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Allelujah Empty Allelujah

Post by Allelujah Sat Dec 27, 2008 2:27 am

Name: Allelujah / Hallelujah "E-57" Haptism

Age: 24

Rank: Unknown (S-Ranked)

Village: Currently located in Takigakure

Appearance: Allelujah Conclave-Mendoi_Mobile_Suit_Gundam_

Personality: Allelujah is split between two different personalities. These two personalities are known as Allelujah himself and his alter ego Hallelujah.

The dominant personality is Allelujah, a decidedly kind and gentle person. He doesn’t like to kill, and it often brings up a confrontation with his other half. He is against killing..

Hallelujah, on the other hand, carries a strong survivalist view: kill or be killed. He will do anything in order to survive. Hallelujah was born as a result of quantum brain modifications. When Allelujah is in conflict over what he should do, Hallelujah will offer to 'take over' Allelujah's body so he won't be so morally conflicted. Hallelujah has gone as far as to claim he is the embodiment of Allelujah's desires, taking action when Allelujah's morals get in the way.

Access File 83:
Allelujah's early childhood is unknown. He somehow became an orphan when he was very young and was found by a man named Aeolia Schenberg. Aeolia was a well known scientist who had became known for his development in the creation of weapons. Aeolia decided that Allelujah would make a great pupil and test subject for his Super Soldier Project. Being this Aeolia brought Allelujah back to his lab in the Mist village. it was there he was assigned the name E-57.

Access File 47:
-The Super Soldier Project-
The Super Soldier Project was a project created by Aeolia Schenberg to create super soldiers out of children. The project started when Aeolia started working for the Mist village, building them weapons and increasing their military power. Selective children from families of the mist village were submitted into this program to build an army of super soldiers to fight along side the mist shinobi during war. The project was far from humanism. Using quantum brainwaves and brainwashing on the children and subjecting them to strange chemicals that increased their bodies natural abilities in combat. Any test subject that would be flawed or a failure would be killed.

Access File 98:
-Marie Peries-
Marie Peries was another subject of the Super Soldier Project. However unlike the others she was noted as the first "failed subject". Though failed subjects are usually killed, Marie was kept alive for further testing to figure out what had gone wrong. The tests had caused her to loss the use of all five senses. However because of the quantum brainwaves that had been used on the children, Allelujah was able to one day hear the telepathic cries of Marie Peries. Overwhelmed with joy at his presence, Marie christened him with the name "Allelujah", feeling that it was appropriate as she was thankful to God for being alive and having someone whom she was able to talk with. Allelujah would from then on come to spend most of his time by Marie's side. For it was Marie who had given him a name in the world.

Locked: File 057-B237:
As the Super Soldier Project continued it was found that test subjects were dying as a result of the experiments. The project was starting to provide less and less results and the mist village pointed the finger at Aeolia. It was suspected that Aeolia had been altering the chemicals of the Super Soldier Serum as well as other chemicals used to enhance the test subjects abilities. This caused the subjects minds to rapidly dissolve and die, killing the test subject in a matter of hours. It was later found out that Aeolia was changing the serum when he was caught red handed swapping chemicals in one of the machines. He was captured and the entire project was considered a failure from that point on. All of the remaining test subjects were marked as "failed subjects" and were marked to be killed. As for Aeolia. There is no records of what happened to him after he was captured. There were no files of execution and there was no body found.

Locked: File 080-B149:
-Subject E-57 Escapes-
When the Super Soldier Project was being shut down, Allelujah had noticed that more and more of the other children had gone missing. None of the others knew about it either. It wasn't until he paid a visit to Marie that he had found out that he was marked to be killed, along with the rest of the test subjects under the project. Allelujah didn't want to die and he had an idea to escape from the lab and take Marie with him. other members of his group also wanted to live and joined him in his efforts to escape the lab.

-File continuation: B150-

The next night Allelujah and the others made their attempt to escape the lab. The came across some complications with some of the security staff but managed to make their way to the weapons lab and tech center. There they stole a newly developed vehicle. They used it to make their way out of the lab, merely to come across a further problem. As they left the facility they were attacked by the mist military. They made a run for it but they didn't get far before their mode of transportation was taken out. In a desperate act they made their way on foot. The mist military managed to capture some of the other test subjects but Allelujah and Marie as well as a hand full of others managed to escape.

-File continuation: B151-

Allelujah and the others managed to make their way to an old military based that had been abandoned long ago by the mist village. They knew that they wouldn't be able to stay there long though. It was a good guess that the base would be searched within the day, considering it was one of the closest buildings they could have ran to. The others, being highly advanced but young soldiers, much like Alllelujah, were ready to go. However Marie, being a failed subject wasn't. She was hurt in the escape and wasn't able to walk on her own. The others told Allelujah to leave her behind because she would merely slow them down, but Allelujah had no plans of leaving his only friend in the world behind. Conflict soon broke out and the others tried to make Allelujah leave with them without Maire. They struggled for a while until Allelujah was throw against the wall. He was knocked out for merely a minute or two, but those few moments were possibly one of the most important moments of Allelujah's young life. He woke up and saw no one. The room was empty and dark, no sound could be heard and no lights were present. Then merely a few feet from him he saw someone. He called out Maire's name but it became clear to him it wasn't her. Then a look of shock overcame him when he saw the face of the person. It was him, looking at himself. At first he though he was going crazy until the other him started talking to him. He introduced himself as Hallelujah and he then started to fill in some blanks.

-Confrontation, Hallelujah Appears-
Hallelujah explained to Allelujah what he should do when he woke up. He told him that he would do what was necessary if need be. He brought up the words survival, survival, survival, it was all that he seemed to care about. He told him how he was going to kill the others and anyone who threatened him life. Allelujah asked why he was so forward about it and the last thing Hallelujah said before disappearing was "Because you and I are the same". Then the real world hit Allelujah, hard and fast it hit him like a bunch of bricks. The others where approaching him, ready to kill him. Allelujah tried to back away but all he found was the wall behind him. Words kept echoing in her head "kill them, kill them". Allelujah kept shaking his head, saying "No, No, I don't want to kill". The voice continued to tell him "I'll take over if you want. I'll kill them for you. After all I said that we must survive. You either need to kill or I will kill. Now choose." Allelujah watched as the other children watched and closed in on him. Just then something came over Allelujah as Hallelujah took control. With a insane laugh he got up and motioned towards the others. At first they were a little scared but then attacked Hallelujah. They struggled for a time but in the end Hallelujah killed them all. Being a more developed subject of the Super Soldier Project, it was easy for him to take out the other children. Just then another sound could be heard. It was the mist military that had finally found the abandoned base as well as Hallelujah and Marie. They attacked the two of them and with a pipe he found next to him, Hallelujah fought back. He killed one of them and then took their weapon. From that point on he killed the remaining mist military that had entered the building after them. His clothes stained with the blood of the other children and the mist shinobi, Hallelujah made his way over to Marie. He held up the weapon he had had used to kill the shinobi and was about to kill her as well, but then Allelujah had finally had enough of the killing and took control once again, dropping the weapon and grabbing hold of the crying Marie. Tears ran down his face as he picked her up and ran out of a back entrance of the base, escaping from the military, but not able to escape from the actions he had just committed.

Locked: File 201-B801
Being that the Super Soldier Project was such a failed experiment, the Mizukage decided that the entire thing should be covered up and never known about. Information was not to be leaked about it or dire consequences would follow. Allelujah would be pronounced dead like the other test subjects and the science division would only use the facility for further weapon creation. The entire ten years that contained the Super Soldier Project, Aeolia, and Allelujah had simple vanished off of the face of the planet, erased from the records, and creating a void in mist history. A decision that would later come back to haunt them.

-Something called Life?-
From the day they escaped, Allelujah and Marie left the mist village and went over seas to the Fire country. There they managed to sneak their way into a caravan and later found themselves in Taki. From there on they lived their lives together in poverty, barely able to live. Allelujah had managed to get himself a job as a low class smith assistant. Him and Marie lived with Allelujah's teacher and they lived there for several more years. As the years pass memories continued to haunt Allelujah. He also knew that they would continue to haunt him as long as the facility existed. When Allelujah turned nineteen, he made the decision that he was going to go back to the mist village and put an end to their weapon creation and destroy the facility. He left Marie in Takigakure and made his way to Kirigakure.

-Vengeance is Knowledge-
Just as planned, Allelujah had made it to Kirigakure without any trouble. He made his way around the village until dark and then he made his way to the facility. Even over the nine years he had been absent from there, it hadn't changed at all. He located the facility, being very careful not to draw attention to himself. Using the abilities granted to him through the Super Soldier Project, he found a way in and quickly went to work. His first goal was to get a copy of all of the information he could on the facility and its past. He also wanted to grab what ever he could on Aeolia Schenberg. It didn't take him long to find the records in the place. By taking out the scientists quickly and quietly, he began his search for knowledge while his presence there was still unknown. After about a half an hour of searching, he had finally found what he was looking for. Everything about the facility and Aeolia Schenberg was still on file, deep within the system. He quickly downloaded it onto a disk and then was about to make his way to the weapons bay. There he would plant whatever explosives he could find there and set them to a charge. However this plan didn't go as well planned. For once he accessed the locked files on the facility and Aeolia Schenberg, an alarm went off. At that time he took the files and ran to the weapons bay, beating down anyone in his way. When he got there he quickly made little time of the guards and started collecting what ever explosives there were in the room. Once set he would have about 3 minutes to escape from the facility before they would go off. If he failed to do so, he would meet the same fate as the facility, he would be blown sky high.

As Allelujah set the charges he looked at them for a second, wondering if he should really do it. If he did at least a hundred people would die in the explosion. Struggling to make a decision a voice once again came into his head.
Hallelujah: "Do it, go ahead. It isn't like you don't want to."
Allelujah: "But so many people would die."
Hallelujah: "Of course but just think of how many people they killed or how many people they will kill with these weapons."
Allelujah: "Still"
Hallelujah: "This isn't the time to be chickening out now. You came all this way to destroy this place, so do it."
Allelujah: "But I can't"
Hallelujah: "Well if you can't then I will for you if you want. I have no problem killing all of those people. Just let me take control again like I did all those years ago."
Allelujah: "No, I won't let you. not again."
Hallelujah: "Then do it!"
Allelujah: "I can't!"
Hallelujah: "If you don't then they will kill you. How do you think Marie will feel about that."
Allelujah: "But all of those lives"
Hallelujah: "Screw them and their lives. They didn't care about us and our life, so why should we care about theirs"
Allelujah: "Still..."
Hallelujah: "Set the charges!"
Allelujah: "I can't, I won't. I won't be the one to pull this trigger!"
Hallelujah: "Then I will!"
Allelujah: "NO!"
Hallelujah: "YES!"
Allelujah: "NO!!!!"

Just then someone opened the door and saw Allelujah. With a swift movement he turned and threw a near by piece of metal right at the person. It flew into their neck and sliced clean into it, killing them. Allelujah then turned back to the bomb and started the timer, tears running down his face. He then made a break for it and ran out of the hanger and away from the facility. He didn't look back and he didn't pay attention to where he was running, he just kept moving forward. Shortly after the bombs went off and the entire facility exploded, killing everyone inside and sending such a shock wave that it launched Allelujah right off of his feet. He laid on the ground crying, curled up in a fetal position. In his head he could here a single comment. "Good job my peaceful side. It makes me feel good that you don't need me for every situation that involves taking a life."

Last edited by Allelujah on Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:53 am; edited 18 times in total

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Join date : 2008-12-26
Age : 33

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Allelujah Empty Re: Allelujah

Post by Allelujah Thu Jan 08, 2009 1:16 am

Done for the time being. I will add more as I think of more but for now this is what I have.

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Allelujah Empty Re: Allelujah

Post by Kenshi Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:09 am

We need a definant rank. You can also sumbit a sample RP to one of the admins. The longer and better the higher rank you can get.


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Allelujah Empty Re: Allelujah

Post by Allelujah Fri Jan 09, 2009 8:33 pm

-A new life. One with Celestial Being-
Ever since that day, Allelujah and Marie started a new life. With the use of Aeolia's files, Allelujah had found a way to fix Marie's loss of senses caused by the Super Soldier Project. He also learned all about Aeolia's experiments and designs. At that moment he made the decision to use this knowledge he had to bring and end to war. He would cure the problem of war...with war.

.....End of file.

Marie: "Allelujah...what are you doing?"
Allellujah: "Nothing. Just looking over some old files."
Marie: "Well you shouldn't be worrying yourself with what happened in the past. After all you have plans for the future. That is what you should focus on."
Allelujah: "I know."
Marie: "So close that file and lets get going. After all we have work to do."
Allelujah: "I know I'm closing it now."

Allelujah then closed the file and walked away from the monitor. He walked off with Marie, off to Takigakure, where he would first introduce the world to the new force of the world. It was time to introduce Celestial Being to the world.

Learned jutsus: None known as of yet.

Weapons/items: A cane

Goals: Bring an end to war.

Posts : 48
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Join date : 2008-12-26
Age : 33

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Allelujah Empty Re: Allelujah

Post by Allelujah Fri Jan 09, 2009 8:34 pm

Well I upgraded my history. Didn't like how I had it before. I also did something very interesting with it. I hope you enjoy.

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Allelujah Empty Re: Allelujah

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Jan 09, 2009 10:24 pm

approved unless said otherwise
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Allelujah Empty Re: Allelujah

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