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Emotional summons

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Emotional summons Empty Emotional summons

Post by Chimera Sun Nov 30, 2008 6:08 pm

Summoned Creature or Item:Sorrow

Appearance: Emotional summons Mistofsorrow

Description:Sorrow is able to control Icy sounds. She can send very highpitched frequences that are able to freeze things, not like frozen but like loose or your body heat in a matter of time cold. The high pitched sounds are high enough to break glasses with ease, which for a human would be very, very painfull. She can also scream, while sending spikes of ice out of her mouth. SHe moves at very highspeeds

Weakness: Althoguh she looks perfectly human she is ice, and will melt in high heats and only can form once unsummoned. She reforms after battle, she doesn't go Poof liek most summons she melts and stays there until the user forces her to leave.

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Join date : 2008-11-22

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