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Reiketsukan (Reiko)

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Reiketsukan (Reiko) Empty Reiketsukan (Reiko)

Post by Guest Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:59 pm

Name: Reiketsukan (Reiko)

Age: 21

Rank: A-rank

Village: Former Sand (Team Blaze)


Reiko has dark crimson red hair that looks like it had been previously blood stained. She wears an elegant Black outfit with what appears to have a red hardened blood outline, and also some spikes and large spiked Shoulder and elbow protectors. She also has a matching skirt and has some long blood red patterns on her face. She appears as almost a bringer of death or a Necromancer of sorts.

It looks like this but red outlines..

Reiketsukan (Reiko) Necromancer_Elite_Luxon_Armor_F_gray_front


Reiko is a rather happy and cheerful girl. She is very talkative with others however she has a rather bad temper. She does not like people pulling pranks and Jokes. Reiko’s personality changes when she is in a battle, almost as if she were insane. Reiko enjoys battling with others and drawing blood. Not much else to write about her really.


Reiketsukan’s Birth

Reiketsukan was born on the eve of Christmas by parents that were unknown to her. On the eve of Christmas, Reiko was left in a forest, by a cave, far away from any human life. As a baby, she was unable to do anything for herself, until a dog found her and had guided its owners to her. Reiko was picked up by some people in the land of the wind. These people were Jounin levelled Ninja from the hidden village of sand.

The people that found Reiko took her back to their village, where they headed to the Kage’s office to report what they had found. The Kage immediately sent out an urgent notice, looking for Reiko’s parents however, no one ever stepped forward. Reiko was taken in by the hospital and was checked over for any injuries and fed fully. The two Jounin came and checked up on her every day, treating her as if they were her parents. Once Reiko had been checked over, and given the appropriate injections to stop any diseases she was free to be taken from the hospital.

The two Jounin what had originally found her had requested to the Kage that they become her new parents, and that they take care of her and bring her up and train her. The Kage who was fine with this added her into the list of people within Suna itself. She was now the child of two of the Jounins there. The two Jounins took their time in bringing her up and caring for her. When one was on a mission, the other would take care of her. She was treated with delicacy and care as a baby. They took her to parks and playgroups watching her smile form as she had fun.

During this time, the two new parents had discussed that she was to be enrolled at the Ninja Academy, and was to follow in their own footsteps however, if she requested to find her real parents then they were to allow her to do so. They made a list of things that was to be done for her and said to her so that she were to know about herself. They also decided to call her Reiketsukan, or Reiko, as each time they looked at her, that was the name that had come into their head.


Reiko had grown up to be a happy child who had good parents. She had fun playing with them when they took her to a park. During Reiko’s childhood, she was ignored by all other people and children around her. Her parent and she herself did not understand why she was ignored, but the faint reality that she was being pushed from the community was one that was none other than too harsh. Reiko, still being a young child, was unable to fully understand this herself so she just shrugged it off and enjoyed the time that she spent with her parents. Her parents had thought that it may have been to do with the name that they had given her, as it had meant something about death, however they weren’t entirely sure. Reiko’s father decided, after fully discussing it with her mother and the Kage, that they would train her themselves before she were to enter the Academy.

Reiko’s father was well known throughout the whole of Suna as an immensely extraordinary Taijutsu user, and there was not one there that had been able to fully keep up with his style. His style had become well known also, however it had been a secret as to what style he used. Reiko’s father took her into their Yard one day and told her that he was going to be trained with his style of Taijutsu. Her parents weren’t entirely sure how she would take it at first and if she would even want to train in Ninja fighting techniques and Martial arts however, Reiko just nodded and smiled back as if she understood them.

Reiko began her next day waking up early and dressing in appropriate Martial Arts clothing. She was brought into the yard where she learnt some of the Main stances that were needed for fighting in Taijutsu. Her father then decided that before she was to learn to train in Martial Arts fully, she needed to gain stamina and strength as well as a fair amount of speed, in order to be good at Taijutsu. He asked her to stand in horse stance, with her hands facing out and then he told her to stay like that for 5 hours. Her parents were unsure of how she would handle this kind of training at first however, Reiko stood there in Horse stance for 5 hours, ready and willing to train to the full extent, understanding that it was going to be difficult. Her father trained her like this for 2 weeks, adding weights upon her arms and adding more and more weight as each day had passed. He was sure Reiko was ready for the next set of training.

Reiko’s father went and got some ankle and wrist weights as well as other body weights, in which he placed upon her. Her next set of training was to be able to use speed and respond quickly. Each day for about a week she was to go out and walk around for almost a day, not taking off the weights. She walked for hours and miles, only stopping to have food and water and to sleep. Her father would through objects towards her that she would need to try and dodge and each day she would get better at dodging them. She would sense them coming towards her and be able to dodge at a somewhat decent rate, one which was not fast enough. After a week of more weights being added, Reiko began jogging and dodging items, which continued for yet another week. Reiko’s training in speed and stamina continued for weeks, as she learnt to speed up and to dodge items. During this time she also learnt how to sense items coming towards her.

Her next set of training was to train her senses. A blindfold was placed over Reiko’s eyes and she was to wear it for two weeks, continuing her speed and stamina training, and training herself to dodge items. Again, Reiko’s parents thought that they may have been too hard on her with the training, as she was only a child, and had not been trained like this before, yet Reiko was able to complete all her training effectively. Reiko’s father decided after two weeks, that it was time for her blindfold to be removed. She was now able to dodge objects and sense people with her eyes closed, and are able to determine where she was going.

After months of continuous training, the day had come where Reiko was to be taught the actual attacks and defence of the Martial Arts style her father had. Reiko had continued to wear the weights, without her father knowing, as he had told her she was to take them off for this training. Reiko herself wanted to be able to fight effectively with a bit more speed. She wouldn’t be extremely fast however, she would be faster than most normal Ninja.

Day after day for over 5 months she trained with her father, learning the techniques rather quickly, being deemed a Natural in Martial Arts. Her father and mother who were shocked at the rate that she was learning, quickly called upon the Kage. The Kage himself was also shocked that she had been able to master almost all of the techniques within the style that her father was well known for. They each decided that it was time for her to have a break however, Reiko demanded to her father, that they were to spar and she were to be wearing the blindfold again. Each day they sparred and trained in offensive and defensive techniques, Reiko training her mind to understand the movement and speed of her father, being able to tell his exact position. Her father had decided it was time for her mother to try and fight with her.

At first, this confused Reiko as the movement had changed however, she continued to wear the weights and blindfold, able to figure out her mother’s movements in a matter of minutes. Reiko was able to counter all of her mother’s attacks as well as her father’s. They decided then that it was time to place her into the academy. Reiko’s parents left her at home to train her senses again, as they headed over to the Kage’s office. There they discussed her progression and decided that it would be time to enter her into the Academy.

The next day, Reiko entered the Academy, looking at all the other children. She hoped that she would make friends with at least one Ninja there however, to her, it didn’t really matter whether she had friends or not. Reiko had one goal in mind, and that was to become a great shinobi and be able to protect her village and friends, as well as her family.

At the Academy

Reiko had entered the Academy after months of training with her mother and father. She continued to wear the weights that her father had given her to wear during their training as she felt the need to use them whilst training in Ninjutsu. She didn’t know any of the people that had entered the Academy however, she had seen them whilst playing in the park once, and training with her father. As she had thought before she entered the Academy, everyone kept away from her and ignored her. She herself did not know the reason nor did she understand why however, she didn’t particularly care either.

During classes they learnt how to control the flow of their chakra, how to throw Kunai’s and aim at a precise target as well as learn how to use weapons. One of her favourite classes, was learning how to use Katana’s effectively. Not many of the other students understood how to use Katanas or swords however, it felt as though she had used one before. Reiko had decided that she would talk to her parents, and they had bought her one for her training. Reiko decided that during her time outside of the Academy that she would teach herself. Reiko closed her eyes and stood there with her Katana, focusing her mind, thinking of movements. She began to move her hand and sword and her parents watched her intently, wondering what she was doing.

Her parents continued watching her as her father stood there looking shocked. It was discovered that the sword style that she happened to be using, was that of a legendary style. One which had been known to be used by one Man. Her father recognised the style that she was using from a young man named Jinkai, a man who had helped him as he had encountered a large group of people. Knowing that Reiko was able to use that sword style made him wonder if she was related to Jinkai or if Jinkai was her father. This he was unsure of. He spoke to his wife, who was also particularly shocked by the fact that she knew this sword style. Eiko’s father thought about it more, and realised that she may have been able to use Taijutsu easy as he had also known Jinkai was well known for fighting in Taijutsu.

Reiko continued to train herself using her sword, continuing to attend the Academy, learning Ninjutsu techniques and basic elementary techniques. During Reiko’s time at the Academy, she was continuously ignored by those around her, some who feared her, others who was just unsure of her. When one boy approached Reiko, smiling at her happily, she became shocked. She smiled back at him, happily accepting his friendship.

Reiko began training with the young boy, teaching him some sword techniques and Taijutsu moves. He had also preferred to use Katanas and weaponry, but had also enjoyed training in Ninjutsu. This boy had also learnt a few Genjutsu techniques which he had decided to teach her also. The boy who she had been training with was called Kidou. She enjoyed spending her time with him and she had decided to bring him back to her place where she introduced him to her parents. Her parents were also happy that she had found a friend to train with.

It was almost time for them to complete the Academy and begin training as Genin’s. The Academy held their final exams, which Reiko and Kidou had easily and successfully completed. The two sat in their classroom, next to each other, hoping that they would be placed within the same team.

The Academy teacher entered and read out the list of names of people who had passed the exams. They then handed them their forehead protectors and allowed them to sit down once again. Once they had been given their forehead protectors, each teacher discussed which team they were to be placed n, which was later read out to the students. Reiko was happy as she had been placed in the same team as Kidou, and would have a friend to confide in as they were to do Missions. Each student was told that they were to return, to meet the Jounin in charge of them.


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Reiketsukan (Reiko) Empty Re: Reiketsukan (Reiko)

Post by Guest Wed Dec 17, 2008 3:00 pm

Life As A Genin

Reiko entered the Academy after a week of passing the Genin exam. At one of the desks sat her friend Kidou alongside the other member of their team. She walked up the steps and smiled at Kidou happily, before taking a seat next to him. Reiko looked at the other student who sat next to her, and smiled, showing that she didn’t bite.

Reiko watched as all the other teams had been introduced to their team leaders. Their leader happened to be late and they also happened to be the last team in the room, not that she minded much as she had more time to bond with her team. The other team member was unsure of her and didn’t particularly want to be in the same team however, they dealt with it and was able to talk to her. Kidou and Reiko talked about Genjutsu and Taijutsu techniques, happily awaiting their team leader.

They had finally met their team leader and was on their way to do a small test which all of them had to complete. Reiko and Kidou had grasped the concept of the test and thus were able to pass it in a matter of an hour. Each member smiled at each other happily as they were sent to the Kage’s office. Reiko was happy as they would be able to work on Missions. Their team picked missions and were able to successfully complete them with a big result. During time alone and at home, Reiko would talk to her parents about Kidou and everything they did, all their Missions they had completed and all the fun they were having.

Reiko was mostly happy and she had a friend in which she could confide in, although a lot of people ignored her. Nothing had been able to upset Reiko as she was strong willed. Reiko’s parents had decided that it was time they were to tell her the truth about herself and where she came from. One night after Reiko and her teammates had completed yet another Mission, her parents sat her down at the table and looked at her calmly, but seriously. There they told her how they weren’t her real parents and that they had found her by a cave whilst returning from a mission. They had picked her up and brought her back to Suna where she had been hospitalised and vaccine against viruses. Reiko was shocked to learn the truth t first, and she felt upset that the people she believed to be her parents, weren’t her parents at all however, she was still happy with them. She requested to stay with them, and then perhaps one day she would search for her real parents.

The team that Reiko was in completed more and more missions successfully up until it was decided that they were to be placed into the chuunin exams. Reiko had heard about the chuunin exams and the forest of death. She was sure she would do well on the written exam, but she was quite unsure about the forest of death. As for the 1v1 exams she thought she may be able to handle. Her goal at this minute was to get up to Jounin like her father and mother.

The time for the exams were not far away so Reiko decided that it were best if her team were to train together a lot more so that they would be ok during the exam. She knew the written exam wouldn’t be too hard, however she did know that they were going to need to rely on each other during the forest of death, and she knew Kidou was ok however, she was worried about their other team member. She spoke to her mother and father about this, and decided that she was going to train her senses just a bit more, in order for her and her two teammates to remain safe.

The Chuunin Exams

The Written Test:

Reiko and her teammates entered the room with the rest of the Chuunin exam candidates. She took her seat where she was told to sit and waited eagerly as each paper was placed in front of all the Ninja. She was unsure of how well she would be able to answer these questions. Reiko and her team didn’t do too bad on the written exam. She had easily figured out the best way to complete it and therefore was able to answer all of the questions effectively. Her teammates also passed and therefore she was onto the next exam.

Reiko and her teammates began training once again before they were due to enter the second part of the Exam. Reiko wanted to be ready for the Forest of Death and therefore she gathered together some supplies such as Kunais and two of her favourite Katanas. On the day she met up with Kidou and headed towards the forest of death.

The Second Test: The Forest Of Death

Reiko and her teammates collected their scroll and listened to the briefing given to them by their next examiner. Reiko was happy and eager to complete this part of the exam as well as excited. It seemed that because Reiko had trained her senses around a forest a lot, that she loved forests, whether they brought death or not, didn’t really matter to her. Reiko’s team were shown to one of the 44 gates that entered the forest. There they waited for the test to begin, once it did they entered the forest.

Reiko was happily running through the forest, knowing that they were going to have some bad encounters. It would have been easier perhaps, if Reiko didn’t wear her body weights, however she decided that she was to wear them as it would only increase her speed. It didn’t take too long for Reiko to continue through the forest with her teammates. She was worried particularly about the other teammate, but she knew Kidou would be fine. Hours passed as Reiko and her teammates walked through the forest. They had managed to acquire the scroll that they needed and therefore was heading towards the centre of the forest. Reiko held onto the scrolls herself and kept her guard up as they entered the area. There they were ambushed by another team however, they managed to pass through them with ease and exit into the tower. Quite a few teams had also passed and therefore they were plunged into a preliminary test to eliminate other Ninja.

Reiko and Kidou had passed the preliminary exam with ease and again this test was completed. Each ninja was sent home to rest before the Main part of the test was to begin. Here they were to compete against each other again and then the Chuunin were to be chosen.

The Main Tournament

It was now time for the tournament, and each match had been decided. Reiko knew herself that she would have to battle Kidou at some point during this exam, which upset her as she did not wish to. Reiko was placed up against a Water element Ninjutsu user at first, whom she considered rather easy to battle against. Using her ability to sense movement and react to her opponent’s attacks, Reiko dodged most attacks that he had. She then attacked her opponent using what Genjutsu she had learned and some sword based attacks.

Reiko managed to last till the end of the Chuunin exam, still with plenty of Stamina within her. The time had come where she had to battle Kidou, and both had battled rather well towards each other, demonstrating skill as well as friendship within each attack and blow. Reiko and Kidou’s battle lasted a long time and eventually came to an abrupt end with a draw.

After all the battles had finished, the Kage went on to deciding which Genin were to be promoted to Chuunin. Quite a few had been chosen, and Reiko and Kidou had passed and become Chuunin also. Reiko and Kidou were no longer required to work as a team and therefore they parted their ways, remaining friends with each other.

Reiko’s Chuunin Life

Reiko had become a Chuunin, and was placed on harder missions than those she had done before. She left the village on missions a lot as did her friend Kidou. Reiko enjoyed life as a Chuunin, she felt that she could understand more than what she did before. Upon Reiko’s return to Suna after completing a rather dangerous mission, Reiko requested time off to train more however, she wished to train outside the village. She spoke to her parents yet again, and requested that they show her where she found. Reiko packed some bags for her journey to training.

Reiko said goodbye to Kidou for a week so that she could continue her training. She met her parents at the desert entrance to Suna and there she followed them. A few days passed before arriving at the forest on the outskirts of the Wind country. Reiko’s parents could go no further as it was something that Reiko would have to do herself. They pointed her in the direction of the cave, and told her that it was straight on, deep within the forest near a waterfall. Reiko left them at the edge of the forest and headed straight towards the cave. She trailed for hours throughout the forest, hoping that she would soon find the waterfall.

After a day of walking, Reiko had finally stumbled upon the waterfall. Reiko was unsure of what had happened, but she knew for sure that she had been there before, not as a baby but as another being. The area she recognised and Mental images ran throughout her mind each distinguishing feature and memories that may be of help. She stood there as she remembered the waterfall being red, looking as it looked so foreign yet so familiar. Reiko decided that it was best for her to stay here for her week of training, in order to discover her true self.


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Reiketsukan (Reiko) Empty Re: Reiketsukan (Reiko)

Post by Guest Wed Dec 17, 2008 3:00 pm

The Truth

Reiko had approached the cave carefully and had walked about 3 steps inside it before taking a seat. Here she decided to calm her senses and focus on the large amount of imagery plaguing her mind. She had needed to find out the truth and therefore it was time to go into deep meditation thoughts. Reiko had taken a seat and made sure that she had been particularly comfortable, there she plunged her mind within the deep imagery that could not make a fragment of sense at this precise moment.

Reiko saw a picture of a pack of wolves at this cave, the cave she sat in. She was looking on at what seemed to be her own point of view, almost as if she were one of them. There she saw a young boy with blue hair enter the cave, holding a baby in his hands. Around her was a large pack of wolves with crimson fur, and one stepped forward, one that appeared to be the leader of the pack. The leader had taken in these two children and accepted them into their pack. Reiko then saw that she walked over to the young boy, looking at him. She could feel the gentleness of the wolf’s life that she was experiencing within that cave.

Reiko watched as yet another image came into her mind. She was next to the waterfall watching the young boy and the leader of the wolves train upon the water. The boy seemed quite good at Taijutsu. Reiko allowed her mind to focus on this once more as she noticed the all too familiar Taijutsu moves. Familiar indeed they were. She watched on in horror of the images playing in her mind. The boy had now picked up what appeared to be a carved wooden sword. Reiko saw the moves that she had previously been using when training with her Katana. Reiko felt connected to this boy, he held a secret or something with her.

Reiko continued on, watching more pictures, her training the young baby and bringing it up as the boy continued training with the leader. Reiko focused more upon this boy and soon discovered that his name was Usarachi Jinkai. She needed to know if he were alive, and what all this was. She continued reading each picture, until finally one that striked her as interesting and horrific came upon her. Jinkai and the crimson wolf had drawn blood from each other in order to create a sword. She felt the grim darkness as she suddenly realised that in order for the sword to be created, a wolf was needed for sacrifice. As Jinkai and the leader of the pack explained about this sword and about the need of a wolf’s sacrifice she watched as the wolf’s mind she was in stepped forward.

Reiko discovered then that this wolf had become the sacrifice. She watched as they walked her into the purity of the waterfall ahead of them, there Jinkai and the leader dropped their blood into her mouth and then stabbed her directly into the heart with a sword that Jinkai had already forged using Metal. She could see then, an image of her sword ahead of her, the sword she sacrificed herself to create.

Reiko had awoken at that moment, and she realised that she was that wolf. She was unsure of how she had became who she was now but she knew that the wolf that died was her. Reiko had decided then that she needed to go down to the waterfall, where she was sure she may discover how she came to be. She took yet another seat, and focused her mind upon the topic once again. Reiko found yet another memory that plagued her mind. The creation of the sword had been that powerful, that it had been split into fragments of power. She realised that the sword had become an empty shell and then realised, that she herself was the spirit of the sword, the piece that held the spiritual powers of the Crimson Wolf Blade. The remaining fragments had also become swords, and were sent across every country. She looked at one more memory, realising that one sword was held safely behind the waterfall.

Reiko woke up upon noticing this and stood up. She had felt unhappy because she realised that she was now merely a spirit in human form and she was unsure of what power she may harness within herself. Reiko moved to the edge of the waterfall and lay down resting her mind, allowing herself to be encompassed within a deep sleep. When Reiko awoke she decided that it would be best to search for this sword that happened to be in this waterfall.

Reiketsukan and Armor

After discovering her gruelling truth, Reiko stepped into the waterfall. There she remembered the memories of how it turned a deep red in the creation of The Crimson Wolf Blade. Reiko walked over to the waterfall and placed her arms underneath. She took a few steps and fully passed through the rushing water. There Reiko discovered that there was a cave hidden deep behind the waterfall. She took some steps into the cave and used her senses to guide her in the darkness that had a limited amount of light. Reiko closed her eyes and sensed a large object near the back wall at the centre of the cave. It was far too small to be a part of the cave itself and far too large to be a rock on the floor’s surface area.

Reiko picked up this box and carried it out of the cave and to the edge of the water. She opened it with great ease, to discover a rather dark looking blade. The blade itself was black as if it were made from carbon fiber but had a rather sharp crimson edge. This was no doubt a part of the crimson blade for the sheath had deep crimson red markings, almost as if it were blood hardened into a blade. Upon the sheath red the name *Reiketsukan* a name which she had been given by her parents. Reiko had found this all too similar to just happen to be a coincidence. Beneath where the sword lay, lay an armor made from leather and what also appeared to be blood hardened. The patterns were extroadinary, almost as if it were meant to be the armor for a necromancer, one that was able to raise minions from the souls of the dead.

Reiko had finally decided it was time to return to Suna.


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Reiketsukan (Reiko) Empty Re: Reiketsukan (Reiko)

Post by Kyo Wed Dec 17, 2008 3:03 pm

Wow Jinkai, I don't think I have ever seen you have any other character besides Jinkai lol.

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Reiketsukan (Reiko) Empty Re: Reiketsukan (Reiko)

Post by Guest Wed Dec 17, 2008 3:04 pm

Reiko’s Return to Suna

Reiko stepped back in through the entrance to Suna, days after her discovery. With her she carried the sword and the armour. Reiko returned to her home and hid the armour and sword before encountering her mother and father. She then headed for the Kage’s office where she would state that she had returned to Suna. The Kage had also wished to see her upon her return. Due to the amount of completed missions and the good report as a Ninja that Reiko had received, the Kage had promoted her to Jounin, as she was of that level. After her talk with the Kage, Reiko returned home, setting her mind to one goal. She wished to meet Jinkai.

Reiko smiled happily as she met her mother and father once again, and asked them in for a discussion. There she told her parents what had happened and what she had discovered, then she asked her father if he had heard of an Usarachi Jinkai, which she discovered he had. He had been promoted to Kage of Kiri and was therefore the Mizukage. Reiko decided that she were to head to Kiri immediately to meet him. Reiko’s parents then told Reiko that Kidou had been sentenced to death for apparently killing a number of sand shinobi. They were unable to believe it and had figured that he had been framed, perhaps by shinobi of Konoha.

That night Reiko had decided that it was time for her to rescue her friend and leave Suna for good. She opened the case and dressed in the Armour that she had found and picked up the sword. Reiko headed towards where Kidou was held captive. She fought numerous Ninja that stood in her path until she had reached her goal. The blade upon the sword was hard and sharp enough to slice through pure metal. Reiko grabbed Kidou and left Suna, knowing that Sand shinobi would be following her.

Life as a Missing Nin

Reiko had now become a Missing Nin and was wanted for helping a Murderer to escape the clutches of death. Reiko and Kidou ran for days, leaving Wind country and crossing the borders until they reached the Earth country. Here Reiko had helped Kidou to begin a new life as she began hers. She left him at a village almost in the centre of earth country. Reiko had heard of a team called Team Blaze, a team that had seemed to become allies with the Akatsuki, a team which seemed to despise Konoha.

Reiko set on a Journey of finding Team Blaze in order to abolish the Ninja that had killed the Sand Shinobi. This was one small goal of her bigger goal to get to Mist in order to meet Jinkai. Reiko had a long Journey ahead of her, one which brought numerous encounters of people who believed themselves to be higher yet held no match against her. Reiko left her mark upon each village. Hoping that Team Blaze were to discover her existence as she destroyed some Ninja from Konoha. Throughout her travels Reiko continued to train her speed and Stamina with the body weights that she continued to wear. She wasn’t overly fast but she was a lot faster than most Ninja.

From here on Reiko’s Story Continues...

Learned jutsus: To be added

Weapons/items: Reiketsukan

Goals: To become a member of Team Blaze and to meet Jinkai the Kage of Mist. *there are also others*

OK... so it may seem like bullshit and OP.. but i don't care... it's the only thing i could think of and i like it lol. Besides... i did rush it quite a bit as I wanted to get it done by today. Sorry if it seems past/present tense and more like a story, but that's the only way i could write it so meh. No complaining. I tried my best, well maybe not my best but I tried!!


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Reiketsukan (Reiko) Empty Re: Reiketsukan (Reiko)

Post by Guest Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:31 am



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Reiketsukan (Reiko) Empty Re: Reiketsukan (Reiko)

Post by Kenshi Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:26 pm

Oh Wow... Shocked

I skimmed it, and I approve it, but get someone else to approve it also. Since it's so much I could have missed something.


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Reiketsukan (Reiko) Empty Re: Reiketsukan (Reiko)

Post by Guest Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:46 pm



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Reiketsukan (Reiko) Empty Re: Reiketsukan (Reiko)

Post by Kenshi Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:47 pm

There you go, you're all set!


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Reiketsukan (Reiko) Empty Re: Reiketsukan (Reiko)

Post by Guest Thu Dec 18, 2008 2:48 pm

Lol Thanks guys!! I did try my best... hehe!! Well... not my full best... just better than usual... lol! *shutting up now*


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Reiketsukan (Reiko) Empty Re: Reiketsukan (Reiko)

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