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Don't Know what to call it yet.

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Don't Know what to call it yet. Empty Don't Know what to call it yet.

Post by Kyo Sun Dec 07, 2008 6:03 am

Name of the Kekkei Genkai: Don't know yet. but i will eventualy add it. It should not matter though to be approved.

Type of Kekkei Genkai: The usage of ones own mind for battle.

Rank: A Class

Description: This bloodline is very powerfull but can be deadly to the user if not used wisely. It allows the person to us their mind to fight mentaly. They are masters at genjutsu, being able to put someone into a genjutsu just by looking at them, they can also take over any genjutsu that is used on themselves or someone elses mind. Their mind is always protected from other people making it so that their memories cannot or anything related to their mind can effect them. Along with this, they may project their thoughts into those of another close by. They can do it from far away as well, but must be given access to the indeviduals mind if at a great distance. They are also able to read the thought of others by entering their minds. However, this can be avoided by either a mental block from a jutsu, ability or by making your mind go blank. Making your mind blank will also prevent them from gaining any memories from you, which they can also do. This can be used against them just by thinking things that are not true. You could think and say to yourself that you were going to do a low kick and actually do a high jab so, when they jump to dodge the low attack, they will be struck by your high attack. With a strong enough effort and concentration by meditating (NOT FIGHTING) they can purge further into your mind and see what is true and what is a lie.

This bloodline gives the people the ability of telekinesis and psychic abilities. They can sense some things before they happen and sense things around them, such as a major event just by senseing all the pain that is comeing. As for the telekinese, they can move things with their minds, and create psychic shields along with controling a psychic element that they can form into balls or beam that they can fire at an enemy.

Weakness: The user must no rely on these abilities to much, for if they do, their mind will be destroyed. They will begin to loose their memories and not be able to tell right from wrong and have bad judgement. While having an awesome mind, they can feel the pain of other around them, which can lead to their downfall. They would be able to feel a nearby enemy being stabbed and they would feel their mental pain and sometimes even the physical pain. Along with the pain of others, they will sometimes gain memories of others without their will. If this happens, major headaches will start in their head as they see the images flash into their minds. If happening on a battle field, the enemies could use this time to strike down on them. Also, when going through someones mind glipses of their own past will sometimes pass through to the other person. Eventualy, there mind will be destroyed and they will only be a mindless body, unable to do anything voluntarily.
The psychic shields are of great use however, they can make the user fatigued if used to much. Telekinesis also has it's fualts.... while lifting an object, it strains the mind, by doing this,

OK.... I it sounds realy strong but I added ALOT of weaknesses. I was making this bloodline for the clan that Genjutsu originated from. And everyone knows me... I do not God Mod and if I ever did, I demand to be told right away. And for the record, I basicaly merged my last bloodline that I made with teh abilities of one of my other people. I realy realy hope this gets approved.

Blow are the abilities and their weaknesses...

1. Masters at Genjutsu - Destroys the mind
2. Mental Shield - Strains the mind
3. Project thoughts - Can leak own memories
4. Read thoughts - Can be fooled or clearing the mind.
5. Telekinesis - Strains the mind
6. Sensing - Feels the pain of others
7. Psychic element - Fatigued

These abilities are mainly based for interrigation. Finally!!! An interrigator!!! lol

For ever power.... comes a price....

Posts : 392
Points : 206
Reputation : 5
Join date : 2008-11-21

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Don't Know what to call it yet. Empty Re: Don't Know what to call it yet.

Post by Guest Sun Dec 07, 2008 6:08 am

All seems well to me. I think it's cool Smile

I'm assuming no one has any objections here... so if you do.. come shout at me on the chatbox, as always, i may listen or may not Razz

Approved Kaji


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