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Kurama Koubi

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Kurama Koubi Empty Kurama Koubi

Post by Guest Tue Dec 09, 2008 11:20 am

Name:Kurama Koubi


Rank: MIssing Nin - LOw S rank

Village: Previously Waterfall

Appearance: Kurama Koubi Kurama001

Personality: A cruel man, who has no patience except in battle. He enjoys seeing the weak suffer, and calls them a disease that has spread throughout society. He is as corrupt as they come. Though he is called the ninja of life due to his abbilities, he has no concern for human life, though can be angered swiftly at the disregaurd to the well being of any and all plants.

History: Kurama Koubi once lived far away from the rest of the Shinobi world, as Taku the Kazekafe did. His clan, the Koubi, are the thrid Hidden Clan from which all other clans came from. He was born unto Iakakaway, his mother, and Fengart, his father. From an early age it was obvious he had a strong affinity with their clans abbilities, which far acceed that of any other clan in association with any kind of plants. Kurama displayed a great deal of care for plant life, and would cry if even the wind ripped off the head of a dandelion. This of course was when he was just a baby, but it showed he had a deep conection with the world around him.

There seemed nothing odd about the boy during his younger years. He was as other children were, only caring to play and take care of any plant life that should strike their fancy. He knew nothing of the true plights of the world and as most children are, was blissfuly ignorant. He was capable of developing relationships fast and all of the elders loved him for his deep understanding of their ways. To become a master of their clans bloodline, one had to become as one with its tools as possible. Its tools were plants, and so Kurama showed promise.

At age six, Kurama entered the first stage of his clans training. This was teaching them about plants and also how to better care for them. This training was of uptmost importance, for it gave them better abbilities with their clans techniques once they began trainging in combat and ninja arts. Kurama was the star pupil and was praised by his teachers. "He is sure to be our leader someday," they all said. Their only concern was that possibly he would wind up having a pacifist attitutde and not want anythign to do with being a shinobi. For now, though, this concern was coverd up by an event that they thought for the time had proven them wrong.

They were in the middle of a class one day, doing the usual of watering a select few plants before they began learning. One of the elder boys grabbed Kuramas can from him and used it to knock down the plant he was watering. Kurama instatnly got red in the face and a single tear formed in his right eye. The sadness, though, quickly turned to anger, and within moments he had the boy pinned against the ground, preparing to rip out his throat with his bear hands. It took six teachers to pull him off. When later asked why he had reacted in such a way, he responded, "When the plant broke in half, it was as if I had broken in half as well. I felt its pain."

From that day on, Kurama began to be shunned by his classmates, though his instructors praised him more and more. They said, "Ignore your classmates, they will understand some day. You are just more mature then they are." These kind words had good intentions, but did nothing for Kurama's growing sense of loneliness. It began to grip him in inexpliciable ways and he would have random outbursts while he was alone, and he would sit there and cry. He began to despise the gift that was given him, for it had made him an outcast. Though not for one instant did he ever blame the plants. They slowly began to be the only thing he loved.

He was entered into their clans ninja school for begining shinobi at age 9. It was not long before he realized he was unwelcome here as well by everyone except the teachers. On the third day he was cornored by several boys and beaten with simple taijutsu till he could not stand to move. He was covered in bruises, and more than a few bones were broken. Kurama was sent to the hospital where he was kept for a few days to recupirate. His parents stayed with him the whole time, and the village leader made frequent visits. When he awoke he told his parents he was not going to the academy again. This demand was met with outrage from his parents. Kurama was supposed to be the new hero of their village, and now he was brinnig shame to their family.

Kurama was heartbroken yet again that he was being rejected in idea and everythign else. He vowed that as soon as he was 100%, he would leave the village and search for something elsewhere. The day came just the next day, his focus helping to heal his body. He left, not taking anything with him. He set out towards the east untill he came across a a shack. He entered for it appeared desserted. He sleapt there for the night but was awoken by the prodding of a large stick. He opened his eyes and was greeted with the view of several waterfall ninja.

His mind went straight back to his time at the academy in his village. HE went into deffensive mode and attacked blindly. THe ninja were all jounin rank so he was very much outmatched at only nine years old. He was put under a genjutsu and put to sleep and brought before the taikage. He was excused for tresspasing on the kage's personal property on the grounds that he was very much a minor and also that he was of a different land and had no way of knowing what he had done. The only stipualtion was that he had to enroll in their academy and become a shinobi. Kurama agreed, knowing that this place was different for they showed him mercy, but he was not placed on a pedistal by anyone.

Kurama was accepted into the academy and quicly made a friend, Taia . They trained and formed a tight bond. They both excelled quickly, using each other for support and as a guidline for how hard they should train. If one began to get better, the other pushed themselves harder and so the cycle continued. Their friendship grew quite strong and it was decided by the kage himself, who was keeping a close eye on Kurama, that the two would be made sure to be put on a genin team together. They became genin within the frist year and were assigned to a team with another ninja who was ultimately unimportant. Taia and Kurama paid her no mind, though Kurama and Taia were able to accomplish all the missions by themselves, and she was jsut there to be there. Kurama began to grow even more in his abbilities and was shown respect by their sensei. He was imprssed with both Kurama and Taia, and even though the third leg of their team was no where near ready, he placed them in the chunin exams.

The first exam proved no difficulty, their third leg was very smart and Taia and Kurama were skilled enough to get answers from her with out getting caught. It was not untill the second exam that they ran into trouble. They ran into a group of leaf ninja whom had the scroll they needed. A fierce battle ensued, with both teams evenly matched, though this showed Taia and Kurama's power, for she did not fight at all. In the end, she was their downfall. One of the leaf ninja, while the other two keapt Kurama and Taia preoccupied, got ahold of the third leg and slit her throat. In a rage, Kurama quicly dispatched all three ninja, pouring almost everything he had into a final attack. Taia was a medical ninja, so he saw to it that the third leg was keapt alive as Kurama grabbed the scroll they needed.

They continued on to the tower they were ment to meet at once they had a scroll and were greeted by their sensei. The third leg was taken away and deemed unfit to continue, but since the team had met the requirements for that exam, Kurama and Taia were allowed to continue. There were no preliminaries that year, only 3 whole teams plus Kurama and Taia remained, for a total of 8 shinobi. The Third exam was postponed for a day to give the ninja a chance to rest. The next day everyone was fit and ready to go. They drew their numbers and Taia and Kurama were placed at opposite ends of the brackets.

Taia's fight was first. It was a fierce battle yet agian, this time against a sand shinobi. The battle lasted nearly an hour but in the end, tragedy arose. Taia was brutaly killed, ripped apart by the opponets supreme attack. Kurama watched, heartbroken, his friend was gone. The rest of the matches of the day went on and Kurama's rage grew. Finally it was Kurama's match. His opponet was a rain shinobi whom he defeated with great ease. The tournament progressed, Kurama continueing to win all of his matches. The final stage came around, and fate seemed to have a sense of humor, for it pitted Kurama against his team mates killer. The match was over quickly, lasting only a few moments. The opponet died painfully.

He was declared the winner but did not get chunin. The Taikage instead inducted him into the waterfall's special ops team. He liked Kurama's style. Kurama built a strong relationship with the kage, but it was only so Kurama could meet his goals. After a few years he told the kage of his old village from which he had come and convinced him that they meant to wage war upon their world, starting with their country. The kage himself along with a few others of the special ops unit set out to find Kurama's old clan and exterminate them before it was done to them. It was a swift attack, lasting only a half hour with Kurama's vast knowledge of the place. It came down to one last obstacle, the leader. The Taikage and Kurama both attacked him, adn then Kurama was revealed. He convinced him that Kurama had decieved him, and he turned on the plant traitor. Kurama dealed a swift and cripiling, but unleathal blow to his old leader adn kidnapped him.

He was unfollowed, the Taikage deeming the mission a failure and had everyone return home. Kurama lived in secret deep with in a dense forest, whereabouts unknown. He tortured the leader for the secrets of their clan and quickly began learning their ninja arts. He mastered each technique swiftly due to his strong connection with the plants. In the end, it was this connection that made him what he was. He cared so much for vegetation, that he had no place in his heart for human kind. Kurama grew into the man he now is and seeks out the group of ninja who call themselves blaze.

Learned jutsus: Birth of dense woodland, Binding Nest, Great Forest Technique, Tree Restraints, Wood Locking Wall, Song of Life.

Weapons/items: Seeds located within the ends of his fingers. Vine whip, thorned.

Goals: He would much rather keep these to himself.

Last edited by Taku on Thu Dec 11, 2008 9:45 am; edited 2 times in total


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Kurama Koubi Empty Re: Kurama Koubi

Post by Guest Wed Dec 10, 2008 10:08 pm



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Kurama Koubi Empty Re: Kurama Koubi

Post by Guest Wed Dec 10, 2008 10:26 pm

All seems well to me...

I'm gonna Approve Smile

Anyone got problems with it then let me know in the chatbox. Or PM me... lol


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Kurama Koubi Empty Re: Kurama Koubi

Post by Guest Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:05 am

thank you Jinkia Very Happy


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Kurama Koubi Empty Re: Kurama Koubi

Post by Guest Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:41 am

You're welcome Taku Smile


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Kurama Koubi Empty RE

Post by WhiteBoy Thu Dec 11, 2008 7:26 pm

awesome character Taku,nice job

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Join date : 2008-12-06
Age : 29
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Kurama Koubi Empty Re: Kurama Koubi

Post by Guest Fri Dec 12, 2008 2:38 am

I agree with WhiteBoy, good work Taku, and you are accepted into Team Blaze.


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Kurama Koubi Empty Re: Kurama Koubi

Post by Guest Fri Dec 12, 2008 11:20 am

thank you both for the compliments


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Kurama Koubi Empty Re: Kurama Koubi

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