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Xavier's Jutsu

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Xavier's Jutsu Empty Xavier's Jutsu

Post by Xavier Fri Jun 26, 2009 10:06 am

Mot weaknesses will be the same.

Name of Jutsu:Plasma touch
Type of Jutsu:Offensive
Users: Users of Nenshou-mune
Element Affinity:Plasma

Description: The user draws in heat and charges a small bit of blood with electricity mixing fire and lightning to superheat the plasma in the blood to make an extremely hot drop of plasma. This can be used to cut through some surfaces and be used to torture and cause massive amounts of pain. the body will automatically use chakra to keep the heat from burning the user due to how close the plasma has to be to them. This can be used to make many items if enough blood is used.

Weakness: If no chakra then the jutsu will end up burning the user, most of the time going through their hand. If theres not enough blood then the body will pass out. (like with other blood related things.) Ice can destroy the plasma, Wind can cool it down, Earth can suffocate the plasma putting it out, and Water can extinguish it.

Name of Jutsu: Plasma Senbon
Type of Jutsu: Offensive
Users: Nenshou-mune users
Element Affinity: Plasma

Description: Using an advanced form of the plasma touch, the user uses more blood and manipulates the plasma into a sharp senbon shaped rod of plasma. This can then be thrown or kept about a foot away. if in the 2-3 foot distance, it can be controlled mentally, but once it leaves that range it will only be able to fly forward like a normal senbon.

Weakness:Since it is based off of plasma touch its weakness will be basically the same, its more susceptible to wind and ice now

Name of Jutsu: Plasma shield
Range:Close range
Type of Jutsu: Defensive
Users: Nenshou-mune
Element Affinity: Plasma

Description:The user uses enough blood to make a shield that covers part of the users body or from the ground up for cover. This shield is only meant to block one or 2 attacks. Thus it dissipates very soon to cut down on chakra costs. If kept out it would keep a steady drain on your chakra. This is hot enough to melt simple weapons and make then useless. It has to stay a foot away from the user, this is enough to protect but any closer and it could burn them.

Weakness:Like all of the plasma jutsu, Water, Ice, Wind, Earth. And its own chakra. Getting close can cause harm to the user due to the heat and severe burning.

Name of Jutsu:Plasma Spike
Rank: B-A
Range: Close due to its nature
Type of Jutsu: Offensive
Users: Nenshou-mune
Element Affinity: Plasma

Description: Using the same concept of plasma shield, this jutsu instead makes a sharp spike.

Weakness:Like all of the plasma jutsu, Water, Ice, Wind, Earth. And its own chakra. Getting close can cause harm to the user due to the heat and severe burning.

Name of Jutsu: Plasma Blade
Rank: A-S
Range: Close range
Type of Jutsu: Offensive
Users: Nenshou-mune
Element Affinity:Plasma

Description: Using the plasma in the blood, its superheated and extended out cover a distance of about 3-4 feet in a rod like shape. This rod then floats a foot away from the arm. Its movements can be controlled by an almost telepathic force. The rod is superheated and can be used to cut almost anything. It can only be maintained for short bursts of time, the average time being about 5 minutes.

Weakness:Like all of the plasma jutsu, Water, Ice, Wind, Earth. And its own chakra. Getting close can cause harm to the user due to the heat and severe burning. This one has a limit on time as well and requires a one post cool down before being used again.

Name of Jutsu: Rain of plasma
Rank: A-S
Range:Medium To far
Type of Jutsu:Offensive
Users: Nenshou-mune
Element Affinity:Plasma

Description: The user propels several small drops of plasma from their body, this plasma then heats and flies in a straight line towards the target. Due to it being a projectile if is inaccurate.

Weakness:Like all of the plasma jutsu, Water, Ice, Wind, Earth. And its own chakra. Getting close can cause harm to the user due to the heat and severe burning. Highly inaccurate against moving targets unless used on wide scale, this takes up more chakra and thus would only be able to be used once or twice.

Name of Jutsu: Plasma Ball
Type of Jutsu:Offensive
Element Affinity:Plasma

Description: The user makes a small ball of plasma and 'tosses' near the target. this ball can hit them and do severe damage to the opponent or object. If need be this ball can be separated into a splash of superheated [plasma that will burn what ever it touches. But doing so its range shortens severely due to the need to focus more chakra to it.

Weakness:Like all of the plasma jutsu, Water, Ice, Wind, Earth. And its own chakra. Getting close can cause harm to the user due to the heat and severe burning. Its range is harder to judge and it would need another successful burst of chakra from the user to get its second effect.

Name of Jutsu:Plasma's gift
Type of Jutsu: Supplementary, Its passive
Element Affinity:Plasma

Description:Using the 2 elemental affinities, Fire, Lightning, The user is not effected by severe heat, or cold and is semi-resistant to lightning ninjutsu. This ability can be negated by poison or medical ninjutsu, either by force or the user using medical ninjutsu.

Weakness:Since this is a passive ability it has no weakness


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Join date : 2009-06-20

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Xavier's Jutsu Empty Re: Xavier's Jutsu

Post by Xavier Fri Jun 26, 2009 10:38 am

Name of Jutsu:Plasma Cleansing
Type of Jutsu:Offensive/supplementary
Element Affinity:Plasma

Description:After focusing chakra into the air, An odd color of clouds will form. This soon there after will make a rain storm. These droplets of rain will be hot and highly dangerous. The droplets formed are made of plasma.

Weakness:like those above. This one is more susceptible to wind jutsu that can turn the rain onto the user. Due to the passive ability of the nenshou-mune this rain only affects the user if it is touching the skin for a prolonged amount of time


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Join date : 2009-06-20

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