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Usarachi Jinkai

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Usarachi Jinkai Empty Usarachi Jinkai

Post by Guest Sat Nov 22, 2008 6:29 am

Name: Usarachi Jinkai
Age: 21 (real age around 121 as he is a vampire)
Rank: Kage (akatsuki)
Village: Kirigakure (Mist)


Dark Blue top with a pair of baggy black trousers and a black belt. Hair is styled out and has been died dark blue. Always carries his sword on his back. Has a black long trench coat with shades of blue on and is always wearing Knee high rock style boots covered in blue flames. Jinkai sometimes appears as that of a samurai and puts his hair up in a ponytail as it is rather long.


Jinkai is a gentle soul, that does not believe in the harming of others unless absolutely necessary, however he cannot overlook the dangerousness of renegade Ninja’s be they innocent or not. Jinkai likes to help people and protect those around him.

Jinkai however becomes a different person on the night of the blue moon, that which he was born on. He can be as nice and gentle of a person as anyone would ever meet, however he could also be a bloodthirsty, cold person with an evil aura surrounding oneself.

Jinkai finds it rather hard to control his temper when those that are innocent within his sight or are are harmed unlawfully, although this does not show his true anger. Jinkai’s true anger is usually kept hidden within him, and let lose on the occasion of need.

Jinkai usually likes to keep to himself when around other so as to not show his true self to those around him, such as the fact that he is a vampire, however he does like to help people whenever needed and does converse when he becomes overly tired of work.


Usarachi Jinkai used to be what people would call a normal boy, yet he wasn’t as normal as most people thought he was. Jinkai had been through a lot of good times and a lot of bad times, like most people had been through, yet the things he had been through was far worse than most normal people. Jinkai was at a stage where he barely remembered his parents and hardly knew his siblings yet there was just a faint section within his brain that held a vague memory of them.

Jinkai was born roughly 121 years ago during the 13th moon, the blue moon. He was born on Haha island in the sea country where his parents named him Yuu which literally means superiority and gentleness, which this is how his parents hoped he would be when he grew to be older. Yuu was taught how to fight by his dad from the age of 3, in order for him to protect himself in the future. His father had always trained Yuu by the sea and therefore taught Yuu how to become well balanced when he was fighting in a Taijutsu style.

His father trained Yuu like this untill he turned 5 years old. Yuu had grown in the fighting style an amazing amount. An amount that no fighter or ninja had ever seen before. Yuu was by far more superior than the rest of the ninja’s on that island. Yuu’s father decided it was then time for him to learn the basica of chakra control and therefore began training him how to use chakra. He taught Yuu how to be able to climb a tree without using his hands, which was the best way of learning to control chakra, since Yuu had already unconciousl;y learnt it by balancing on the water.

Whilst Yuu was learning to climb trees and control his chakra flow more and more, his father decided to try and train him how to use swords and weapons so that he would be more educateed in the ways of fighting. His father introduced a basic shuriken and kunai to him and then a basic wooden katana specifically used for training purposes. Days went by and Yuu learnt more and more about fighting. Yuu’s mother also taught him basic knowledge of the world. She taught him the knowledge of the five main countries and about the 5 hidden villages which had a Kage within each. Not only did she teach Yuu the basics about their world, she schooled and educated him with history that she thought may be of use.

Yuu continued to train with his parents and alone, learning how to control the flow of his Chakra and how to balance with Taijutsu. He was more accustomed to fighting whilst controlling his chakra on water. This made him able to use both Taijutsu and Ninjutsu together however he had not fully tested that out. When Yuu reached the age of 9 years, his father decided it was time for him to learn the one technique, Seiryuu No Mizu, a speciallized water dragon technique that would take years to be able to unleash it’s full potential. Yuu began training how to manipulate water in the basic form of ninjutsu, untill he was fully able to understand the techniques needed for Seiryuu No Mizu. Yuu’s mother also taught him about handsingns, that in which he needed to know in order to be a successful Ninja.

Yuu continued his training happily with his parents, learning the techniques of basic martial arts and Ninjutsu and controlling chakra more and more. Yuu’s mother then gave birth to a second child when he was 11, one of which he vowed to protect when he got older. His sister, whom he named Safira, smiled at him happily as he looked after her and trained only when he had the time. Yuu finally reached the age of 12 when disaster struck upon his village. A group of demons or vampires which were formerly top ninja’s struck upon his village in search of a new born child, that whom was wise and was able to fight.

Yuu’s father entrusted him with a sword and escorted him to a path which surely led to an area of safety, however Yuu was also entrusted with his younger sister, Safira. Yuu fled up into the mountains and forestry on that island untill he came across a cave which resided a pack of wolves though they were not ordinary wolves. These wolves appeared much different from the average grey wolf, these wolves had a deep crimson coloured fur. Yuu stood there for a while, kneeling to show his appreciation for them and was accepted into the cave like area. There he looked after his sister Safira, wondering what had happened to his parents.

Yuu continued to live with the wolves for many a year, allowing both himself and the leader of the wolves to come to trust one another. Safira had also grown up, being taught similar methods to that which his father had originally taught him, however learning how to sync battle with a wolf. Yuu watched happily as his sister grew up with the wolves, learning their ways and how to trust them. Yuu was by now able to understand the majority of what the wolves did. He had by now reached the age of 16 when he learnt that the sword his father had entrusted him to was not just any old sword, but was called the Crimson Wolf Blade, a seemingly powerful weapon which allowed him to battle alongside the wolves yet perhaps be able to utilise their powers effectively though what powers there were remained a mystery.

Yuu then learned that in order to utilise such a powerful weapon, he would need to mix his blood with that of the leader of the Crimson Wolf in which he had to obtain full trust of the leader. A year later, when he reached 17 Yuu proved his full trustworthiness to the leader of the pack and therefore shed a droplet of his own blood and the Crimson Wolf’s blood upon the Crimson blade, signing a contract with each other. Now no matter what was to happen to Yuu, whenever he wished upon the help of the Crimson Wolf, the wolf would be there to help.

Yuu then began to train alongside the Crimson Wolf, working with what current skills he had and also working with new skills that were to be taught to him using the wolf’s true power. One technique that took time for Yuu to understand was the genjutsu technique to throw people into a blood stained illusion full of their true nightmares. Another in which he learned to master, although not fully, was the barrier technique in order to protect himself and his sister who had now grown to the age of 7 and was not far from becoming 8 years of age.

Yuu sat back and watched his sister learn with one of the wolves, knowing that she would eventually become a great ninja like himself and would serve a good country. Yuu knew that it wasn’t far from time that he would have to leave the pack of wolves and his sister in search of his way of life. He also knew that whether he was human or vampire, he himself would not change for the good of mankind. He was there to protect, and protect he would.

He continued to train himself with the Crimson Wolf, who’s name had been revealed as Kuronushi. Yuu had by this time, fully bonded with the leader and was almost ready to leave, however he had yet to reveal his second element. It took him as little as 2 years to learn that his second ability was a lightning elemnt, and that his first element was water, which was rather helpful as he knew water conducted electricity. Yuu went on to try and materialize some lightning, which ended up a deep red coloured lightning. By this time Yuu had finally reached the age of 21.

Yuu said a final goodbye to his sister Safira and the pack of wolves in which he had lived with for many years, and then began his journey towards the coast where he was hoping he would be able to find a boat. After a good long while, Yuu reached the village in which he was born in and stood there looking on as some villagers stood there in horror, staring at him with eyes of terror. Despite this Yuu continued deeper and farther into the Village untill he reached a place that he was able to rest.

Yuu had met up with what he believed to be good will Ninja’s, and followed them for a good year and a half untill he discovered the leader of the pack, Cain was that of an eternal race, more formarly known as a Vampire. Yuu fought a difficult battle with Cain knowing that cain was far more powerful than he was, a fight he stood no chance in. Finally Yuu thought he was about to die when things changed, for better or for worse.

Yuu one day woke up in a dark wooded area with Cain hovering above him. All he could remember then was that he trained with wolves and that he had a sister called Safira. He could vaguely remember his father, though that memory was long gone. Yuu had also forgotten his name and was therefore given a new name by Cain a name called Jinkai. Yuu had now become Jinkai and was ready to walk the path of the vampires, not knowing the hardships to come, continuing along his path of protection.

Jinkai followed Cain, battling those that stood in his and Cain’s path, showing no mercy. Jinkai howevere was different from most vampires. He had no need to suck the blood to live and he was not evil as most vampires were, which was also a reason for him following Cain. Jinkai learnt the way of the vampires, learning that he could fly with enough practice however it would take years to be able to know how to do so. Jinkai continued along this path with Cain for what seemed like mere days, that had actually turned into long awaited years. Jinkai also learnt that he had some powers of the wolf and that of a vampire within him, however he would only be able to use those of the wolf when he had his sword in full use.

Jinkai was able to harvest more chakra although this was limited and Cain recommended that it not be used. Jinkai was also able to become much more powerful in time of need, and was not to be defeated as easy as he was thought to be. Years flew by as Jinkai learnt more about the world and it’s elements. Cain had taught him a lot yet Jinkai was able to observe the work of the people. Jinkai then began to wonder about his sister Safira and decided to go on in search for her, wondering if she was still alive.

To Jinkai’s disbelief, Safira had become half human, half wolf, gaining more years from the Crimson Wolves, how many years he had yet to know, however she appeared to be in her 20’s like himself. Jinkai then greeted his familiar, Kuronushi in a polite manner however baring his fangs, showing that he had also become a vampire. Kuronushi had not disowned Jinkai, but yet became closer with his partner. Jinkai went on to mastering how to fly and remembering the techniques he was taught by his father and the Crimson Wolf.

It was then discovered that Jinkai was unable to fully utilise the sword unless he was desperately trying to protect someone or he was in extreme anger. It was also discovered that the sword held a barrier which would protect him and signal for Kuronushi’s help when he was in desperate need as he had fallen weak. Jinkai had become sure that within the sword, resided some powerful hidden techniques, that of which he would need to discover, also he believed it had a healing technique hidden deep within it’s blade. There was much mystery to be solved.

After fifty years of life, watching all those people live and die, and training hard not knowing how to learn the techniques of the Crimson Blade, Jinkai had finally decided it was best not to get close to anyone of the world other than Safira, as they would be sure to die before him. Once again Jinkai tried to interpret the small scripture on the blade, and he tried to dig deep within the blade to learn it’s true secrets, untill it was revealed that there was pieces of the blade which had been scattered within the five main country’s, which Jinkai knew the five main villages resided. Jinkai finally believed it to be time to leave Haha Island, in search of the missing pieces of the Crimson Blade. Cain and Kuronuchi had also follwed Jinkai as he headed for the country of waves, to be more precise, Kirigakure itself.

Upon his arrival, Jinkai had encountered a few problems, however those problems had not been too much trouble. Jinkai went on to help out the villages in the Wave country, finally helping out Kirigakure itself until he was finally approached by the leader of Kiri whom had asked him to become the Mizukage and to protect Kiri. Jinkai accepted this role and began working within the office in the Kage tower.

And the story continues on this present day....

Learned jutsus: Seiryuu No Mizu, some Taijutsu and Genjutsu moves to be added,

Weapons/items: Crimson Wolf Blade.

Goals: To protect Mist as best as possible and to become a good Kage that is able to help those around him. To be able to help allies when needed.

I was asked to write about 15 paragraphs if i wanted a Kage position so i hope this is enough for you. Sorry if it doesn't seem all that well as I am really tired and literally stayed up all night working on it *looks outside and then at clock which sais 10am* and now it's morning lol. Hope it's ok!!

Last edited by Usarachi Jinkai on Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:45 am; edited 1 time in total


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Usarachi Jinkai Empty Re: Usarachi Jinkai

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Nov 22, 2008 5:15 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

Posts : 997
Points : 500
Reputation : 38
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 33
Location : Akron, Ohio

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