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Lai Empty Lai

Post by Chimera Tue Dec 09, 2008 12:43 am

Name:Lai (Lie)




Appearance:Lai Girl_o77

Personality:Lai is a very mature women. She doesnt care what she looks like, and doesnt try very hard. She is a very depressed person, when you first meet. Once you get to knwo her she doesnt change much at all. She doesnt beleive in voilence,most of the time when she can hold it in, but when it comes to ahving to fight she will. She adores small cute animals, but shows in the least most affection. If she had the choice of peace or voilence hse would pick peace, but would use voilence to gain it. She will go crazy when her mothers death is mentioned. These two traits, she keeps hidden, except in battle. She has a killer intent, and would gladly kill anyone. She also enjoys pain alot.

History: (Im not in the mood to be realy descriptive, but will fill the requirments)

Lai was born in a clan with a bloodlien that included paper. The clan was in the Hidden Cloud Village. her clan was a very powerful clan and was destroyed by one man, name Ishozu Manaki, he ahd killed everyone. Her mother had hid her in a crack in a large earth wall. She watched as he killed her mom which was when she was three.

She had to watch her mom be murmered. After the scary man left she crawled out and ran. She had to servive on raw chicken and worms, which she thought was delicious. Befroe the man left He said one thing to Lai... "I'll get you later" He said laughing liek a crow. Ishozu was very scary and moved at the highest speeds ever, and also flew with the knives on his back.

Lai finally made it to Kumogakure, and started looking around, she was four at this time. Yes it took a whoel year for her to find this place. Lai found a hosue with a group of kids playing. She walked over to play with them, something she hadn't done in a while. When they went inside she followed. The women asked who she was and she replied "Kai". She asked if she hadnt any parents and she replied no.. so she took her in as her own.

At five Lia discovered her bloodline. SHe was reaching for a toy that fell down a well and was floating in it. The toy was a ball. She was reaching for it and her hand start to unfold into paper, and it wraped around the toy and brought it bac kup. She jumped back suprised about what happened. The paper dropped the ball, and tried to reform. The paper was to wet. She started to scream.

The care taker came running seeing waht was wrong. SHe say Lai missing a hand. The care taker had seen it before and took the paper and dried it. When the paper dried it flew back to Lai, reforming. The care taker took her into a room. "I thnks it about time you knew" SHe explained Lai's bloodline and how tuo use it and what not.

She was nine when she entered the academy. She actauly did very well, with her mental problem. She atleast passed in most subjects but besides that she did awesome. She had a personal tutuor for her bloodline, and learned how to use it well. her tutors name was Jinyu. Jinyu only told her her first name, and said she had her reasons.

She had her first battle on the day she gradauted. She was twelve and surprisingly gradauted before some others, but someone gradauted the first year. She was impresed with them. Her first actaully battle, like pretty much death like was with a boy named Kazu, thats all she knew about him. One other thing she new was he used earth jutsu.

He made the first move sending aspike of earth at her. She spereated her body by sending the paper in that are go flying. Kazu snet spkies out of that one spike ans so on. Lai decided to fly away. Kazu was confused what happened she said she would fight. Every one thoguht she was wimp, and started to laugh.

A moment later many butterflies started to swarm around him, and she sent kunai at him from many directions. He was stuned by them. He waas to stunned to move, as the kunai punctured his his skin. Two got him in the arm, on got him in the stomache, just missing the actauly stomach. The other Kunai just mad little cuts missing his body.

The butterflies flew into the book unfolding. Every one looked amazed as paper actaully beat rock. Paper should have never been able to beat rock she thought. Rock could put a hole in the rock. "paper covers rock" was the last thing she said as she walked off.

(Im going to just finish it in one last paragraph since my computer is beign very very slow)

It was the chuunin exams, Written part. The main I dea was to cheat and thats what she did for one question she didnt know. she folded a peice of paper into an ant and sent to the smartes person. When it came back she had the information. SHe passed. Forest of Death: Her and her team Lei, Hiro, Nuki. They objective was to get those two scrolls, and they did just that, they had to go through three teams to get that one scroll. one if the teams was about to die, and destroyed their scroll, and the ran away. Final Exam; This year they only had three events instead of four, there wasnt't very much who survived this time. She was faced agaisnt the same person she was before, and di dthe same strategy but a bit different, she covered him with ants. In his effort to get them off with earth he stabbed himself in the leg, and she quickly ran up and stabbed him in the spine. The boy stopped moving, as she walked away.

Learned jutsus: Her bloodline



Last edited by Rtusubo on Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:51 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Just a little Personality edit)

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Lai Empty Re: Lai

Post by Shini Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:02 am


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Join date : 2008-11-23
Age : 31
Location : Seabrook, New Hampshire

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