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The test: Shino and Joe

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The test: Shino and Joe Empty The test: Shino and Joe

Post by Guest Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:33 am

Shino was waiting on Joe in the Kazekage's personal arena. They were the only two allowed access to it anytime they wanted aside from Taku himself. Shino had chalanged Joe to a one on one spar. It was time to truly test his abbillities. Joe was a formidable foe by any means. He would be tough to beat. Shino would be happy to win, but he wasn't sure about this fight as he usualy was. He was going to enjoy this, a fight he was unsure of, a first for Shino.


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The test: Shino and Joe Empty Re: The test: Shino and Joe

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Nov 30, 2008 3:01 am

Like the wind from Suna, Jouten comes in like sand covering a village. He was carrying a gourd on his back and had his arms crossed. He looks at Shino and gives a smile "My oh my, I havent fought anybody in awhile, it seems I not doing my job as a guardian"

Thousands of chains begin to errupt out of his chain gourd "Awww, who the fuck am I kidding, im ready to fight" The chains that came out of his gourd went into the ground forming more chains from the elements from the earth. Jouten puts on hand on the ground "Kusari Ryuuka" he said. Two large dragons made of entirety of chains go towards Shino
Kyouken Uchiha
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The test: Shino and Joe Empty Re: The test: Shino and Joe

Post by Guest Sun Nov 30, 2008 3:14 am

OOC: Not waisting time I see. Ill take that as a complment. Very Happy

IC: Shino was shocked at Jouten's abrupt attitude towards their battle. This would be intense that was for sure. Everything was awe inspiring. The speed of his arrival, the ferocity and swiftness of his attacks. It was amazing. Shino had to shake himself out of his momentary trance, for now he was faced with the dilemsa of two metal dragons. Shino had already begun having bugs surround Jouten on his backside, but that meant nothign if he got hit by the attack that had been sent his way. Shino thought for little more than a moment and made his move. Shino had to bide his time for the jutsu he used was only good for up to five meters. "Destruction Bug Stream," He called out, sending a pillar of bugs towards each of the dragons. The colided head on and they began to plummet toward the earth. The bugs in the pillar began imediatly sucking chakra from the chains, cuasing them to lose power and the force of the bug pillars hitting them caused the dragons to lose their momentum. Shino was appaled that he had to resort to that so early. That the way things went when facing this man though. It could not be helped.


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The test: Shino and Joe Empty Re: The test: Shino and Joe

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Nov 30, 2008 3:27 am

Jouten surrounds himself in chains, creating a minature dome around himself. He takes off the Metal Gourd and melts himself underground. As he digs deeper and deeper, he realize he was at a good distance. He puts his hands in the boar seal. The metal gourd begins to contort itself, changing itself into the likeness of Jouten. Appearance, attire, looks, even the metal gourd itself. It was extremely difficult to make differences between the real Jouten and the doppleganger. The chain dome that had surrounded Jouten for those brief seconds went back into the ground and out comes Jouten rushing towards Shino at high speeds. He puts his hands in the tiger seal

"Kusari Ensou" Chains errupt from the gourd and were now ablazed with flames around it going towards Shino
Kyouken Uchiha
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The test: Shino and Joe Empty Re: The test: Shino and Joe

Post by Guest Sun Nov 30, 2008 3:49 am

Shino sighed as his opponet dissapeared with in the metal and then reappeared an instant later. There was no doubt, somethimg was not as it appeared. Either this was a doppelganger of somekind, or Jouten had prepared something and sent it underground to attack him later and he had used the metal dome to conceal what it was. What Jouten didn't know was that Shino had seized the oppurtunity when he had concealed himself to make a Bushin of his own. A Mushi Bushin (bug clone) stood in Shino's place. In essence, whatever Jouten had planned, the moment he concealed himself, this particular part of it had failed. Shino was in fact on the other side of the arena, behind the swarm of bugs.

Jouten was not being shy at all. Already he was brining on another attack. Shino manipulated the bugs that had been slowly increasing in number between Jouten and where the real Shino now stood and made them come at his opponet from behind. With any luck they would engulf and either A) they would destroy the bushin or B) it was the real Jouten and the battle would be over. Or maybe his ploy wouldn't work at all. He highly doubt the first two as the latter was the most likely. Howebver, if everything went right for Shino, he would use Bug Globe to surround Jouten in bugs and they would quickly deplete his chakra.


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The test: Shino and Joe Empty Re: The test: Shino and Joe

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:34 pm

Jouten looks around seeing the bugs coming together as one. He was trying to snuff him out. It was typical and he had a back up plan for this. Jouten's body began to release its seal of his ancestors. His hands were still in the tiger seal meaning he was stilling using Katon. The Kusari Ensou (lit. Flame of the chains) now grew more intense, turning from the natural red-orangish color to a bright white, blueish color. Now focusing at the bugs, he would hope it would distract them to disperse for a minute or at least eat the chakra. But this was just a ploy to make Shino think

Underground, the real Jouten continue to dig him tunnels underneath the earth, as silent as the ground would let him. He was creating the tunnels as a way to thinking, thinking about if he should use ninjutsu or continue his chain fighting. His last resort was taijutsu and that was his deadliest form. For now, using chains would be his best fighting method at this point.

On the surface, the chains that were fiery white hot aims towards all directions for the bugs and the bunshin
Kyouken Uchiha
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The test: Shino and Joe Empty Re: The test: Shino and Joe

Post by Guest Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:01 pm

Shino grimaced, Jouten had obviously been expecting Shino's weak effort to fool him. It showed, though, that he was not being underestimated. At this, Shino's pride swelled a little. He shrugged off the feeling, now was not the time for such things. Now was the time for action. Shino made a few short calculations and then acted. At the moment all the chains were on the ground. He focused the swarm up into the air, adding the ones he had used to create the Mushi Bushin and forced them towards Jouten at a downward angle this time. "Destruction Bug Ocean," he highly doubted this would be land as it was supposed to, but that is what Shino was counting on. With luck, Jouten would have to focus his chains on the swarm above as Shino came in with a kunai in his hand. He was aiming for the left knee, non-fatal wound, but effective none-the-less.


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The test: Shino and Joe Empty Re: The test: Shino and Joe

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:22 pm

Jouten had a smile on his face. He does another handseal then goes back to the tiger seal. Inititally, his plan was not targeted on the bugs but an all out offensive/defensive move. More chains come out of his gourd and begins engulf Jouten. The chains fall back into the ground and the doppleganger returns back into the chain gourd itself. All the chains fall back underground, including the gourd. The preparation for the attack was complete. The real Jouten appears out from the ground about 10 meters away from Shino and his bugs. He places his hand on the ground.

"Kusari Hakachi" (lit Graveyard of chains)

Like before when he created the dragons, the chains infused itself into the ground creating more chains from the elements from the earth. Ten of thousands of chains arise from the ground go high into the air as though they were about to drop surrounding Shino and his destruction bugs. The tunnels that Jouten created were so that the chains could travel around much easier. The chains begin to radiate heat from the sun
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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The test: Shino and Joe Empty Re: The test: Shino and Joe

Post by Guest Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:28 pm

Shino watched as Jouten removed his Bushin and sent all his metal back into the earth. He knew he wasn't in the clear, he brought the bugs back to him, waiting for Jouten to make a move. The earth began to tremble slightly. It was obvious that he was being attacked from below again. Shino made the swarm come beneath him and lift him off the ground like a cloud. The chains erupted like pillars around him, hot as anything. He made the swarm go higher. This was getting dangerous.


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The test: Shino and Joe Empty Re: The test: Shino and Joe

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Nov 30, 2008 6:41 pm

Jouten controls the chains to go towards Shino and his destruction bugs. The heat was getting more intense because the chains were absorbing the sun's radiation. The chains continue to go towards them
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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The test: Shino and Joe Empty Re: The test: Shino and Joe

Post by Guest Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:18 am

Shino bit his finger and made a few handsigns. He slammed his hand down on the wall of bugs beneath him, "Summoning Art: Great Mantis," he called out. It wasn't realy a special technique, just something he like to call out to honor the forth coming of the king of insects. A cloud of smoke erupted around the entire mass of insects, but was quickly whisked away by the fierce beating of large wings. The mantis had arrived. "I think it is obvious what has to be done," Shino said. The mantis was smart, and rarely did the situation need to be explained to him. That plus his powers were why he was the king of insects. The mantis aimed his head downward and opened his mouth wide, unleashing an extremely large amount of tar, hot as lava, onto the chains comeing at them. "Tar Cooling Technique," Shino declared, causing the tar to harden a few seconds after it coated the chains, taking away their heat and also making them much heavier. Shino hopped on the back of the mantis and directed him to the side the chains. The mantis used its front limbs which were as blades, and sliced clean through the chains, sending them back towards the earth. At the same time, he sent his bugs closer to the ground, preparing for another attack.


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The test: Shino and Joe Empty Re: The test: Shino and Joe

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:14 pm

Jouten smiled seeing that his Kusari Hakachi wasnt going to work on him. Seeing that the bugs were preparing for another attack. The use of ninjutsu was now in affect. Since that attack consumed 25% of his chakra it made Jouten sight alittle seeing that attack was wasted. He placed his hand on the ground and the ground began to shine brightly. The sand began to shake underneath him. Rising around Jouten were giant tentacles made out of complete sand. The tenatacles rises up and goes towards Shino once more
Kyouken Uchiha
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The test: Shino and Joe Empty Re: The test: Shino and Joe

Post by Guest Tue Dec 02, 2008 11:08 am

Shino unleashed his second strongest technique, granted, if it was effective, he would have to stop it in mid technique or it could potentialy kill Jouten. The mantis opened up its mouth again, this time spilling thousands of bugs instead of liquid hot tar. The bugs from the mantis were added to the ranks of the cloud of bugs already aiming toward the ground. The cloud hit the earth and spread out in every direction, covering the entire area. "Nihon Shock," Shino called out. The bugs began swirling and pulling downwards, creating a whirlpool of destrcution beatles that began pulling Jouten towards its center and eventualy down into the earth.


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The test: Shino and Joe Empty Re: The test: Shino and Joe

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:13 pm

Jouten does a series of handsigns looking up at Shino devising another plan to get to him. Chains arise from the ground. He takes his hands, that was now flowing with chakra, cuts the chains that come up. When the chains got cut off from the ground, it turned into sand. He uses the sand to create a cloud created from the sand and minerals from the earth in order to escape from the whirlpool of bugs. He begins to float across the arena with it escaping for a momentary time
Kyouken Uchiha
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The test: Shino and Joe Empty Re: The test: Shino and Joe

Post by Guest Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:22 pm

Shino brought the bugs up from the whirlpool they were forming. Jouten had devised a great escape, and now he was getting away. At least that was the way it seemed to Shino. He was not going to allow it. It was time for his new move. "Ultimate Destruction Beatle Beast," He began to body flicker around, gather bugs onto his body. In a few moments, he would have enough bugs to finish the tehcnique. Then he would be able to fight Jouten even better. In the mean time to stall, he sent the Mantis in Jouten's direction.


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The test: Shino and Joe Empty Re: The test: Shino and Joe

Post by Guest Fri Dec 05, 2008 7:38 pm



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The test: Shino and Joe Empty Re: The test: Shino and Joe

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Dec 24, 2008 12:40 am

Jouten graveyard techniqe was far from over. In one of the steps that takes place in the chain graveyard, there is a momentary time of recollection of the chains and there was a break period allowing the chains to reassemble themselves. Out of the ground, thousands of chains arise and begin to create a twister surrounding Shino. The twister begins to larger and larger as more and more chains begin to conjoin together with the chain tornado.

Jouten looks at the mantis coming at him. He see's the beast intentions and decided now its not the time to retreat. He changes the course of the sand and moves in the directions of towards the mantis. Jouten begins to contort something in his hand. Jouten bends down and grabs pieces of sand. In his hands, massive amounts of sand comes streaming out of his hand. Jouten started to create more and more sand just from the little clumps of sand he grab, a special ability of doton kaika. As the sand continue to form, Jouten was heading closer and closer to the mantis. The massive amounts of sand that was created formed with the cloud, the cloud then got bigger and bigger and bigger till it was twice the size of the mantis. The cloud rams into the mantis consuming it. Jouten jumps down from the cloud and lands on his feet on the ground
Kyouken Uchiha
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The test: Shino and Joe Empty Re: The test: Shino and Joe

Post by Guest Mon Dec 29, 2008 11:31 am

OOC: I concede Defeat


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