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News Most Disturbing... Empty News Most Disturbing...

Post by Munashii Hissori Sun Jun 28, 2009 4:03 pm

The Raikage stood at his window, as he had been for the last year and a half. Looking down at the people he had sworn to protect, he wondered if he could truely hope to defend them all against the coming darkness. The news that his crow had brought him was most unsettling. And already so soon after he had the good news of Akatsuki's downfall... He had foolishly thought the land might know some measure of peace. For a time at least.

He should have known that these things would not stay. From the ashes of one evil, another arises, just as ready to take down the peace that Henshin so longed for his people and those of the rest of the world. Why were people so determined to kill one another? Of course, that's all fine and good talking about being confused over the violent nature of mankind, when he himself has killed more than his fair share of men.

But he had grown since then, and as his years advanced, all he wanted for those around him and himself... was pease, rest, and maybe (just maybe) the knowledge that his children and childrens' children would not fight and die in yet another pointless and fruitless conflict.

Shaking from his thoughts, Henshin turned to a shadowy corner of his office. "Start evacuating the people into somewhere more secure, make sure that they are out of harms way. The last thing we need is more of them dieing through our carelessness. And set a perimeter around the Village. No-one get's in or our without us knowing", he said. A shadow detached itself and left the office to start moving the citizens. Henshin turned to the crow that brought him this news. "Go and find my son. Tell him what you have told me", he said in the birds language. The crow flew from the room immediatly, carry it's info to Munashii.

Henshin turned back to the window, watching as his shinobi starting moving his people out of the soon-to-be battlezone. Word would soon spread to the other Kumo ninja, and they would be ready.

If nothing else, the foe would never catch Kumo unprepared again.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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News Most Disturbing... Empty Re: News Most Disturbing...

Post by Kenshi Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:30 am

A hard knock on the door came from the other side of the office. Who ever it was, it was unknown now, and no doubt the Raikage was probably getting ready to attack. However, it seemed as if the door towards the office was left open, probably due to the traffic that was flowing in and out of his office, due to such high times. Surely he'd sensed the somewhat familiar chakra pushing its way through the slowly opening door, but the person on the other end highly doubted it. He would probably be forgotten, him and his own clan, his father, and his mother by now. There might not be a chance of the Raikage remembering.

The wide door continued to swing open, and a person walked into the room. He appeared to be about eighteen years old, and had semi long black hair, which was spiked on the rear end. His face was soft, but his look was stern, and the purple eyes that sat in his head showed a caring expression. He wore all black, with some light armor on his shoulders, and a traditional Kumogakure katana from his back. He smiled at the Raikage, who was no doubt surprised by his entrance. His black boots tapped against the cold metal floors, and the ripples in his eyes looked back at the Raikage across his desk. The figure stopped and sighed with a smile, looking over the office, remembering the past. He opened his mouth and spoke.

"Well, I'm back. I have no where else to go, and I don't feel like helping those bastards at the Council of OZ. They'll probably be out to kill me, but I don't care anymore. I had to get information from my father, and even though we were close with people that turned on this village, the information I got from him totally shocked me. My father, Sandaime Raikage turned from the village, and no doubt they hated him for it, but in his turn from Kumogakure, he did one thing, and that was spare Kumogakure from harm from the dead group which used to be known as "Akatsuki". I'm his son, Kenshi Izoto, and I'm here to join Kumogakure and help them once again. I want the Izoto clan to be known as good ninja, who helped protect the village. I want to become restore my fathers name eventually, but first I need to be instated as a ninja. How would I go about that Yondaime-sama?"

The sudden conversation that had sparked between the two of them was no doubt awkward, and the smiling expression on Kenshi's face made it seem as if nothing was wrong about it. The meeting, the conversation, the talks about Yoshimo Izoto, and the past of Kumogakure were all weird. In the war that way slowly arising, it would be hard to trust any ninja, let alone ninja from a clan that had betrayed the village. Kenshi however, hoped to change that, but first he'd need permission from his Raikage, and then from there, the start of the rise of Kumogakure would take place.


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News Most Disturbing... Empty Re: News Most Disturbing...

Post by Munashii Hissori Tue Jun 30, 2009 6:38 am

Henshin felt a familiar presence slide into the room. He turned swiftly, a half smile on his face and a name on his lips. But that dissapeared instantly as he noticed that a boy stood there, not the man that he was expecting. This had to be his son, there could be no other explination. He watched the boy carefully as he talked, and for a few moments after he had finished Henshin just stared at him with his cold, hard and piercing eyes. To anyone else, they would think that he had harsh feelings toward them, but if Yoshimo had told his child anything of the Hissori, it was that they often looked that way, regardless of the person they were looking at.

That's if Yoshimo had told the boy anything about Henshin's true identity at all.

Walking to a filing cabinate, the Raikage shuffled through some papers until he found the one's he was looking for. Bringing them to the desk, he put them on the surface with a pen and gestured Kenshi to a seat. "Fill these out", he said shortly, gathering his thoughts. Turning his back to the boy and looking out the window again, he thought carefully on what to say next. He spoke, his voice sounding very tired and heavy.

"I... knew your father", he said finally, turning to face Kenshi. "Not paticularly well, but I knew him none-the-less". He paused before going on. "He was my son's sensei, and he knows of my true identity. Those two facts alone would tell anyone who knew me how much trust I have in your father. Even when he left us, I had a feeling that it was not what it seemed. He had always cared very deeply about our people, and I knew that whatever he did he would always watch over them, and see that they came to no harm". He paused again, the painful memory of those that died in the Akatsuki attack rising to his mind. "Unfortunately, those that he threw his cards in with did not see it the same way".

Shaking those memories away, he looked at Kenshi intently. "When we last met, your father and I did not part terms very... amicably. But I told him that his family would always be welcome here. I keep my word. You will be welcome in Kumogakure". He rubbed his chin in thought. "As for you becoming Raikage, there are several things that need to be done before that title is passed onto you. You need to prove yourself worthy, to say it in a cliched manner". He looked hard at the boy, ticking off his fingers for each point he made. "Dedication. Loyalty. Level-headedness. Strength. These are what make a Kage, of any Village. But I don't really need to tell you this. Simply, you will... you must... be tested of these things before you can become Raikage". He gave Kenshi a small smile. "And then of course, there's the final test-"

Before he could finish what he was saying, another presence slipped into the room. Upon seeing Kenshi, his hand went straight for his sword, but the Raikage waved him down. The man said something in a strange tounge, to which Henshin replied. The man came forward and place a letter in Henshin's hand before leaving. Kenshi would of undoubtedly have noticed that from appart from his speech, no sound came from the man at all. Reading the letter, Henshin frowned slightly. "I have been called to a meeting of the Kages, called for by the Mizukage. But the name here is not one I reckonise. Kyouken Uchiha", he muttered. "What happened to Lady Mirage?"
Munashii Hissori
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News Most Disturbing... Empty Re: News Most Disturbing...

Post by Kenshi Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:54 pm

"Well it is good to hear that you knew of my father. I too remember the student that I used to look up to, your son, Munashii. My father would come home all the time and tell me the new things he learned, and the great abilities that he'd had. I looked up to him as a small child, and I wish to meet him again. I have to make up for my fathers mistakes and revive the Izoto clan. No matter what it takes, I'll do anything, and I'll protect Kumogakure with my life. As for the Mizukage...she died.. The Council of OZ and Kyouken Uchiha currently run the Water Country, and it will take some training before I can get strong enough to go there and get rid of them. Just to let you know...In Akatsuki, my father made sure that Kumogakure would be left safe, and was out of any of their plans. He left me with a piece of information that could give Kumogakure the power..power enough to have any village tremble before our feet."

Kenshi reached down to the piece of paper before him and signed it quickly, dotting the paper up against the desk, making sure he filled out everything that was needed. Even though it was just paper work it was a crucial step for him in becoming a ninja. Since he had the Rinnegan, he would have to be instated as a ninja soon, and begin training to further his powers for Kumogakure, and the benefits of it's peoples. Kenshi's plan however, would take the complete cooperation of the Raikage, and they would have to be close. They would have to gather as many ninja possible, even if it meant picking up ninjas from other countries to do so. The information he had with him, no doubt...had the ability to change the ninja world as they knew it.

Whether it meant utter destruction, or a new beginning, for everyone.

Kenshi took at seat, moving his over sized katana from his back. The sword looked like it was about to fall apart, the way the dents and marks on the sword raced across the length of it. It looked liked it had been through hell and back, and truthfully it had. Kenshi had to survive some how after losing both of his parents, and in finding the katana he had to learn how to use it, and put it to use for his protection. Kenshi placed the massive blade in between his legs, keeping it out of harms way from anyone that would walk in the room. He sighed and looked over to the Raikage.

"There is massive power that only two people in this world know of. One is the legendary Jin Chisoku, the "rumored" best shinobi in the entire world. The other is me, since my father technically isn't alive, just a spirit that is currently living in the shadow of Kyouken Uchiha. This power has yet to be tapped, and I myself think Kumogakure should get it before any of the other countries take a hold of it, after all we are on the brink of a war here. However, it would take someone of considerable abilities, such as the power bestowed upon my in my Rinnegan. But, the only part that I can't do is access it, I'm no where near strong enough...Can you train me?"

Kenshi was hoping that the Raikage would take him under his wing, and train him. Even though they'd just met and everything seemed to be moving too fast, Kenshi doubted that the Raikage had any suspicion towards him. Anyone could hear it in his voice, his seriousness, his determination, and his drive. He wanted to be there for Kumogakure, even if it meant going against his fathers friend, and going up against Jin Chisoku. Kumogakure was more important than sitting around, and letting the war happen, after all it was his home.


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News Most Disturbing... Empty Re: News Most Disturbing...

Post by Munashii Hissori Wed Jul 01, 2009 6:04 am

Henshin nodded as he heard of the Mizukage's demise. A pity. She seemed like such a nice woman. The more he heard of this 'Council' the less he liked the sound of it. However, he could not pass any judgements until he had more information.

He stood, making a handseal. A clone appeared, and set off into the direction of the Summit. He looked over at Kenshi. "With the threat of this 'Order' I cannot go to the Summit in person. It would leave Kumo open to attack, which is unacceptable. I was about to send a message to the other Kages warning them, but with the Summit being called there is no guarantee that my crows would find them in time", he explained.

When Kenshi mentioned his fathers' 'death', a saddened looked passed across his face very briefly before it resumed it's normal neutral composure. Another blow for Kumo. The loss of it's hidden protecter would definatly not help the Village. Not to mention he'd have to break the news to Munashii. Shaking his head, he returned to the now and focussed on the matter at hand. Kenshi wanted to be trained by him, and although Henshin was no great teacher, no harm would come of helping the boy reach his potential, or directing him along the right paths. He nodded. "Very well. I shall assist your training. I must admit, I have no knowledge of this Rinnegan you speak of. Although it does sound familiar from somewhere..." Thinking for a moment, the memory didn't surface. "Munashii has been training with me lately, learning to open the Eight Gates. It would seem you two will be training together". He looked out of the window again, a concerned look dancing across his face. "He is not here at the moment. He recently joined an orginaisation dedicated to rooting out and destroying threats to all the Villages". He knew that Munashii could take care of himself, but he was his father. Knowing that a child was strong and capable did not stop a parent from worrying. He thought on what else Kenshi had said.

This power that Kenshi talked of... just the mention of it sent a chill down Henshin's spine. All Hissori were discouraged from taking power, due to it's corroding power on a persons integrity. He shot Kenshi a sharp look when he mentioned how it would make all others tremble before Kumo. Henshin's goal was peace through co-operation, not fear. However, like the Council, he did not know enough about it yet to dismiss it one way or another. So he decided to learn what he could.

"What is this Council? What is their purpose? And this power you speak of, what is that?" After a moments thought, he asked his last question. "And how did you earn the enmity of so many powerful shinobi?"
Munashii Hissori
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News Most Disturbing... Empty Re: News Most Disturbing...

Post by Kenshi Wed Jul 01, 2009 5:32 pm

Kenshi watched as the Raikage performed the well know, "Kage Bunshin" and sent it off in the direction of the Kage Summit. No doubt it was a good idea, but Kenshi feared that it might not work. Some of the Kage's, especially Kyouken had the ability to tell whether clones were the originals or not, just by sensing their chakra. Kenshi stepped in front of the clone and placed his hand on it's shoulder. He pushed a large amount of chakra throughout the clone, perfeclty blending them, making it impossible to tell the difference. Transferring at least an B Rank amount of chakra into the clone, Kenshi took a deep breath, and focused back to the original.

"The Kage's are very skilled when it comes to sensing, especially the Mizukage, Kyouken. They'll all be disappointed it the don't know that it's your real body showing up to the Summit. By giving some of my chakra to it's body, I can fill it up, and make it seem real by giving it more chakra. Now they won't even know the difference when they sense the chakra. It's not as much chakra as you have, but if they ask the clone can just say he ran into some thugs and had to take them out on the way there, they won't suspect the "you" being a little bit low on chakra."

Kenshi moved out of the way of the clone as it passed towards the door. He looked at the Raikage's face and thought about his father once again. Even in death, he'd motivated Kenshi to become powerful. Kenshi was the "chosen one" of the Izoto clan, a member rumored to have powers that could revive the clan. Whatever they were they were still yet to be unlocked within him. Kenshi hoped the training would be strenuous enough for them to open them.

"Well its quite simple really. The Rinnegan gives me all 6 natures, so I can use all 5 elements in battle. Plus I've unlocked some of the Rinnegan techniques, like Shinra Tensei. I'll show you to them when training starts. As for the gates, I would love to learn how to use them, if you could give me the training. I need to be powerful enough to open "it" up again. As for OZ it was easy, they let me in thinking that I would join them, but I decided not to. They were all too much different from me, and plus Kumogakure is my home. Even though the Council is going against The Order, I doubt we can trust them, and especially trust their leader, Jin Chisoku."


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News Most Disturbing... Empty Re: News Most Disturbing...

Post by Munashii Hissori Thu Jul 02, 2009 7:31 am

Henshin watched as Kenshi put more chakra into the clone. He had not really cared what the other Kages would think. If they were decent Kages, they would understand. If not... well, Henshin felt bad for their Village. He would have to warn them of the Order's plans anyway, which would most likely cut the Summit short.

Henshin listened as the boy explained his ability. Well well. He was quite something. All five elements... that would definatly come in handy in battle. He definatly looked forward to seeing Kenshi train, especially with Munashii. It should prove to be interesting to say the least. Add the gates to his repertoire and Kenshi would be more than capable of holding his own against all challengers.

When he heard Jin Chisoku's name the Raikage frowned. This was the man who helped defend Kumogakure when those demons attacked. A shame that he would have to keep an eye on him now. He would have made a powerful ally. "Very well. You will be kept safe in Kumo as long as I can protect you", Henshin said, nodding. "However, you still have not told me of this power you mentioned previously. What is it exactly?" he continued, interlocking his fingers and resting his chin on the arc.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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News Most Disturbing... Empty Re: News Most Disturbing...

Post by Kenshi Fri Jul 03, 2009 8:51 am

The reason he hoped he would physically show up to the Kage Summit was because of the Kages alone. The last time he experienced one they were disgusted by the use of bunshin in their presence and almost attacked. He didn't want the same to happen to the Raikage, but he had a valid point. Kumogakure had undergone the worst when it came to wars and fighting, no country had experienced back to back losses as they had. Even Konohagakure couldn't share their pain.

But now training was more important than that. He had to be the one to protect Kumogakure at all costs, and even if it meant giving his life to protect the village. There were so many jutsu that he wanted to learn, needed to learn, and he needed to get stronger at all costs. He had a large chakra supply, over the "average" amount, like most Izoto did. But now that he had the Rinnegan, he could be a real asset to Kumogakure, since he had access to all of the elements in battle. His training might even involve learning how to use some of the Eight Gates, also. Kenshi focused back at the topic at hand, and looked towards the Raikage.

"The power, it's not anything like a mass ball of free chakra, or some abilites we can get for free. It's different than that. It's something that could change the way you see your world, forever. It's a gateway if you will, to a world different from here the **** ** *** ****** *****. My father wants me to check it out, but I'm not powerful enough to enter it by myself, maybe you are, but my father is unsure about someone like you entering, also you have a village to take care of. We don't know if you'll come back if you enter, but I know if my Rinnegan techniques get strong enough, I can get out no problem. When do you want to start training, Raikage-sama?"


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News Most Disturbing... Empty Re: News Most Disturbing...

Post by Munashii Hissori Fri Jul 03, 2009 1:08 pm

Henshin frowned when he heard what this 'power' was. He didn't like it one bit. He didn't understand it, and he still didn't like the sound of it. Still finding out more about it wouldn't hurt. But then again, it might do irrepriable damage. Whatever the case may be, Henshin supposed such a power needed to be investigated to stop others from using it for some dark and evil purpose. If he could attain it quietly, he might just be able to guard it or destroy it, whichever course seemed more reasonable at that time.

However, Kenshi's intent, it seemed, would be to use it somehow to give Kumo an advantage over the rest of the Villages. Part of Henshin wanted to agree with him. However, the Hissori part of him knew that aquiring such power would inevitably break down the bonds of friendship between nations and lead to war over this 'power'. Such a thing would destroy Kumo. But he was getting ahead of himself. They had to find it first, before anyone else discovered it. And to do that, Kenshi needed training. He was right, Henshin couldn't go, he had responsiblities here. As for when to start-

A crow suddenly flew in through the window, flying close by Kenshi's head and landing on the Raikage's shoulder. It's beak leaned close to Henshin's ear, as if speaking. He nodded, and the crow took off again. Henshin looked over at Kenshi. "Your training should begin pretty much now. My son is on his way back here right now, and he believes the The Order are on their way here to take down Kumogakure. They have already doen great damage to Suna, and I understand that Konoha also has suffered. When the agents of the Order arrive, I will head them off. If they proceed to attack me, I will fend them off until you find the right moment to attack and cause the most damage. Munashii should arrive with his companions, most likely, during the battle. They will provide support. The majority of our shinobi will be the second line of defence to protect the villagers should we fail", Henshin explained, standing and heading to the exit. He turned. "Remember, if you strike from hiding at the right moment, you might just end the battle in it's early stages. I want it to be as quick as possible".

He proceeded towards the now empty outer edges of the Village to await the Order's agents.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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News Most Disturbing... Empty Re: News Most Disturbing...

Post by Kenshi Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:14 pm

"Alright then let's get started. We can speed things up with the Tajuu Kage Bunshin. My chakra levels are suited for that type of training. I can have all these jutsu knocked out in no time, and maybe even more. I'll meet you at the training grounds as soon as possible. We don't know when The Order will strike us at all, but I'll be prepared if they do. My father was able to get a scroll from Konoha a long time ago with the Rasengan on it. Using the history, I was able to find that someone from Konoha named "Naruto" was able to elementally recompose the Rasengan into an ultra technique that he was able to defeat Pain with. Maybe I can learn how to do it with all elements using my Kage Bunshin, since I have far better knowledge of chakra than Naruto did from my father. Tell Munashii to show up at the training grounds."

Kenshi looked toward the Raikage and smiled, flipping him two thumbs up, and closing his eyes.

"You can put all your belief in me! I'll save Konoha from The Order if they attack!"

Kenshi turned around and grabbed his sword, swinging it upon his back, slapping it in place against its holders. Kenshi looked towards the door and clenched his fist, his black leather gloves grinding upon each other. THe feeling that he had welling up within him was strong, and with his purple eyes he could clearly see the future that he wanted for Kumogakure, and for the world also. Like a fire from within his heart, Kenshi's passion burned deep within him. He would protect Kumogakure no matter what the cost. Kenshi opened the door and walked out, leaving it open as he went through the crowd, headed towards the training area.


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