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Arival Empty Arival

Post by stone hearted shedemon Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:48 am

Akuma stepped through the gates of Suna and headed for the Kazekage's office quickly, trying to get out of the heat. She would get used to it eventually but for now she couldn't stand it. Making her way up the stairs Akuma found his office soon after asking the receptionist and knocked on the door waiting for an answer.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Arival Empty Re: Arival

Post by Guest Fri Dec 12, 2008 4:55 pm

Taku was busy doing paper work when he heard another knock on the door. My it sure had been busy lately. He focused chakra to the tip of his forefinger and touched it to his head, opening his jagan eye. He used it to determine who it was standing on the other side of the door. Based on the persons chakra level and elemental affinities, Taku determined that it was Akuma, ready to join the sand. "Come in," he said, but keeping at the ready in case it was not who he expected.


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Arival Empty Re: Arival

Post by stone hearted shedemon Fri Dec 12, 2008 9:35 pm

Akuma steppe in through the door and took a deep breath, she was wearing her sand headband across her brow and her leaf was tied to her left thigh. Her clothing seemed appropriate for the dessert and her hair was tied back into a pony tail. She nodded her head in respect and stood before Taku. "I am ready Kazekage sama." She didn't want to beat around the bush with formalities or greetings and got straigh to the point, waitin for his response.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Arival Empty Re: Arival

Post by Guest Mon Dec 15, 2008 11:12 am

Taku smiled as she walked into the room. This one, all though she was quite old for a genin, showed a lot of promise. He was completely confident in her abbilities. She was the first one, aside from his son, who had thus far passed his training exersize. Drac had not even done it yet, though that was more form lack of using his head. "Welcome to Suna Akuma, I trust you will be able to adapt to our much harsher climate conditions than Konoha fairly quickly. It may hinder your training at first, but in the end, the switch will make you much stronger. You have all ready been assigned to a team. You will be training with two boys, one named Whitefang, and the other Kengen Sookato, my son. You will be trained by me. I do hope you find this acceptable."


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Arival Empty Re: Arival

Post by stone hearted shedemon Mon Dec 15, 2008 5:13 pm

Akuma inclined her head towards the Kazekage. "Very much so sir, I just hope that I don't cause much trouble for you." She waved her tail behind her to try and cool herself down a little and smiled back. "It will be an honour to train with you and your son, I look forward to it." With that she took her leave to get settled into the village.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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