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Kyo's Items

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Kyo's Items Empty Kyo's Items

Post by Kyo Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:55 pm

Name of item: Self Summon Notes

Item User: Kyo

History: Kyo created these after becoming the Tsuichikage. He believed that it would be wise to set these up around the village.

Appearance: Small notes with symbols on them. They are smaller than paper tags.

Abilities: By activating these, kyo can summon himself to their location. Once used, the note is destroyed.

Item Element Affinity: None

Name of item: Damascus

Item User: Kyo

History: This weapon once belonged to Kyo’s mother.

Appearance: This is a four foot flute that was once his mothers.

Kyo's Items TransFL4

Abilities: By spinning the weapon around, it creates a sound that damages the inner ear of those that hear it, beside Kyo. By tapping the flute against something hard, it will also produce this sound. And it can also be used to cast genjutsu on his enemies.

Item Element Affinity: sound

Name of item: Kyo’s Valen

Item User: Kyo

History: This sword once belonged to Kyo’s dead father. It was passed down to him when he left his village.

Appearance: Kyo's Items RiosSword1-1

Kyo's Items RiosSword2

Abilities: Kyo can run his chakra around the blade and can also store chakra within it. It can also split into two. After storing up a massive amount of chakra pressure, he can release it either all at once or little by little by pulling the handle. Just as compressed air is released as a burst, the chakra does the same.

Item Element Affinity: none

Name of item: Kyo’s Deminiona

Item User: Kyo

History: When Kyo first arrived in Iwagakure, he decided to travel into the Labrynth. He spent several days trying to find his way out. Upon looking for an exit, he found a room that held the tem on a smooth rock. The blade looked new but was very old. He took the sword and finaly found an exit three days later, being the only person to ever escape from the Labrynth.

Appearance: Kyo's Items Japanese-swords-rittersteel-great-k

Abilities: This sword can absorb chakra by touching it.

Item Element Affinity: None

Name of item: Tsuichikage’s Axe

Item User: Kyo

History: This was the favored weapon of the previous carrier. Kyo took this weapon and used it to kill him after deeming him to weak for the good of the country.

Appearance: Kyo's Items 10-26-200893840PM

Abilities: This Axe can cut through steel, such as regular katana, kunai, wire and chains, like butter.

Item Element Affinity: Earth

Name of item: The Zodiac Scrolls

Item User: Kyo

History: A long time ago, the first carrier created a forbidden seal. This seal would turn himself into a summoned creature of enormous power when he died. This seal was passed down to every carrier and only them. If the next carrier were to make the same deal, they would be able to summon any previous carrier’s soul as a summon without using any chakra of their own. In exchange, their soul is to be locked within the scroll and also turned into a summon, where they will serve for all time. If the next carrier is not chosen before the death of the last, this deal is bestowed on the one who kills the current holder of the seal. These scrolls allow the current summoner to split the summons up for others to use, or as gifts.

Appearance: 12 scrolls that each have a zodiac symbol on the front.

Abilities: These 12 scrolls allow the summoning of the 12 zodiac beasts. These beats can only be summoned by another person with the consent of the current seal keeper.

Item Element Affinity: None

Name of item: The Zodiac Scrolls Summon Scroll

Item User: Kyo

History: After having killed the previous carrier and taking his place, Kyo created a summoning scroll that would summon the 12 scrolls back to him if needed.

Appearance:This scroll has many symbols and written words within it along with the 12 symbols of the zodiac.

Abilities: This scroll allows Kyo to summon the 12 scrolls back to him.

Item Element Affinity: None

Last edited by Kyo on Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:53 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Added Weapons)

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Kyo's Items Empty Re: Kyo's Items

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:20 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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Kyo's Items Empty Re: Kyo's Items

Post by Kyo Mon Apr 27, 2009 11:12 am

I deleted his last weapon and added all new ones. These need to be approved. Thanks-

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Kyo's Items Empty Re: Kyo's Items

Post by Koga Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:48 pm

Well, considering how the two weapons, the axe and the splitting sword, seem a bit.. large, do you plan on having both on your person at all times? If so, that seems a bit unrealistic. At least, without any specific dimensions on them. >.>

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Kyo's Items Empty Re: Kyo's Items

Post by Kyo Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:52 pm

Oh yeah i would not be carrying them all around. The ones I plan on carrying around all the time are the flute(Damascus) on my back, and the sword(Deminiona) in my hand.

I did not think i had to specify how I would be carrying every weapon since no one else ever has. But yeah it would be unlikely if someone carried around a ton of large weapons. Well they could, but they would probably not be able to move lol.

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Kyo's Items Empty Re: Kyo's Items

Post by Koga Mon Apr 27, 2009 5:47 pm

Well, I havent really done much item/weapon approval yet. Its not really necessary, just useful details that everyone should have in their weapon descriptions.

But other than that, the only thing Im concerned with is the ki slash from the splitting sword. Describe that a bit more.

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Kyo's Items Empty Re: Kyo's Items

Post by Kyo Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:00 pm

Well the sword can store chakra within it. By pulling the handle, it releases the chakra from the blade but disconnects it in the form of a blade.

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Kyo's Items Empty Re: Kyo's Items

Post by Koga Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:02 pm

Yes, I understood the overall concept of it. The actual slash, the attack, the blade of chakra, thats what Id like more description of. Its appearance, dimensions, damage potential, special capabilities, whatever makes it significant.

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Kyo's Items Empty Re: Kyo's Items

Post by Kyo Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:09 pm

Well I guess it looks this.

Go to the 2:50 point

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Kyo's Items Empty Re: Kyo's Items

Post by Koga Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:21 pm

.. Ah, of course. Yet more Final Fantasy taking over the site. >.>

Unless youre trying to tell me that it can launch off gigantic blades of chakra capable of slicing through a massive metal tube easily around 25ft in diameter, perhaps itd be best if you got it made as a jutsu in itself. I dont really know how weapon effects have normally been done here, but no weapon in the original Naruto series could do anything like that on its own. Since it, from what you said, takes chakra from the user and funnels it into the blade and then the blade is swung to create the actual arc of energy, it sounds like a jutsu, a jutsu, in the Naruto Universe, being something that drains chakra from the character due to usage. If it was merely an effect of the weapon, drawing upon its own power/chakra/energy sources, it could be used indefinitely, and thus become unfair for others.

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Kyo's Items Empty Re: Kyo's Items

Post by Kyo Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:20 pm

I think you could have worded that better so to not sound so perfidious; atleast that is how i see it. Yes i was saying that it launches blades of energy(chakra) but it is chakra none the less. So if chakra can cut through steel then so could the energy and if chakra cannot, then my chakra would not be able to either. I never said that it could cut through large metal beams and even if I did, i don't think it would matter much considering that some chakra is stronger than steel (Hyuga Rotation). I also never said how large it was, meaning that it has no set size. The more chakra, the larger it would be, just like most things when you have more of it.

Also, I believe that when Asuma coated his daggers in chakra, it was using his own chakra yet it was not a jutsu.

Well in any case, i changed it so now it does not make blades. Now, after storing chakra into the blade that is compressed, it released the energy in the form of a blast like what happened to Naruto's rasengan if he were to not focus on containing his chakra into a ball form. It would explode; however, it is released from the blade of the sword instead out of all ends.

Is that better?

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Kyo's Items Empty Re: Kyo's Items

Post by Koga Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:57 pm

Asuma's chakra blades was a technique called Flying Swallow.

So the sword now functions like an untrained jutsu?

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Kyo's Items Empty Re: Kyo's Items

Post by Kyo Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:02 pm

No, it just stores and releases chakra. Not very hard of a concept. I used that to explain what was going on. A buildup of chakra in a small space then released creates a blast. Like if you compress steam in a small pipe, and the break of part of the pipe, it bursts out of it.

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Kyo's Items Empty Re: Kyo's Items

Post by Koga Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:17 pm

I know its not a hard concept, but if youre comparing it to an untrained technique, an early stage of a technique, that means it could probably be done as a technique itself. An untrained Rasengan, Peins repelling technique. Its a burst of chakra similar to an explosion that would push people away, correct? Thats what those abilities do as well. There were no items or weapons in the Naruto series that had functions like that, just random magical effects that they did on their own, without the ability actually belonging to the person holding the weapon, and not the weapon itself.

I apologize if things are done differently on this site normally, I dont really know the stance that we should be taking on weapons like this. The reason behind me trying to get this made into an actual technique is because, if it was the weapons ability and not the users, then it could be used indefinitely and make battles unfair. You could just keep using its ability over and over, and the other person would tired themself out avoiding your particularly dangerous attacks.

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Kyo's Items Empty Re: Kyo's Items

Post by Kyo Wed Apr 29, 2009 12:19 am

Yes i can keep using the swords ability to store chakra and release it. However, the actual chakra comes from my character so it cannot be used indefinitely. It a sense, it has to be fueled before it can be ran. And yes we do have things like this on here. i am not the first one to have something that can contain chakra within it. I am the first one that i know of, that releases the chakra though.

Actually, now that I think about it.... you don't need to approve this weapon. I thought I had it approved before. Kyouken approved it in November. I am just switching owners. Even has the same name.*

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