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Aito's Bloodline limit

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Aito's Bloodline limit Empty Aito's Bloodline limit

Post by Xavier Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:08 pm

Name of the Kekkei Genkai: Nenshou-mune (burning Will)

Type of Kekkei Genkai: Offensive use mainly. Uses plasma, A mix of fire and lightning.

Rank: A-S some techniques are lower.

Description: Using the 2 elements of fire and lightning the user fuses the 2 elements to create plasma. this plasma is extremely hot and can be used in many ways. Its can be defensive to some extent. It can be used to make weapons, projectiles, shields. etc. But due to its extreme heat it has the potential to harm the user unless they have enough control to mold it away from your body. This jutsu is also semi- stressful to the user. Extended use could be very detrimental

ie: some one using this keke genkai creates a shield of plasma. This would use a lot of chakra and has the potential to cause massive damage to the user due to heat. This can also be used to stop opponents in their tracks.

ie2: some one makes a sword. It would have to float a bit ahead of u, as to not burn your hand. But it would be able to cut though a lot of different substances. if used to long the drain on chakra could be harfmul to the user. Not as much as the shield though

Weakness: Enough water could extinguis the fire portion of the combination.
Ice could freeze the plasma making it useless, (this can happen since plasma is a liquid and a solid)
Wind could take out the lightning part of the combination making it nearl useless.
And earth could take care of both of the combination
Another weakness is chakra, if the user doesn't have enough chakra the body wont be able to keep its self safe from the heat and cause severe injuries

will update as necessary


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Aito's Bloodline limit Empty Re: Aito's Bloodline limit

Post by Aki Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:36 pm

Alright, so you're basically saying that you can create various items out of plasma mixing fire and lightning. But, you are also saying that the plasma is extremely hot and dangerous to both the user and the target(s). So, exactly how far away do those items have to be away from the user's body? Also, since it is also dangerous to the user himself, would that mean its best if the user stood still? Oh and the range of these attacks? How far can they go? How much damage can these shields take? Is there a cool down to using this bloodline due its nature? What/How else can the plasma be used for? Is this "element" unique to your clan alone or is it more of a secret clan technique?

And as for weaknesses, explain the chakra thing a bit more please? Do you mean that if they don't have enough chakra the plasma turns on them instead? Or does it simply loose its form? Does it become uncontrollable? And so forth.

Gah I feel as if there are more things I could ask, but at the moment, I am drained and can not seem to notice much else.

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Aito's Bloodline limit Empty Re: Aito's Bloodline limit

Post by Xavier Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:50 pm

ok lets see. Yes it is hot to the user as well, It must be alt least a foot away to be 'safe' any closer it could burn you or the opposition.

And its better to stay still unless moving bakwards. the more distance from it the better.

most attacks can only be close range since its better that way unless used more towards lightning whic then it will only move in a straight line, making it very easy to dodge. it ranges like most jutsu, medium-long, and close

The sheilds can take up to equal ammount of damage, like u put a certain ammount of chakra into it, it would take more or an equal ammount of chakra damage to get rid of it, but they are mainly used to block then dissapear.

At early levels there is a cooldown, a minute or 2, but once you get up in ranks the cool down becomes less and less, like an s rank ninjas cooldown would be about 10 secconds.

it can be used to go through walls very quickly, its not especially stealthy so sneaking out of the question, Its mainly to cause massive ammounts of damage.

the element is semi unique to the clan, anyone with fire and lightning can use plasma but to use it this way they must actually, ask for training. it seems horrible but its true.

And the weakness, if you run out of chakra, the body uses chakra as insulation against the immense heat, so if u have none then you would be burned and the jutsu would be turned on the user. It also become eratic and very uncontrolable.

Any more questions lol. ill edit and add to it once i get all the details out.


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Aito's Bloodline limit Empty Re: Aito's Bloodline limit

Post by Aki Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:20 am

So sorry Xavier... I forgot. And it all seems good. Approved unless said otherwise...

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Aito's Bloodline limit Empty Re: Aito's Bloodline limit

Post by Xavier Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:44 pm

Its fine


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