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Gen Novomu

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Gen Novomu Empty Gen Novomu

Post by Tarak Tue Jun 30, 2009 6:06 am

Name: True name unknown, goes by Gen Nozomu

Age: Unknown, seemingly 18 at current

Bloodline: Nozomu

Rank: Jounin level Wanderer
Village: N/A
Alignment: Neutral order

Appearance: Gen is a young, palish white man. His hair is a striking mix of midnight black and platinum blonde. The base of his long straight hair was deep black (and long enough to reach his mid back), and his bangs were a bright platinum white blonde, though that is seldom seen. His figure is average at best; he is not very muscled, and his back is the strongest part of his body. Gen wears a thin, metal mask that covers the upper half of his face; it has no eye holes, goes around the top of his nose and two spikes that go down his cheeks, and is covered in a beautiful design. This mask is held on by six small clasps connected to the bones of his face. Often Gen wears a bone helmet with only one hole on the bottom of the chin that allows easy breathing through the mouth and nose. The helmet folds around Gen's ears, and three places his hair comes out at the center of the back, hiding the bones and muscles that were grown out to allow the helmet to be made. the other two are to the sides, behind the ears, allowing it to fall in front of his shoulders. He also wears loose, black, samurai-style pants, and a long, sleeveless, black coat that splits at the belt line, and goes down to knee length. the shoes he wears are actually black tabi socks (rubber soled) and black Zori sandals.

Personality: Gen has a lawful neutral personality, and believes strongly in Lawful concepts such as honor, order, rules and tradition, and follows a personal code. A lawful neutral society would typically enforce strict laws to maintain social order, and place a high value on traditions and historical precedent. Examples of lawful neutral characters might include a soldier who always follows orders, a judge or enforcer that adheres mercilessly to the word of the law, or a disciplined monk. Gen neutral with regard to good and evil. This does not mean that he is amoral or immoral, or does not have a moral compass; but simply that his moral considerations come a distant second to what his code, tradition and law dictates. he has a strong ethical code, but it is primarily guided by his system of belief, not by a commitment to good or evil.


The exact location of Gen's birth is unknown to anyone living, though it is thought that it was somewhere in the rock country. As he was birthed his mother went through a slow and excruciatingly painful death, finally passing on as he was layed in her arms for the first time. The father was not a shinobi, but instead a musician, and couldn't raise a child on his own. As such he allowed a wandering nin to take care of the boy only months old and eventually train him in exchange for the secrets of the clan he had been born into.

The father actually took care of the boy quite a bit during this time, and the man merely payed for clothes and food and the like. This was immensely important to the child's survival, as the father didn't have enough money to get enough food for himself, much less a rapidly growing child. the strange man's support saved Gens life... for now.

Gen was soon walking and talking, he was quicker to catch on than most. He tended to take things apart because of his curiosity and want to feel them out, this got him in trouble a lot. most of the house was dismantled before they got Gen's bad habit under control. This probably saved him from dieing later on in life, but quite possibly stunted his mental growth.

As Gen grew into a child he quickly learned to use and harness his bloodline through both the training of the man and what his father knew. He quickly could grow extra bones and muscle, and a couple years later even could use that to form himself wings and also managed to use the sound element granted by his clan. He also realized the growth of bone into sound channeling devices helped to strengthen his sound techniques.

Gen's father wasn't sure what it was but even at the boy's young age he seemed off for a child, more held back, serious, and seemingly aware of his odd situation. His childhood was rough; spending all his time training, having no friends, and having but one parent he rarely saw made him somewhat hard, rough, and very anti-social. These years shaped his personal belief of social rigidity and honor based militarism.

The Young Teen:
Gen grew into a young adult rather quickly with the form of his childhood. He always felt like he wanted to get out and experience the world on his own, so he left without telling anyone. He didn't see the harm in it, but his shinobi instructor had his reasons for wanting to train the boy himself. The man, in a fit of anger at the boys disappearance, killed Gen's father and left. Gen soon returned to find his father's rotting corpse nearly cut in two, this hurt him. He had never been too close to his father, but he still loved him. He tracked down the Shinobi and tricked him into a trap, barley managing to kill him.

Gen left the country and began to wander all over, soon another ability awoke in him, he had an ability to see the possible futures and outcomes of things stemming now. Soon he heard a fight between two warring nations, and he moved closer, enamored by the sound. He could hear everything as one writhing destructive entity turned against itself. His blindness to the visual of two sides clashing left him with a different view on things. This was like one being to him, fighting itself.

Soon the fighting ended, and left to him was only the sound of fire and the sounds of dieing men. He wandered out into the battlefield, listening to the men. He categorized them in his mind: 'Doomed, doomed, doomed, brink, doomed... He went on like this for some time until he found what he was looking for, 'Ah, savable, excellent!' The person he had found was a woman pinned to the ground whom had her right arm broken and lost her left leg, the perfect person for him to save and convince that he is a good person at heart.

Late Teen Years:
Gen took the woman from the battlefield and began her healing process. As she healed they frequently talked all the time, he liked to hear of the world outside of the little pitch black world he was restrained to. She enjoyed reading him books, books of all sorts of things; war, love, mystery, sometimes even science or history. Soon he had memorized every book they had managed to get their hands on, and Gen was craving more. They then began to swap out books by going to local villages wherever they were and trading with the towns people there. It was fine for a time, but then the war she had been a part of before came crashing into them.

They were in a village swapping books when suddenly soldiers rushed in and captured the village before they could escape. A couple of the soldiers recognized her as a member of the fighting force that was assumed dead, and had her dragged of to somewhere else. Soon, they found out that Gen was a nin and the one that dragged her out of the war. they then moved to capture him to question him, only he Misunderstood. Gen took it as an attempt on his life, and finally used his abilities to, in his eyes, murder good men.

After this he ran, and managed to escape, but left the poor woman he had grown fond of to her fate. This was distasteful to Gen, but she should have returned once she was healed, and she didn't. He saw the action of the soldiers as rational and proper, but the war they were fighting was not. It was irrational, hateful, and generally unnecessary. Gen felt that war should be a last resort, and nothing more, but it was obvious that that would not be so with foolish, shortsighted military leaders at command.

He soon decided that fighting was inevitable, and he should choose a side before he got caught between two sides of anything. Soon he came to hear of a group, a group of mercenaries. This piqued his interest, and he sought them out, soon finding a lead. Once he found the leader he managed to convince him he would be useful by first showing his ability to alter his body and use sound techniques, and finally by acually turning the tide of a battle they were fighting.

He was in.

Speciality: Kekkei Genkai, ninjutsu
Learned jutsus:
Elements: Sound, wind
Goals: To cure this corrupt world full of violence.


Posts : 79
Points : 29
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2008-12-15

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Gen Novomu Empty Re: Gen Novomu

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Jun 30, 2009 3:51 pm

Approved unelss said otherwise
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 33
Location : Akron, Ohio

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