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Kyo Bachiatari

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Kyo Bachiatari Empty Kyo Bachiatari

Post by Kyo Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:48 pm

Name: Kyo Bachiatari
Alias: Sin
Gender: Male
Alliance: Iwagakure
Age: 19
Alignment: Evil
Kyo Bachiatari Kyo
Clan: Bachiatari (dad) and Kurama (mom)
Personality: Kyo can be both silent and demanding when he wants to be. He is very precise and gets right to the point. If there is no need t talk, then he will not. Kyo is more of a leader than a follower, however, he believes that the world should be ruled under one person. Living in Iwagakure, Kyo currently believes that the Tsuichikage should be that leader. He is hard set on expanding Earth Country and is willing to go through any means of doing it.
Ninja Rank: S Rank
Skills/Specialties: Kekkei Genkai and Kenjutsu
Elemental Affinity(ies): Gravity and Sound
History/Background Story:

Kyo's parents lived in a small village right outside of Konoha. They lived a very happy life together, supporting one another in what seemed like a time of peace. However, this was also during a time that Konoha was at war with another country. It was a small country who was small in size, but large in strength. Both of Kyo’s parents were part of the Black Ops and were responsible for carrying out secret missions.

After a year of being with one another, Kyo’s mother became pregnant. As time past on, her stomach grew big as the war waged on. Due to her pregnancy, Kani was not able to help in the mission any longer. Every night was the same, Kyo’s father would leave to go through with hi missions while Kani waited at home. In the morning, he would return and sleep until noon. But one day it did not happen…

The shutters on the window fluttered like a leaf in the wind, tapping back and forth as the gusts bashed against them. Kani moved across the room and reach for the shutters. She quickly placed the lock back around the knobs as to stops the house from shaking. Her stomach was protruding from her own body like some sort of alien. This was her first time being pregnant so she was not used to the strangeness of the baby within her. A small kick made her heart race, only to calm back down by the motherly love that represented itself. She moved back over and sat back into her chair. She rocked back and forth as she knitted a small pair of mittens for an unborn child.

A hand carved crib lay next to her and also rocked back and forth. Her foot swung it gently as if t tries it out. The villagers know that you will be strong… At only the age of 22, she was a young mother and unsure about everything. This was how most of her nights were pent; the warm fire brushing against her back, needles moving in her hands and a ball of yarn growing smaller and smaller. She looked at the clock that rested on the wall. Her husband would be home in only two hours, exhausted from a mission. She would then stay up another hour wanting to know every detail about his work while he would bagger her to get some sleep. She was so used to doing team missions with him, that she felt like a piece of her was missing since the baby came along. She touched her stomach and rubbed it softly. “Time for bed my dear...”

As the sun rose, it peaked through the blinds on her window. She slowly rolled out of bed and put on her robe and slippers. She moved to the window like a drum man and peered outside. The storm last night had left their fronyard a wreck. The garbage lay on the ground and the sheets that hung on the line were dirty once more. She frowned at herself for not remembering to bring them in. “Looks like I will have to wash them again.” Just then, she heard a knock on her door. As she turned to exit the room, she noticed that her husband was not there. Assuming that he was already up, or being briefed for hi next mission, she glided across the house like a fat ballerina. As she opened the door, anbu agents stood outside. Kani knew who they were right away. They had done several missions together over the last year. “Well good morning Yaku, good morning Futsuki, and how may I help you?”

No one spoke for several second indicating that something was wrong. One of the masked men seemed to look at the ground as the other one spoke. “Kani… it about Kyori….” The sudden worry struck Kani in the chest like a pile of bricks. He had not come home that night.. which could only mean... “Kani, Kyori did not make it…” Tears filled her eyes as the words of her prediction were confirmed. She began to sob fiercely and fell to the floor. Her tear soon soaked the cloak of one of the men as he tried to comfort her. Her screams for her lost husband were soon interrupted by scream s of pain as her water broke. Realizing what was happening, the Anbu agent quickly picked up the sobbing woman and headed for the hospital. She screamed for her husband in no reply. As she was wheeled into the delivery room and the doors shut, she called for Kyori with streams running down her face.

Later that next morning, she sat in her bed, her face hard from the dried salty tears that had once made it moist. She sat up looking at her hands with wide open eyes. Her stomach was now thin and a small blonde baby lay next to her bed. The baby cried for his mother milk but was unheard. She was lost in her own world of thought. He was supposed to be here… he was supposed to be right here…. She looked over at the small thing that called fro her. He was so very small and fragile. His eyes were those of her husbands, which only made her weep to look at them. AT that moment, a loud peeping sound went off as the baby began to seize. Blood trickled down his nose as a nurse rushed in.

The baby was quickly taken to the E.R. where the highest of medical ninja began their work. Kani waited in silence still starring in her bed. Her body told her to go and get her baby, but her mind was lost in thought. The baby had some strange illness or disease that they could not figure out. They did not even know what it was that was causing the seizures. After about an hour, Kani finally snapped out of it when a nurse brought in a plate of food and sat it next to her. Kani rose her head to look at the woman which made her jump. “Where is my baby…. Where is Kyo?”

The nurse called for a doctor who rushed in to kani. After checking her eyes and vital signs, he sat and looked at her. She starred into his eyes and then looked around the room. “Where is Kyo?” The doctor’s face grew very grave as he spoke to her. “Miss Kurama….”

“It’s Mrs. Bachiatari!!!” She bellowed at him.

“My apologies…. Mrs. Bachiatari….. your son died five days ago…” His words shot through her like a bullet to the heart. Dead? How could he be dead? Wasn’t he just there last night? She could not make sense of what he said and was enraged at him for playing this cruel trick on her. She slapped him on the face and sent him flying across the room.

“Dead!?! What the hell do you take me for!!! How could you say such a thing!?! My husband is Dead!! Dead!!!” She began to weep again in sorrow and rage. The doctor slowly rose to his feet and moved closer to her.

“You have been in a state of mental conflict for the last couple of days… what may seem like second were actually hours. Your mind was not able to handle the stress of your husband’s death and blocked out the rest of the world, sheltering yourself. Your baby… Kyo… past away five days ago. The doctors could not find out what was wrong with him before it was too late…” Kani sat back in her bed again with her blank stare. It seemed as though she had drifted back into her mental state. The doctor sighed heavily and went over to the door, turning off the light. “It seems that her mind has once again shut down… maybe permanently. The poor woman…”

As the moon rose, and all the lights went dark, the sound of curtains flickering was heard from her room Kani’s room. One of the nurses opened her door to find her bed empty and her window open. Kani was gone. She turned around and found Kani starring at her with her dark and angry eyes. The nurse looked down to see a scalpel in Kani’s hand that was stuck through her own stomach. The nurse’s blood drizzled down her white uniform as her body fell to the ground. Kani’s words seemed disfigured; almost mad. “You have taken away my husband… but you will not take away my son…”

She raced through the hospital until she found the room where they kept all the bodies until they were to be taken to the morgue. Gliding her hand across the rows of dead bodies, she stopped at the one that said Kyo. Without looking at the babies covered face, she picked him up and cradled him in her arms. Leaving the room, she exited the hospital.. not without killing two people that tried to stop her. She made her way across through the streets and into a secret building.

The Anbu base was highly secure, but her mastery in genjutsu served her well. She only had to kill a few ninja with her own hands before reaching the room that she had been searching for. She opened the door to reveal a small library full of forbidden scrolls of jutsu. She was sure that an alarm had already be triggered and she would not have much time. After all… it was the ANBU Base. Pulling through the many scrolls, she finally came across the one that she wanted. With her photographic memory, she looked over the scroll and memorized every detail.

Two Anbu agents burst though the door with kunai in each of their hands. One of them was shocked to see that it was Kani. It was the two Anbu that had told her of her husband’s death. They looked at her and noticed the small bundle in her arms, along with the scroll. “I know what you are doing Kani, but it is forbidden!!” Without hesitation, she charged at them with the scalpel in her hand. She plunged it into the startled one and drove it deep into his neck. The second one slashed at her, only to see her disperse into petals. He had been cast into a genjutsu and did not even notice it.

Kani mad her escape and ran across the fields. When she arrived at her house, she slowly unlocked the gate. Taking off her shoes, she entered the house and laid the baby down on the soft carpet. She took the scalpel and cut both of her wrists, deep enough so that the blood oozed out like a small river. Quickly writing symbols around the baby, it took five minutes before she was complete. She crossed her legs and began the ritual. Her head felt dizzy and she wanted to sleep, but she knew that she must continue. Just as she finished her last handseal, the front wall burst off the house to reveal 12 Anbu agents.


The red blood symbols around the baby began to glow brightly. A strong wind whipped around him, creating a tornado that burst through the roof. Millions of faces could be seen with the tornado as it also started to shine brightly. The long stream of wind rose all the way up to the black sky that was covered in clouds. The black clouds raced down the tunnel as the millions of faces screamed in agony. Their piercing scream caused some of the anbu to bleed from their ears, as they tried to block out the sound. The bright red tornado seemed to collapse down into it and the baby boy. Just then, the tornado exploded, sending a blast of wind out that blew the house apart.

Kani pushed the wood off her now body and crawled over to the baby. Underneath the blanket, he moved about. As she reached for him, an Anbu appeared right in front of her. He crouched down and lifted the blanket. The baby’s hair was now jet black as he squirmed. The cold air made him start to fuss and then cry. The cry sounded like a thousand scream. While bringing her son’s soul back from the dead, Kani had opened a window for the dead to peer through. The anbu shivered as the sound burst through him. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a kunai. He rose it above his head. At that exact moment, a soul burst out of Kyo’s body and stuck its hand through his chest. Grabbing him by the insides, the soul retracted back into Kyo, dragging the screaming man back with it.

The other anbu then rushed to his aid, but were too late. They knew that the baby must die. Such a horrible creature should not exist. Kani had gotten the ritual wrong and had made a monster. As they ran towards the baby with their swords and weapons in hand, a hundred should emerged from the small boy and shot towards the anbu. One anbu slashed at a soul. The soul seemed to be made of some sort of black liquid that split into two. It grabbed him and tore his body apart. Some were dragged into Kyo while others were ripped to pieces. When their scream dimmed and all was silent, the souls retreated back into Kyo.

Kani crawled closer to the small child and picked him up in her arms. As she cradled him, tears filled her eyes. What have I done… Her right hand rose up above her head to reveal a kunai shining in the dark light of the moon. “I am sorry….” She spoke while sobbing heavily, thrusting the kunai into the babies small body. Suddenly, she stopped crying. Where she had stabbed the baby, a hand had emerged from his body and caught it before it struck him. A soul slowly emerged from him and got within an inch from her face before letting out a loud scream that sounded of death itself. Kani closed her eyes as her last tear trickled down her pale cheek.

The sound of a woman scream could be heard all through the hills. Hearing this, the backup shinobi rushed to the scene to see to the horror that had befallen their comrades. The field was littered with corpses and some were missing. Movement caught ne of their eyes as they saw a small baby boy moving within the middle of the chaos. The baby was soaked in his mother’s blood and began to cry. Her body was never seen again…

Kyo was taken to a secret facility where they housed shinobi with unique abilities that endangered the outside world. After turning 15, Kyo escaped while killing the entire place and headed to Iwagakure...


The Hidden Rock Village was a village that had many problems when Kyo first came to it. The village was massed with civil wars that only weakened it internally. Kyo soon became very close to the Tsuchikage and was taught many things from him. Kyo became his apprentice and beloved student. Kyo’s unique skills were matched by none and were used to help strengthen a weakening side of the war.

It was not long before Kyo saw the errors of his ways and the errors of everyone else’s. As he looked at the people with judging eyes, he saw a weak country that was tearing itself apart. That night, he looked down upon the Tsuchikage and decided that he was unworthy of such a title. He believed that he was too weak and could not bring the village to its full potential. Declaring that Iwagakure should expand its borders, Kyo was scolded by the Tsuchikage, who said that doing that could bring war upon them. But little did he know, that was the last straw for Kyo. Now fully aware that the Tsuchikage was to weak to do what needed to be done, their fight commenced…

Their fight lasted half an hour and destroyed nearly half of the main building. The sound of thousands of scream and blasting earth was all that was heard that night. When the sun rose, the Tsuchikage’s body was hanging off the building by a rope that was tied around his neck. In a sign of disrespect, Kyo had presented the body for all to see. Kyo was found in the Tsuchikage’s office wearing the garments of a Kage. Kyo had overthrown the Tsuchikage and taken his place.

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Last edited by Kyo on Mon Apr 27, 2009 11:24 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Added History and Images)

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Kyo Bachiatari Empty Re: Kyo Bachiatari

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:52 pm

Alright I'll give it to ya

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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