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Lee Chaolin

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Lee Chaolin Empty Lee Chaolin

Post by Lee Fri Dec 19, 2008 5:51 pm

Name:Lee Chaolin


Rank: Jounin


Appearance: Lee Chaolin Lee
Lee Chaolin Lee

Personality: Lee is always looking for a good challenge. His other interests include gambling, reading, and training. He usually has a bored expression on his face, except for when when he is fighting.

Age 1-4: Lee's parents were very overprotective. They never let him go outside, in fear that he might get hurt. Lee usually sat inside and stared through the window. He saw children playing outside, people working, socializing with eachother, going to the store to eat. When he wasn't staring at the outside world, he was playing in the dirt outside. He loved the dirt.

Lee did not care so much. He loved his parents, and believed them when they said they were only keeping him safe. Lee lived in an upper class family. They tried to make up for the fact that they never let him outside by buying him gifts. He recieved many gifts such as: toys, books, video games. His most important and beloved present was his cat, Yoshima.

Lee took Yoshima everywhere he went. There was not many places to go under his parents restrictions, but they had a very big house. They made adventures for themselves, and his parents usually played along. He would pretend to be a pirate captain, and Yoshima, his black and white mixed cat, would be his assistant. They would infiltrate the evil robots lair (his parents office and family room), and they would battle them. That was one of Lee's favorite games, and it taught him the basics of fighting.

Age 4-7: Lee started getting very curious of the outside world. What kind of people were there besides his relatives. What images were beyond his dining room window. It seemed beyond his mind to even imagine it. He needed to find out.

He could have snuck out anytime. His parents were always busy working. They trusted Lee completely, and knew in there minds he would never disobey them. So during the middle of the day while his parents were arguing about business matters, Lee stepped outside into the world. He grabbed Yoshima and was almost blinded by the sun when he walked out.

Lee was overwhelmed by the feeling of the outside world. He stood in shock for minutes, for he had never been outside before. He was both excited and scared at the same time. The sun felt so... so... "Hey kid!!! said a young blue haired boy named Ishida, playing soccer with some kids that Lee had seen before.Come play soccer with us!" "Soccer? said Lee. What's that?"

Age 8-13: Lee started sneaking out more often after that. The outside world was just so incredible. Grass, sunshine, other human beings. Everyone had such different personalities! Lee was figuring out his own personality while he played outside. He kept the fact that his parents don't let him go outside hidden, in fear that the other kids might think of him as an outcast.

One day Lee left a game of soccer to go buy some ramen. While Lee was gone, someone must have kicked the soccer ball into his house and went to the door and asked his parents if they could bring the ball out. They must have also mentioned Lee's name because when he got home, his parents told him he was to stay upstairs in his room for two month's until he learned his lesson.

After his parents got done scolding him of how dangerous the outside is, he grabbed his cat and went upstairs. Lee made a decision that he was going to run away. He packed his bags then waited until they fell asleep. He jumped out of his window and started running. Lee smiled, for this was the first time he had ever seen the mist village at night.

Age 14-19: At the age of 14 and 15 Lee lived in the woods. He fought off wolves and other dangerous animals. While looking for food one day, an old man who Lee called 'Sensai Gaara' approached him. He said Lee was very gifted in the ways of taijutsu, and sensed a strong earth element inside of him. He took him to his cabin in the woods and taught him the ways of ninjutsu, and how to control rocks and earth.

When Lee was 17, the old man was murdered. Lee could not find out who murdered him. He still hunts whoever did it today. At the age of 19, Lee met a girl named Kara. They settled down and had a young boy.

The night after Lee and his family had gotten their own house, his wife Karen was murdered. His son was missing, and his house was nearly destroyed. Lee thought about ending his life. How could all of this happen to him?

Age 19-27 It was obvious that someone was trying to mess with his life. Lee started to think it had something to do with why his parents always kept him inside. Lee searched for answers: Who could be doing this? Why? Why wont they just kill me instead of my loved ones? He still has no answers, and is not close to getting any.

Lee, now 27 years old, entered a Ramen shop on the streets of Kiri. He ordered a Ramen and started a short conversation with the boy working there. His name was Toshiro. "Arent you a little young to be working here anyway? Where are you parents?" asked Lee. "Im 13 years old," he said. And I don't remember a life with my parents. I don't remember life before I was two." the boy said. Lee froze up and then ran out of the shop. He stopped 10 feet away from the store. could that son?!

Learned jutsus:

Weapons/items: basic weapons (kunai, shuriken (etc..)

Goals: Find the man who killed my wife and sensai.


Posts : 329
Points : 244
Reputation : 24
Join date : 2008-12-19
Age : 31

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Lee Chaolin Empty Re: Lee Chaolin

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:23 am

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

Posts : 997
Points : 500
Reputation : 38
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 33
Location : Akron, Ohio

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Lee Chaolin Empty woo

Post by Lee Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:32 am

Thanks ^^


Posts : 329
Points : 244
Reputation : 24
Join date : 2008-12-19
Age : 31

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