aki Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:42 pm

Other jutsus that Ankyo knows of that are present in the WoN:
    Kage Bunshin no Jutsu - Shadow Clone Technique
    Raiton Kage Bunshin no Jutsu - Lightning Element Shadow Clone Technique
    Reppushou - Gale Wind Palm

Name of jutsu: Heaven’s Light

Rank E-S: C

Range: Close-Mid

Clan(Optional): Kiyoraka [not really a clan... but you get it]

Ankyo performs the needed hand signs and creates a strong surge of lightning chakra about himself. This cloak of lightning is so bright that it often blinds the target. Once the cloak of lightning has successfully covered Ankyo, he is able to move at a faster rate and takes out his target by just simply touching them.

He doesn’t like to use this against one person, as this is more of a defensive jutsu that he uses when facing multiple enemies. The jutsu doesn’t kill, it just stuns and paralyzes the average ninja for a good five to six hours. Tougher ninja may recover in a few hours, but by that time Ankyo will have escaped.

Ankyo can only keep it up for an hour and a half at most before the lightning starts to eat away at his own body. He can push it up to two hours, but if so, he’ll come out with some 1st degree burns. (In case you forgot, like I did, 1st degree burns aren’t serious.)

Name of jutsu: Heavenly Judgment

Rank E-S: B

Range: Close-Mid

Clan(Optional): Kiyoraka

This jutsu is generally used when the target is incapable of moving, as it would hardly be able to do much damage if the target is moving. A large discharge of lightning chakra will hit the target. The lightning appears to have come from out of nowhere, as if from the heaven's itself, and virtually destroys the target beyond recognition.

In reality Ankyo has let his chakra slowly gather in the air and then condense itself into a lightning bolt. A reason why the target must be unable to move. It takes time to gather the chakra and condense it into a lightning bolt and it can only strike once. Ankyo can only use this jutsu once per battle, twice at most, but it won't be as effective.

As said above, it takes time and the target must be unable to move. It also takes up a large portion of Ankyo's chakra. If he uses this jutsu it usually drains a fourth of his chakra and will leave him feeling weaker than usual. He will also feel extremely tired afterward, or suffer from painful headaches.

Name of jutsu: Holy Arrow

Rank E-S: C

Range: Mid-Far

Clan(Optional): Kiyoraka

A fairly easy move for Ankyo. He gathers lightning chakra and releases them from his fingertips. They come out looking like regular arrows, except the tips are a bit bright. Most ninja automatically think of the arrows as nothing more than ordinary arrows. This is what makes the jutsu so effective.

Unlike normal arrows, which barely harm ninjas. These lightning arrows can pierce through almost anything. Should they touch the skin, the ninja will notice a faint tingling sensation, as if being pricked by a needle. Most ninjas disregard the prickling sensation. The arrows shrink the further away they get from the user.

While most ninjas are disregarding the prickling sensation, a the lightning arrows have already entered their body and are slowly making their way through body. About halfway through, the ninja will notice a sort of numbing in the area they've been struck. By then it's too late and the arrow will have already exited. The ninja is left paralyzed in that area. Should the arrows have pierced through vital organs, the ninja could very well die.

None really...

Name of jutsu: Lightning Claw

Rank E-S: C

Range: Close

Clan(Optional): N/A

Ankyo courses lightning chakra into his hands, there is no need for hand seals. The chakra comes out from his fingertips, looking like claws. Should he touch his opponent, they will usually be paralyzed for a few minutes or more, depending on how long the contact lasted and how much power Ankyo had put into it. If Ankyo breaks through skin, the target is almost always immediately paralyzed for at least an hour. The time it takes to heal the skin or area where Ankyo passed through also takes longer than usual and will cause the ninja additional pain for the next three to six weeks. The color of the claws vary, but generally they are yellow when Ankyo uses a lower power level, and blue when he is using a higher level.

It is extremely dangerous to use this move near water as Ankyo could very well shock himself and anyone or anything around him.

Name of jutsu: Judgment Slash

Rank E-S: C

Range: Close

Clan(Optional): Kiyoraka

A somewhat easy jutsu for Ankyo. He gathers raw wind chakra to his fingertips, he then attacks his opponent, but the wind only does damage if the person is deemed "evil" to Ankyo's inner Kiyoraka.

Weakness: Ankyo not knowing who his inner self will deem evil can often end up opening himself to an attack.

Name of jutsu: Wind Blade

Rank E-S: B

Range: Close

Clan(Optional): N/A

Ankyo courses wind chakra into his hands and the result is an invisible sword made of wind. The length of the sword varies, but usually it is the length of a regular katana. The sword is weightless in Ankyo's hands and performs like any other blade, only it can and will cut through anything. Most enemies are unaware of Ankyo's new advantage in battle and are easily cut within moments by the blade.

The only danger is that the wind blade is able to hurt Ankyo as well. If he is wearing gloves, the damage the wind blade does to him will be lessened. Normally he doesn't wear gloves, so, Ankyo starts to get cut up by the wind blade within a matter of minutes, usually ten to fifteen minutes later. And by then the jutsu will have drained most of Ankyo's chakra. Ankyo tends to use this jutsu for a few minutes, thus saving himself damage and chakra.

Name of jutsu: Heaven's Gate

Rank E-S: B

Range: Close-Mid

Clan(Optional): Kiyoraka

One of the hardest jutsus Ankyo has in his possession. This consumes all of Ankyo's remaining chakra, followed by a long stream of hand seals, but no ordinary hand seals. A special form known only to Ankyo. His chakra comes out in the form of a gate. The gate draws everything within ten feet of it towards itself. The objects are almost always incapable of moving away if caught. It is unknown exactly how this jutsu works as it is an ancient Kiyoraka move. All that is known is that if caught, one will almost never escape it and will never return. It also appears that people who are unfortunate enough to be caught in this jutsu also feel a strong will or desire to enter the gate themselves.

The body/bodies will often turn up several days later somewhere. Legend has it that this is in actuality the gates of Heaven itself. Though it is unknown if it is so. But seeing as how the Kiyorakas seem to be a holy being, it is very likely that it could be so. But as all stories about the Kiyorakas are legend, it remains to be seen if Ankyo ever finds out the truth about himself.

Drains Ankyo of all chakra and leaves him extremely weakened. Will be incapable of doing anything for at least two weeks. After two weeks he will have only regained half of his chakra. It takes another two weeks for him to fully recover all the chakra he lost. Ankyo will also be extremely vulnerable while the jutsu is taking place and afterward.

While the jutsu is taking place and draining Ankyo of his chakra, he will be unable to move at all, save for his hands to perform the needed hand seals. This would be the best time to kill Ankyo, but the gates draw any normal human towards, thus saving Ankyo from death or injury, usually.

Name of jutsu: Heaven's Charm

Rank E-S: D

Range: Close

Clan(Optional): Kiyoraka

A simple enough jutsu that requires no hand seals. Ankyo sends a small wave of chakra towards the opposing ninja. This wave of chakra can help influence how the target feels. He can make them feel anything from sadness to raging fury. The jutsu is most effective on regular Genin, and maybe some Chunin. It is worthless against Jonin and above.

This wave of chakra will influence the target like a conscience would. For example, Ankyo sends a small wave of chakra mixed with feelings of love towards his target. The ninja will then become enveloped by the thin veil of chakra and notice that they seem to care about Ankyo. They will also note that if they try to injure Ankyo they immediately wonder why they are trying to injure him or why they are even fighting Ankyo.

The sensation will only last a few minutes(three to five minutes), but is enough to let Ankyo throw in a couple of good moves before long. The target can throw off the feeling though, provided they concentrate and try very hard to ignore the feelings, which is why inexperienced Genin are most vulnerable to this jutsu. Most people who have never met Ankyo might also fall prey to the jutsu, but generally more experienced shinobi will only experience it for a few seconds.

None really...

Name of jutsu: Soul Banish

Rank E-S: B

Range: Close

Clan(Optional): Kiyoraka

Description: Going to be unknown to Ankyo for the moment. Will RP him learning it later.


Name of jutsu: Soul Charge

Rank E-S: B

Range: N/A

Clan(Optional): Kiyoraka

Description: Going to be unknown to Ankyo for the moment. Will RP him learning it later.


Last edited by Aki on Sun Feb 15, 2009 1:50 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Ankyo's Jutsus [48 Days Later and I'm Done!!!] Empty Re: Ankyo's Jutsus [48 Days Later and I'm Done!!!]

Post by Aki Sun Feb 15, 2009 12:53 pm

Name of jutsu: Holy Slap

Rank E-S: D

Range: Close

Clan(Optional): Kiyoraka

A simple enough jutsu. With the aid of his inner self (the Kiyoraka part) Ankyo unknowingly uses a small portion of his Kiyoraka abilities. It is merely a punch, or some kind of attack from the hand.

Weakness: N/A

Name of jutsu: Royal Saber

Rank E-S: C

Range: Close

Clan(Optional): N/A

A simple enough jutsu where Ankyo courses wind chakra into one of his punches or kicks. Along with the normal physical damage, a small wave of wind (or lightning) will also "fly" out from his foot or hand. (I don't know how to explain this anymore, but think along the lines of Avatar, where Aang can send out waves of air, it's similar to that, only he actually punches the target and a wave of wind attacks them.) Wind=cuts. Lightning=paralyzed/shocked.
Ankyo is still working out the jutsu, so occasionally neither wind nor lightning will come out and it will just appear as a regular punch/kick. Also note that he can use one hand for wind and the other for lightning, but that requires a lot concentration and will fail for 50% of the time.

Name of jutsu: Lion Strike

Rank E-S: D

Range: Close

Clan(Optional): N/A

Doubles the damage of a normal kick by putting some chakra into the kick, it is similar to what the 5th Hokage and Sakura does, only on a lesser scale. It is unknown whether Ankyo will build on it or not.
Weakness: N/A

Name of jutsu: Lion Fist

Rank E-S: D

Range: Close

Clan(Optional): N/A

Doubles the damage of a normal punch by putting some chakra into the punch, it is similar to what the 5th Hokage and Sakura does, only on a lesser scale. It is unknown whether Ankyo will build on it or not.
Weakness: N/A

For the majority of his Genjutsu techniques, Ankyo has learned them from Shizuka, and as Shizuka passed away before he could be taught the complete jutsu, many of these jutsu are incomplete and are thus ranked lower. It is unknown to Ankyo at the moment whether he will build upon these jutsus or not.
Name of jutsu: Meteor Wing

Rank E-S: C

Range: Close-Mid

Clan(Optional): N/A

The jutsu will first start out as if the clouds are naturally gathering together into a storm, Ankyo will feel these affects as well until the meteor shower begins, leading hte opponent to believing that it really is happening. The opponent believes that a meteor shower is going on right before them, and that they are in the middle of it. To those not caught in the jutsu, it will appear as if the target is dancing around in circles. Should Ankyo choose to the enter the jutsu himself, he will appear as he is flying in with the meteors to end the target's life.
The opponent, usually if they are somewhat intelligent, will be able to recognize it as a Genjutsu after the first minute or so and easily be able to escape.

Name of jutsu: White Fire

Rank E-S: C

Range: Close-Mid

Clan(Optional): N/A

The jutsu will first start out as if the clouds are naturally gathering together into a storm, and then a bolt of lightning will strike an object, causing it to burn white hot. The opponent will usually pay no attention this, but only "dodge" it as the fire grows. But as it is Genjutsu, the fire quickly conssumes the target, making them believe they are burning to death. It will feel as if they are on fire.
If the ninja is smart enough to realize that there is no smell of anything burning, they can get out of the jutsu easily enough. Though most ignore that because of the life-like pain.

Name of jutsu: Phantom Tackle

Rank E-S: D

Range: Close-Mid

Clan(Optional): N/A

A fairly simple jutsu. It will appear as if Ankyo has ran towards them and gone invisible to the target. From there it is rather easy for Ankyo to take out his opponent.
The only drawback is that this only works on one person at a time. Ankyo and Shizuka have tried many times to cast it on multiple opponents, but every time it has failed. Ankyo's shadow is still visible as well. So, a fairly bright ninja might be able to tell that Ankyo's shadow is still visible and be able to get out of the Genjutsu.

Name of jutsu: Phantom Fire

Rank E-S: D

Range: Close-Mid

Clan(Optional): N/A

A farily simple jutsu. It will appear as if fireballs are randomly throwing themselves out at the opponent, and then fading, only to appear for a split second before colliding with the target. The target will feel as if they are being burned by the fire, and as the fire is constantly appearing and disappearing, they are unable to effectively dodge it.
The fire is in actuality Ankyo. He must keep moving about the opponent and landing quick attacks on them or else the jutsu will fade away. This can quickly deplete Ankyo's energy if he keeps it up for long, it is best used against one person, but if there are multiple targets, the use of shadow clones can help in creating the illusion.

Name of jutsu: Phantom Hurricane

Rank E-S: D

Range: Close-Mid

Clan(Optional): N/A

Another fairly simple jutsu. It is similar to Phantom Fire. There is no evidence of wind appearing. The evidence of wind will only appear within a few seconds before connecting with the the target.
Again, the wind is actually Ankyo. Also, if a ninja were able to figure out that leaves, trees, and the like do not move at all when the wind appears can get out of the jutsu. As Ankyo is still in training with Fuuton jutsus, he occassionally uses this jutsu when he is irratated with his inability to use an actual Fuuton jutsu.

Name of jutsu: Dream Missile

Rank E-S: C

Range: Close-Mid

Clan(Optional): N/A

Ankyo makes his opponent feel sleepy and extremely tired. This jutsu is more effective long term, than short term, and works just as well on multiple targets or single targets. The effects take awhile to fully kick in, about five minutes or so. It can have several affects, these affects are not determined by Ankyo as Shizuka passed away before she could show him the rest of hte jutsu.

The opponent will feel extremely tired, and end up sleeping. This gives Ankyo the chance to end their life, gather information, or simply escape the battle field.

The opponent does not fall asleep, but does become tired and sleepy. Their worse nightmares "come out" either scaring them silly, or the creatures of their nightmares attack them.

Should neither happen, something strange happens: The target instead relives the worse memory in their life.
As Ankyo has not learned the full jutsu, the outcome can be quite random. And should the last affect happen, Ankyo will relive it too, leaving both the ninja unable to fight.

Name of jutsu: End Trance

Rank E-S: D

Range: Close-Mid

Clan(Optional): N/A

If used at the correct time, typically a few seconds after the Genjutsu has been cast, this will allow Ankyo to cast the same Genjutsu on the original caster, provided the level of the Genjutsu is around that of a low level Chunin or lower as Ankyo is not effective with Genjutsu.
The jutsu isn't ranked higher because there is a 40% chance that the jutsu will backfire, and instead cause the Genjutsu that they are currently in to be doublly strong. On the other hand, if the Genjutsu is on a higher level than the user can perform, the user could very well just become unconscious. Therefore, Ankyo only uses this jutsu every now and then, and does not rely on it often. Had he been taught the full uses of this jutsu by Shizuka he would be able to reduce the side affects, and make the jutsu more usable.

Name of jutsu: Hypnosis

Rank E-S: C

Range: Close-Mid

Clan(Optional): N/A

This causes the opponent to fall into an immediate Genjutsu. Ankyo is able to control his opponent's movements, at the cost of him being unable to move.

The only way for the opponent to actually die is through blood loss as Ankyo is unable to make them end their own life. Should this jutsu be casted on multiple targets, he usually makes them kill one another or make them fight nothing and therefore waste their energy and chakra.
Ankyo is unable to move. Should he have missed someone while casting this jutsu, he will be extremely vulernable. If Ankyo moves, the jutsu will end as well. It requires concentration and patience. Also, the more people that are caught in this jutsu, the harder it is to perform.

Name of jutsu:Marble Clone

Rank E-S: B

Range: Close-Mid

Clan(Optional): N/A

A small marble is infused with three shadow clones. Once the marble is thrown out and lands, the clones within will be released and function like any other clone Ankyo could have made himself. The only difference being that he is not using any chakra. The marbles themselves are an aid, as the opponent(s) may slip and slide on them before the clones are released. The process of infusing the marbles with clones is only known to Ankyo and he is unwilling to part with it as he knows many would abuse the use of it.
Weakness: N/A
Note: This has sort of already been approved by Yoshimo.
He carries about 100 of these marbles with him, in total 300 battle ready clones. He must be careful in using these though, as it takes about three months to just make 5 marbles. He has about 3 extra bags at Yumeji, and each bag contains 100 marbles; a total of 400 clones.

Ankyo usually replenishes his supplies at the end of every month, and making more marbles as needed. He usually only makes more marbles when he’s used about half of the ones he has in stock (so when he only has around 200 left, he’ll make more). I’ll try not to overuse the marbles, maybe only three to five(9 to15 clones) at most during any one fight. And I’ll try to keep track of how many he has left too.

Name of jutsu:

Rank E-S:





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Ankyo's Jutsus [48 Days Later and I'm Done!!!] Empty Re: Ankyo's Jutsus [48 Days Later and I'm Done!!!]

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:26 pm

Ankyo's Jutsus [48 Days Later and I'm Done!!!] Approved
Shin Uchiha
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Ankyo's Jutsus [48 Days Later and I'm Done!!!] Empty Re: Ankyo's Jutsus [48 Days Later and I'm Done!!!]

Post by Aki Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:28 pm

Thank you Bao... That does mean Approved right? Right?

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Ankyo's Jutsus [48 Days Later and I'm Done!!!] Empty Re: Ankyo's Jutsus [48 Days Later and I'm Done!!!]

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:31 pm

Ne. "Right" lol Hai it means "To approve"
Shin Uchiha
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