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Reita Empty Reita

Post by Shini Thu Dec 04, 2008 1:03 am

Name: Reita

Age: Unknown/ Looks to be in his 40s

Rank: Missing nin/ kage leveled

Village: None/Unknown what his original was

Appearance: Reita Shinobi_Sato_by_jofsuarez-1 (Reita wears a mask similar to kakashi's over his face. The mask starts at the middle of his nose and goes up over his head like a swimming cap. This means the entire upper half of his head is hidden, yet he is still able to see clearly threw the mask. There is a small hole on the back of the mask which allowed Reita to wear his hair in a tony tail threw it.)

History: I....I remember looking up at the sky as i was drowning. Then everything went black. And when i woke up, i was in a place I'd never seen. I layed on the ground broken, i could barley breathe and i was close to dying from the cold. What had happened to me i thought to myself. And then it struck me. I didn't even know who "me" was. Where had i could from? What is my name? What are these cloths, what do they symbolize? As i thought this i forced myself to my feet and quickly turned around and peered down at the water beside my feet. This face. I did not recognize this face. I quickly became scared, and thought that i could possibly be in a nightmare? Yet as i reach up to my face and dragged my fingers down the side of my check i soon found out that it wasn't. Suddenly a voice range it my head. It spoke words that i could not understand and as i begged for it to stop, it only grew louder. Without knowing what to do i ran. Losing my footing with almost every step, i constantly came crashing to the ground. My cloths were now covered with dirt, the right side of my face bled from the newly formed cuts. Far into the forest now i fell once again, and with that everything once again went black.

I suddenly awoke and slowly began opened my eyes. My vision was blurry. As i went to rub my eyes i let out a cry of pain, quickly discovering that i had broken my arm. I Sprog myself up and now sat upright. The candle which lit the room flickered and as i struggled to make out were i was, all i could determine was that i was in a room. The door suddenly opened, a women came charging in. Her face was filled with concern and wryness until spotting me, which cased her to look more surprised then anything.

"You have awoken, please lay down your wounds have not healed yet" The women spoke with a soft, comforting voice. As i looked down i could see my chest covered in bandages, more then most covered in blood stains.

"Wha...what exactly happened to me? Why am i here, and who are you women?" My speech was slurred and i spoke with a racy tone.

"You were found laying unconscious in the woods, broken and bleeding. Your suffered a hard blow to the head and most of your ribs are broken, along with your hand." She said as she walked closer to me then quickly keeled down placing her hand on my chest.

"I still do not know who your are women, do not touch me!" I yelled as i grabbed her wrist with my leaf hand.

"My name is ruki, now please, rest." She said, her voice had no hint of fear or surprise in it. Only the same genteel tone.

"Ehh..." I let go of her wrist then slowly laid my head back onto my pillow and feel asleep.

I awoke once again, only this time to the sound of voices. I could hear the door open, soon following was the noise of foot steps. As i barley opened one eye i could see the women before, along her side was 2 men who i had never seen.

"Is this him, the man you found!" The man to her right shouted as he reached out and grabbed onto her hair.

"Y..yes, i found him almost dead in the forest 3 nights ago. But somehow, all his wounds suddenly healed them self's last night. Even his broken bones are healed!" The women this time sounded worried and in pain. Shocked from what she had just said and in disbelief, i went to form a fist with my right hand. No pain. How could this be i thought to myself. How could i have healed in this little time. I suddenly herd a thud and as i peer my eye to the right i could now see the women laying on the floor next to me. The man to here left pressed his foot against her chest. Reaching up, she gripped both hands on his ankle and let out a soft scream.

"You have been using jutsu! Its exactly like the women who came to the king earlier said!" The man shouted as he looked over to the man who stood to the right.

"No, no i haven't! I promise you i have not done a such thing. Why must you do this to me!" The women screamed, her voice was rasp and she was obviously struggling for air.

"You ungrateful b*tch! Do you see us for fools? You have used justu and under direct law of the king, you have broken the law!" The man to the right shouted. His face now filled with anger. Suddenly i slowly began to sit myself up, all three heads quickly turned towards be.

"You there! What is your name!" The man in front of me shouted, extending his arm and pointing his sword to my neck. As i looked up at him i was at a loose for words. My name? What was supposed to say? I quickly panicked, my eyes began racing around the room hoping to find something. Suddenly i spotted a book laying on a counter. The secret life of Reita.

"My name's Reita..." I said in an unsure tone. The man holding his sword to my neck quickly looked over to the man by my left. Both nodding, the man took back his sword and sheathed it. The man to my left lift his foot from the woman's chest, then quickly reached down and grabbed onto her robe and thrusted her up to her feet. Turning, the man swung his arm and let go of his grip on the woman's chest. Swept off her feet the women came crashing to the ground and landed in the doorway. The man who had held his sword to my neck kicked the woman's side, pushing her threw the doorway. Quickly both men walked threw and slammed the door shut. I could hear yelling, but the wall muffled the sound of their voices to much for me to make out their words. Quickly standing to my feet, I walked over to a corner which had my cloths folded in a pile, along with the hat i wore and my sword. Were these even mine? It did not matter. I quickly began dressing myself, the yelling still continuing. Suddenly the women let out a piercing scream, behind it i could hear the noise of liquid slashing against the wall. As i quickly turned around i walked over to the window on the opposite side of the room to me and slowly opened it. Both men came crashing threw the door now, both their swords stained with blood. But i was already gone.....

Personality: Reita is a man in need of answers, and in term, means he is a man of many questions. Without any bit of his past in his grasp, Reita struggles when it comes to remember who he was, and what he had done throwout his life. Still, without his memory, Reita seems to have not lost social skills and has a rather good personality. He is normaly very easy to get along with and is not one to start a fight. It also seems he has not forgotten any of his fighting skills ether as he is still capable of performing jutsu and wielding his sword with great precision.

Learned jutsu: Reita seems to be a genjutsu specialist and also somewhat skilled in sound related jutsu.

Weapon: His sword. Will post in another thread

Goals: Regain his memories and find out who he is.

Last edited by Shini on Thu Dec 18, 2008 10:25 am; edited 8 times in total

Posts : 129
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Join date : 2008-11-23
Age : 31
Location : Seabrook, New Hampshire

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Reita Empty Re: Reita

Post by Shini Thu Dec 04, 2008 6:11 am


Posts : 129
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Join date : 2008-11-23
Age : 31
Location : Seabrook, New Hampshire

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Reita Empty Re: Reita

Post by Guest Thu Dec 04, 2008 6:15 am

very, very impressive Shini. It will be hard not to get this approved!


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Reita Empty Re: Reita

Post by Shini Thu Dec 04, 2008 6:48 am

Thanks ^^

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Reita Empty Re: Reita

Post by Zen Thu Dec 04, 2008 9:09 am

Well what rank in missing ninja is he?
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Reita Empty Re: Reita

Post by Guest Thu Dec 04, 2008 11:34 am

Despite there being no Rank i'm going to approve this since it looks good enough to me. Please post up the rank to or let us know Smile



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Reita Empty Re: Reita

Post by Kenshi Thu Dec 04, 2008 1:47 pm

Nice Shini...Great job.


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Reita Empty Re: Reita

Post by Shini Thu Dec 04, 2008 3:58 pm

Added rank.

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Join date : 2008-11-23
Age : 31
Location : Seabrook, New Hampshire

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Reita Empty Re: Reita

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