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Shirio NF

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Shirio NF Empty Shirio NF

Post by Chimera Sat Dec 13, 2008 5:21 am

Name:Chihiro Kumo
Nickname:Mistress of Magma


Rank: Jounin


Appearance: Shirio NF Anime-33-1-1

Personality:SHe is very calm, but out going. Very nice, and is only harsh after she has been broken down, then she goes nuts, so if she was to have a team, and they where overly disobedeint she owuld make the mwork their a$$es of until they had no life left in them.

History: She was born in the Mist country. Her parents where both Shinobi with the same techinique and trained by specail shinobi. Her parents names wher Yuka and Rute Kumo. Her mother was at a Kage level, and her father was a jounin, both the same age. Her mother had the same bloodline she had making obvious they were related. Her father was very serious and strict and was forcing her to be a shinobi, but had no belief that she would succed. Her mother was the exact opposite and scowled her father for everything he did.

The first year of a child is very important. They start talking, walking and all that cute/annoying stuff happens. At this time she had jet black hair. Her mother had very bright blonde and her father a bright orange. It was strange how she ended up with black hair. The only words she kenw at the point where "Hello", "Hi", "Hey", "Kitty", "Birdy", "Bunny!!!". Shirio loved bunnies even at a young age when she had absolutely no Idea what they where.

When she was two her vocabulary extended much more, and she started learning what things meant and how they worked. Her first sentence was "Me, bunny now!". Thats what she said at a pet store when she saw the cute small baby bunny. Her mother couldn't wait fro her to grow up, so they could train together and they could improve their bloodline skills by alot. Her mother just wanted her to spring up and be just like her. Shirio's hair turned a shade lighter in her second year of life.

At the age of three her mother started to train her. At the age of three she was able to start using her bloodline, but not very well. Her mother had taught her first how to sense the veins of magma under groud, even if they are very deep. After this was accomplished which took three months, her mother start to teach how to melt herself. Shirio only got to melting her hand, which she found very interesting. Her had had gotten lighter that year, turning to a dark brown colour.

WHen she was four the training continued, and got more complicated. Her mother started to teach her jutsu. he learend simple jutsu like SUbsitution, Cancel, a simple illuisonary clone, and some lava techinques like Lava Clone. Lava clone needed much more work, she could only form a leg at the moment. THey spent the whoel year working on that one, and made it to half a body. Her hair had turned a a brown colour.

When she was five she had got a hang of the Lava Clone techinque, and could makae a clone perfectly, except they had orange eyes, and she had blue. It should of been like that her mother said thats what a clone would look like. Her mom said they would start on another jutsu later, but before that she needed to get some taijutsu training. This would give her an advanteage since, it would hurt to have some throwing their limbs at you, while also have magma fly at them. Her hair had turned a light brown.

Her father had died when she was five. SHirio was hpapy for this event because her father was an a$$hole, and was very mean, he included the random slap for being bad and she never saw him only seven times in her life. WHen the onformation arrived her mother broke down in tears, and Shirio had a smile on her face, but when her mother looked at her, she bursted into tears also. She had no idea what came over her. The next day her mother told her what happened, he had been viciously tortured for information.

Her training intensed some more, when she was six. She had to bge faster, stronger, and everything else. HEr mom had her working in all areas of all the areas. She worked opn stamina, Chakra, Speed, strength, dextirery, duribility, and much more. Shirio had gotten very good at taijutsu and needed more work on ninjutsu. Her mother started to teach her how to use the Magma to her own use, she was taught how to control it, and surface it. She was getting better and better each day, though she was still six and couldnt do much still. Her hair had turned into a dark blonde.

At the age of seven her mother was diagonst with brain cancer, and breast cancer. None of the medical shinobi could heal her. THey performed surgery, and the cancer just came back. She was only thought to live for another week. Her mother dieing words were "In my jewelry box... th-there..." Then she had died. Shirio fell to the ground crying. By the time it she was long dead, they had recieved the signal that she was dieing but what gave it away was Shirio's screaming. The doctors came rushing in and forced Shirio out, as they tried to save her mothers life.

The doctors had came out to tell her the bad news. Shirio was already gone knowing she would never see her mom again. She ran home crying, she slammed the door and started to cry even harder into a pillow. SHe then rememberede what her mother had said befroe she had died. SHirio opened her mothers Jewelry box, and found a note. The note said "Shirio if you are reading this... I am dead." She started to cry again "I have left oyu with everything I own, and I have one request for you, I want you to kill your father". Her father was already dead, she started to cry even harder than before, realizing she had no parents.

After a few weeks of sitting around doing nothing and being comforted by all of her mothers friends, she went back to her training. When she trained she imagened her mother with her ever second telling her what to do. Shirio thought it was real, she had started to see her mother every where with her, but no one else saw her. But she knew she was still alive somehow. Her mother was dead but not in her mind. It was like her mothers spirit was with her every second guiding her through life. Her hair turned into a blonde.

WHen she was eight she had her first fight. She was fighting a genin, who just gtradauted. He had gotten on her nerves and she exploded, she had been training and had gotten much better. Her oppnent used water jutsu, her mother told her to stray from water techinques. Shirio had formed a way of countering the attacks. The oppnent did hand signs, sending a wave of water at her. Shirio was getting good at manipulating the Magma, and brought up a spour of magma, onfornt of her. When the water hit her, the magma blocked it by hardening when it hit it. The genin was much stronger than her obviously, and used the blockade to his advantage. He had the water come back and pin her against the Harden magma. SHe had lost. her hair had turned a perfect blonde.

At nine she had signed up to go into the academy. Shirio got to see her mothers old sensei every day, and got specail training for her bloodline. His name was Naggota Cluino, but she called him sensei as she should. SInce he trained her mother he knew what she was capable of. He had taught her mother many techinques and was about to teach them to her.

IN her second year in the acedemy, she had become the top student, all the train her mother gave her paid off. Her new sensei, Naggota, taught her many other things beside combat things, lots of mental based things. She had gotten better then she was last year by alot. Chihiro was still trained in every area possible, she was worked to her limits. This year she was ten, and she met a boy named Haku (Not the one from naruto). HAku and Chihiro turned out to be the best of friends, although he wasn't a ninja. They met at the market when she was looking for some onions, Haku worked at grocery store.

When she was eleven she had gradauted, and was the youngest to gradaute that year. Naggota still trained, and now that she was a genin it got much more intense. Naggota revealed that he was infact her uncle, and training became much harder, since he could teach her with example she had to learn more. Her and Haku still where bestfriends, and where together whenever they could. She was starting to like Haku more and more everyday. She was put on team, she now had two sensei, one for the team and one for her personal training. Her team was all female, including the sensei, her sensei did genjutsu, her other teamates used ninjutsu and some taijutsu. SHe had never seen or learned genjutsu, she only learned how to get out of them.

She moved in with Naggato when her mother died. Chihiro was now twelve, and her and Haku became more than friends, he was her first kiss. It was tiem for the chuunin exams, her teamates have been in twice, so she would be guided through. Naggato gave her a strategy for cheating although she didnt need it. SHe answered all the questions except no.8. THe person beside her was covering his paper, he was done. She melted her finger, it started to flow onto his foot and burnt threw his shoe and onto his foot. He jumped up and screamed as her finger reformed. He screamed and ran out of the door, his team was forced to leave. Before they could take the sheet away, she got an answer for number eight.

It was time for the forest of death. Chihiro and her team recieved a earth scroll, they had to get a heaven one. They where lucky the first team they found was talking about their heaven scroll. One of the members was throwing it in the air. Chirio and her team had them surrounded. They jumped out. There where four Chihiro's, the three clones had the team members by their neck. Her other team member zoomed by grtabbing the scroll. THe shot of, and clones exploded. ALl that could be heard was screams, as they where vicioulsy burnt.

Not many teams survived, so they went straight to the final round. In that month, Chihiro and her team trained seperataly. Chihiro was taught many new things, since ehr birthday was on the final round, Naggato taught her a new move... Magma Ocean. Whe nthere training finshed she was able to make the magma five feet deep. The day was here, and she was matched up with some random person. She quickly did her new jutsu, btu only got it up too three feet. The oppnent had jumped onto a tree, but the tree fell, and same with all of the others. The oppnent had jumped onto the wall, and sent kunai flying at her. She raised the magma, melting the kunai. Chihiro has received clothing that would with stand her bloodline, so she freely swam into the magma. She had made the waves go up and down, until the reached the rim where her oppnent was standing. Some random person walked by, and bumped the other genin and the genin fell into the magma. Chihiro instantly let the magma drain into the earth the moment she hit the magma. She didnt want to kill anyone. She was a chuunin.

Between now and the Jounin exams, the only interesting things that happened were. SHe learned many new jutsu's, Haku entered the academy the year whe nshe gradauted, and became a chuunin.n her and Haku fell in lvoe, and many things had happened between them... many. Haku had passed the Jounin exams, but Chihiro wasnt allowed to go in. The Mizukage wanted to talk to her, his exact words were "YOu are a jouni, now go on with your life."

Learned jutsus: Bloodline at of course a jounin level

Weapons/items: A small thin blades, that are tied to her wrist for ultimate punching action. He shoes have a metal ring around her shoes for ultimate feet cutting action

Goals: (Optional, this helps alot)

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Join date : 2008-11-22

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Shirio NF Empty Re: Shirio NF

Post by Chimera Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:27 am

Finished, and it is 19 paragraphs I think

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Shirio NF Empty Re: Shirio NF

Post by Chimera Wed Dec 17, 2008 7:12 pm


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Shirio NF Empty Re: Shirio NF

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Dec 17, 2008 8:33 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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