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Miazu Empty Miazu

Post by Guest Sat Dec 13, 2008 5:58 am

Name: Miazu

Age: 19

Rank: Takikage

Village: Village Hidden in the Waterfall

Miazu Miazu

Personality: A selfless ninja who puts her life on the line for her village. Nevertheless she is very defiant and only fully trusts her own opinion.

History: Miazu was born into a family of medical nin within the waterfall village. This family was basically the waterfall villages' only source of medical aid. They had medical techniques passed down through the generations, and were extremely gifted with their abilities. Especially Miazu. Miazu was the most gifted, learning many powerful medical jutsus and techniques early on in her life, and referred to as the greatest medical nin ever in the waterfall village.

Upon birth, Miazu was granted much attention. Her parents spent all their time with her when not aiding the waterfall village with ninja injuries and conditions. She did not have any grandparents, as they perished with most of her extended family during the shinobi war. This was another reason why her parents where so keen to spend time with her, so she did not grow up like they did, away from everyone and on their own.

When she was 4, both her parents died as they were away on a high ranked mission for the waterfall village. They has been murdered by black and red cloaked men as they stood innocently in their way to 'important scrolls'. She did not completely understand at first why she was taken from her home to the village orphanage, but later understood. The death of her parents shook her greatly. She did not cry, just tried to stay alone as much as possible, showing just about no emotion.

Before her parents died, they had asked the village elders to help unlock her medical techniques and carry on their legacy. They unconditionally agreed, as they needed new medical nin for their injured and diseased. Soon after she was 6, the village had accepted her into the ninja program, to train her in the ways of the shinobi, but also, to find how powerful her medical jutsus could become. The village was assigned to unlock her potential. They soon realized that Miazu had an amazing talent to heal, and a legit sense of caring to anyone she could help.

They decided to intensify her training, to see how strong she could be. They had never seen a member of her family so strong. She almost aced all her ninja tests, and was stronger than all her classmates. She was regarded by some in the program to be as strong as a chunnin at the age of 10. The Takikage then decided to take her into his care to train her in more powerful jutsus , especially his vast knowledge of medical techniques. He looked after her as his own.

By the age of 14, Miazu was regarded as the 2nd strongest ninja of the village, beside the Takikage. She had developed an excellent knowledge of the human anatomy, medical techniques, ninjutsu, weapons and war tactics, all passed to her mostly from the Takikage, who regarded her as the next village leader. He then revealed to her the villages plan of turning her into the full time medical nin of the village, and to teach others in her ways. This was so they could expand and one day become a strong nation in terms of medical aid.

She agreed, but before she began as the full time medical nin leader, or even the next Takikage, she wanted to get out and see the ninja world beyond the waterfall. She insisted she leave by herself, on a both 'spiritual' and 'physical' journey, to apply her techniques elsewhere, and gain an even further knowledge. Also, as a general holiday out of her village, too The Takikage was not happy about his best medical nin leaving, but still agreed to her cause. The next day she left as she woke, out of the waterfall and into the world.

Miazu was at first confused with the outside world. Things were much different to her previous environment, especially that of the rain village which she visited on her journey. They were highly industrialized, and completely different from what she had ever seen. She stopped over in the rain village for some time, assisting the ninja there with their battle injuries and the like. They regarded her as a highly skilled medical nin, which they could definitely do with in their village. But she kindly rejected the offer, saying she was not meant for the rain village, but rather in the end her hometown, the land of the waterfall.

On her travels, Miazu also visited the village hidden in the leaves, Konoha, which was by far the most populous place she had ever seen. She highly enjoyed her first entrance, smelling the wonderful aromas, meeting the friendly people and feeling amazed at the size of Konohagakure's military power, which had many, many more ninja than her village. At Konoha, she met an elderly lady, Anuzu, who realized that Miazu had an amazing talent for medical ninjutsu. She asked Miyazu if she would like to train under her, showing her highly advance medical and ninjutsus. It turns out Anuzu was a former kunoichi and then medical nin of the village hidden in the leaves.

Miazu was amazed by this woman. She showed her amazing medical techniques that she herself had never dreamed of. Anuzu insisted only a young ninja such as Miazu could perform them, as she was old, fragile, and probably on the verge of death, not affording to waste any energy. Also because Miazu was a woman who showed enormous potential, and was one Anuzu could trust with her ancient ways. Anuzu was just what Miazu had been looking for, a true medical mentor to show the the true ways of a medical shinobi.

Another year had passed, she was 17 and enjoying her training with Anuzu. She had learnt may foreign and great jutsus, As well as an amazing array of ninjutsus for a medical nin. Until the Hokage of Konoha had discovered Miazu. He too was amazed by the medical ability, and asked her to aid his nation. This time, she felt a strong link with Konoha and decided to aid them as best she could.

Konoha accepted Miazu as one of their own. For a long time she helped the ninja of Konoha, healing their wounded and occasionally heading out on ninja missions. Soon after, Miazu had heard word that the kage of the waterfall village had died of old age. Instantly she felt drawn back to her true home, and suddenly felt incredibly homesick. The Hokage realized this and knew she was not meant for Konoha. Reluctantly, he let her leave, thanking her for everything she had done for the village hidden in the leaves.

Miazu was on her venture home. She was happy to be returning, but also sad at the death of her former waterfall mentor, and somewhat father. Upon her return, Miazu realized things had not changed one bit, apart from the fact that the village had no current Takikage. The people at first didn't realize who she was, due to her growth and amazing ability. They were shocked to discover it was the orphan and former Takikage apprentice Miazu. The people instantly had an amazing idea, to elect her as the new Takikage. A rash decision, but one made by desperate people needing a leader.

Miazu was shocked and flattered at the same time, secretly knowing she would one day take the highest spot. As the new Takikage, she knew there was work to be done. She first set about developing new ninja squads, and sought herself a medical nin apprentice, to teach in her ways. She rebuilt the village, with the help of the members, still maintaining its reputation as the true hidden village only members or former village members can find.

Currently, Miazu has been the Takikage for 1 and a half years, and is doing an excellent job, according to village members. She has established a relationship with former long-time home, Konoha, and wishes her genin off to the chunnin exams. Also Miazu is hoping to update waterfall technology quite significantly to keep up with the other hidden villages. She is currently still looking for a medical apprentice to perhaps one day take her place as Takikage, and is also maintaining the safety of her village all the while.

Learned jutsus: Post soon

Weapons/items: Post soon

Goals: To protect the village, and maintain its safety behind the waterfall.

Last edited by Hayaji on Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:33 am; edited 5 times in total


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Miazu Empty Re: Miazu

Post by Guest Sat Dec 13, 2008 6:48 am

Well after seeing the RP sample, although it weren't incredibly long, it was quite good. It wasn't extremely descriptive, but it shows a hell of a potential. I hope you guys will agree when i say it is good enough. I think this character is good enough to be the Takikage.

Anyone got any problems? Let me know...

I'm going to Approve this... BUT i wish for the other admins approvals first, so i don't get any blame for anything. PC me in the chatbox... i will listen to Admins mainly... any normal members... and i mean members that happen to be genin... and i won't even consider what they tell me unless there is a GINORMOUS reason. Excuse me for this... for I am terribly sorry... but I am hyper, thinking like mad... logic going through my brain like crazy... and well yeah... Hyper is the reason. lol.

Admins let me know... since it is NOT my decision to make... it would be ALL or most of the admins, decision... by admins i am meaning Jin and GN lol. Feel free to scream at me too for i do not care...

anyway yeah... I don't want to make someone a Kage without the admins decisions first, for that is not my Job. And if i send you the sample Hayaji wrote... i was looking at quality not quantity.


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Miazu Empty Re: Miazu

Post by Mirage Sat Dec 13, 2008 3:45 pm

I liked the history of your Takikage. I have RP'd with him several times before and he does an excelent job of it. However, it could use some ups when it comes to description to make the reader better understand what is going on. I will second your motion Jinkai.

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Miazu Empty Re: Miazu

Post by Guest Sat Dec 13, 2008 4:17 pm

Many thanks Jinkai/Mirage. I updated this abit.


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Miazu Empty Re: Miazu

Post by Chimera Sat Dec 13, 2008 5:00 pm

I think her boobs are to big...

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Miazu Empty Re: Miazu

Post by Guest Sat Dec 13, 2008 5:08 pm

That's a bad thing?


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Miazu Empty Re: Miazu

Post by Guest Sat Dec 13, 2008 6:35 pm

Chimera, shame on you for looking at her boobs!!! bad bad bad!! lol. Anyway, it doesn't matter about the picture, it's about the writing lol.


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Miazu Empty Re: Miazu

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Dec 14, 2008 2:26 am

I like it.
Kyouken Uchiha
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Miazu Empty Re: Miazu

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:57 pm

I have 1 COmment PEDOPHILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Razz

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Miazu Empty Re: Miazu

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