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The Unforgiven

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The Unforgiven Empty The Unforgiven

Post by Guest Mon Dec 08, 2008 5:04 pm

Somebody once said and made famous the phrase "There is beauty inside of everyone." I beg to differ. That person, never saw inside of me. What am I good at, destroying, burning bridges, breaking bonds, in essence, causing pain to myself and those around me. Life never gave me any tools to grant me a fullfilling and enjoyable life, and the expieriences I have had, have weakend me to much to build something from nothing. I have been this worlds play thing from day one. Constatnly I am wracked with guilt and doubts from various things. Never does it go away. Never do I have a moment to breathe and take a break from the weight across my chest. It all just accumulates, and gravity does her work.

I have no talents. No qualities to make my life worth its while. I will always be an akward and insecure fool. Walking this world blind, thats what I do. No one takes the time to help open my eyes. They remain shut, sealed by everything I hate. Everything I am myself. And who pays for my blind path through life? The ones who are closest to me. People have died in my place, and not by theirs or my choice, but by fates. I have no control over anything, and it makes me feel helpless. As if I am slowly falling, the end being death, and the journey dragged out longer than neccesary.

I am always stuck in between point A and point B. I can never reach my objective. There is always some obstacle just to big for me to overcome. So I sit there and I wait for life to erode it away, and by the time the obstacle is gone, I have selected a new path, only to find a new obstacle on my way to a new goal. I look at my life, past-present-future, and I see nothing worth stopping to look at. I see a person who is there just taking up space, contributing only to the problems of society, unable to do anything for its betterment. I walk aimlessly now, without any more sense of purpose or caring for where I am headed. The touch of another has begun to repolce me, and when shown compassion by another, I disregaurd it and brush it away. I am unhelpable.

Therefore I now declare myself officaly Taku the Unforgiven. Dylan the Unforgiven, for that is what I am. Brought into the world by some unseen force, and looked upon as something not of human nature, but something else not worth spending time on or with. I will always be akward and insecure. The world has forced me into this cornor, though I fought desperatly to never find myself in this position. Fate has its way again, and I am sorry to contradict you Heath Ledger, but a man of my being can never change his status.

My life in the form of music.
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The Unforgiven Empty Re: The Unforgiven

Post by Guest Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:07 pm

That was fantastic. cheers


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