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Tetsuhada's Jutsu

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Tetsuhada's Jutsu Empty Tetsuhada's Jutsu

Post by Tetsuhada Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:43 pm

Name of Jutsu: Hardening Technique (Kōka no Jutsu)
Rank E-S: D Rank
Range: Body
Type of jutsu: Taijutsu
Users: Tetsuhada
Element Affinity: Iron Skin
This technique is used by Tetsuhada to make his skin temporily hard. Hardening Technique is a weaker and less chakra consuming version of Iron Skin Defense.

Weakness: Lightning Jutsu

Name of Jutsu: Heavy Body Skill (Omoiwan no Jutsu)
Rank E-S: D Rank
Range: Body
Type of jutsu: Taijutsu
Users: Tetsuhada
Element Affinity: Iron Skin
Heavy Body Skill is a form of Iron Skin used by Tetsuhada, and besides the main part of it making your skin extremely hard it holds your place. With the iron skin building up heavily on his body, Tetsuhada becomes extremly strong and hard to move. This jutsu is a form of making Super Strength for Tetsuhada. extremely hard it holds your place. With the iron skin building up heavily on his body, Tetsuhada becomes extremly strong and hard to move. This jutsu is a form of making Super Strength for Tetsuhada.

Weakness: Lightning Jutsu

Name of Jutsu: Iron Skin Defense (Tetsuhada Bōgyo)
Rank E-S: C Rank
Range: Body
Type of jutsu: Taijutsu
Users: Tetsuhada
Element Affinity: Iron Skin
Iron Skin Defense is the most basic attack that Tetsuhada has. Using chakra around his entire body, Tetsuhada hardens all his skin cells into iron. The iron runs through the body and charges all his organs and cells to harden into iron. The iron skin cells slowly create a crome like color as the skin hardens into steel. One major down fall to this technique is that it is severely weakt o lightning which doubles on the surface of steel.

Weakness: Lightning Jutsu

Name of Jutsu: Patial Iron Skin: Jackhammer Palm (Bubun Tetsuhada: Tettsuishō)
Rank E-S: C Rank
Range: Body
Type of jutsu: Taijutsu
Users: Tetsuhada
Element Affinity: Iron Skin
Partial Iron Skin: Jackhammer Palm causes the cells within Tetsuhada's arm to harden and expand. As the cells expand slowly the hand grows larger. Most commonly seen is when Tetsuhada comes crashing down upon the target, slaming his iron palm into them and crushing them.

Weakness: Lightning Jutsu

Name of Jutsu: Partial Iron Skin: Iron Sword Arm (Bubun Tetsuhada: Tetsukiri Kakūn)
Rank E-S: C Rank
Range: Body
Type of jutsu: Taijutsu
Users: Tetsuhada
Element Affinity: Iron Skin
Using chakra on his arm, Tetsuhada creates iron skin to cover his arm. As the iron skin covers his arm he slowly uses chakra to morph it as it grows into a long iron blade. Because chakra is used to make the blade this attack has a chakra effect much like Flying Swallow. The chakra around the blade creates a long and sharp chakra blade to cover the iron sword along the arm.

Weakness: Lightning Jutsu

Name of Jutsu: Full Body Iron Skin: Spiked Armor (Seishunwan Tetsuhada: Goyoroi)
Rank E-S: C Rank
Range: Body
Type of jutsu: Taijutsu
Users: Tetsuhada
Element Affinity: Iron Skin
Full Body Iron Skin: Spiked Armor is a ultimate defense for Tetsuhada's Iron Skin Blood Line. Using chakra in his body to exort it and harden it in his skin to turn steel, Tetsuhada creates a hard and rough armor. The more chakra he pushes into his skin the more sharper and large the spikes growing rapidly on his are. This technique creates a very strong and hard to penetrate defense.

Weakness: Lightning Jutsu

Name of Jutsu: Soft Rubber Body
Rank: D Rank
Range: Body
Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu
User: Tetsuhada
Element Affinity: Rubber Body
The Soft Rubber Body skill is much like Orochimaru's version, Soft Physique Modification which was used for Spying, but instead this condition is a kekkei genkai which allows the user to turn there skin and bones to a rubber like condition. Using this ability the user is capable of turning there arm and changing its size with the rubber skin. This is much like the akimichi's partial expansion technique in some ways.

Weakness: Because the affinity is rubber, this technique is very weak to Fire Jutsu.

Name of Jutsu: Soft Rubber Tongue Whip- Nanbuen Zassben
Rank: C Rank
Range: Body to long range
Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu
User: Tetsuhada
Element Affinity: Rubber Body
Using part of the Soft Rubber Body Skill, Tetsuhada is able to morph the cells in his mouth and soften the tissue and muscle in the tongue. As the tongue softens Tetsuhada morphs the connection and veins to snap, allowing his tongue to take on a elastic nature. Using chakra, Tetsuhada sends his tongue whipping at the target, but chakra surrounding it makes it capable of cutting through objects. With his rubber tongue, Tetsuhada can stretch the cells to a long range attack.

Weakness: Because the affinity is rubber, this technique is very weak to Fire Jutsu.

Name of Jutsu: Ballistic Soft Rubber Body Bomb Wheel- Mizudan Nanbuenwan Danuiten
Rank: C Rank
Range: Body to Medium Range
Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu
User: Tetsuhada
Element Affinity: Rubber Body
Using the Soft Rubber Body Skill, Tetsuhada morphs all the cells and bones in his body into a rubber substance. As his bones soften the muscle and Tissue fade away, making his extremly flexable. Tetsuhada curls up into a ball and morphs and expands all his muscles turning into a massive ball. Using chakra around him, Tetsuhada is able to easily roll and smash through targets with ease.

Weakness: Because the Affinity is rubber, this technique is very weak to Fire Jutsu.

Name of Jutsu: Soft Rubber Body Two Way Chain Punches- Nanbuenwab Nii Gouken
Rank: D Rank
Range: Body to Long Range
Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu
User: Tetsuhada
Element Affinity: Rubber Body
Using the Soft Rubber Body Skill throughout his arms, Tetsuhada transforms and concentrates on the cells, turning them into rubber band like movements. He reaches out and is capable of sending his arm crashing at the target.

Weakness: Because the Affinity is rubber, this technique is very weak to Fire Jutsu.

Last edited by Tetsuhada on Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Tetsuhada's Jutsu Empty Re: Tetsuhada's Jutsu

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:30 pm

Hmmm, well because its a kekkei genkai its still doesnt need a rank, however could you at least place something that would (ranges from E-S) or something of that sort?
Kyouken Uchiha
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Tetsuhada's Jutsu Empty Re: Tetsuhada's Jutsu

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:39 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Tetsuhada's Jutsu Empty Re: Tetsuhada's Jutsu

Post by Tetsuhada Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:13 pm

Earth Release
Earth Release: Underground Traveling Tank- Doton: Dochū Nami Sensha
Rank E-S: C Rank
Range: Medium Range
Type of jutsu: Taijutsu/ Ninjutsu
Users: Tetsuhada
Element Affinity: Earth Release
This technique is very similiar to Kisame Earth Release: Underground Submarine Voyage but instead of allowing his to cause a fissure when he moves, Tetsuhada uses this movement to conceal his place in the ground while he gains a earth like armor around him. As the armor finishes Tetsuhada burst out of the ground striking the target in a demonic rock like tank.

Weakness: Underground Traveling Tank is a fast movement from underground, but Lightning element into the earth can effect it.

Earth Release: Large Dust Cloud- Doton: Taihō Sunabokori
Rank: D-rank
Range: Long range
Type of jutsu: Supplementary, Ninjutsu
User: Tetsuhada
Element Affinity: Earth Release
Earth Release Large Dust Cloud gathers earth element in the users mouth, Releasing it in a large burst which forms a dust explosion over the feild. The dust conceals the users position and also blinds the target.

Weakness: Is capable of being blown away by Wind Jutsu.

Earth Release: Earth Style Wall- Doton: Doryūheki
Type: C-rank
Range: Short range (0-5m)
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu, Defensive
User: Most earth element users
Element Affinity: Earth Release
This jutsu creates a protective wall of earth. When used by the Third Hokage he spits mud from his mouth that solidifies into a shield against attacks. When used by Kakashi he creates a wall composed of dog sculptures to box-in Pain.

Weakness: Lightning Jutsu

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Tetsuhada's Jutsu Empty Re: Tetsuhada's Jutsu

Post by Tetsuhada Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:25 pm

Earth Release: Earth Flow River- Doton: Doryū Taiga
Rank E-S: D Rank
Range: Medium Range
Type of jutsu: Supplementary, Ninjutsu
Users: Most Earth Element Ninja
Element Affinity: Earth Release
Using chakra around the area, The user turns a steady flow of earth all around them into a mud river, rushing past them and toward the target with a powerful speed and burst.

Weakness: Other earth elements can block it.

Earth Release: Rock Pillars Rising- Doton: Ganchūsō
Rank E-S: C Rank
Range: Medium Range
Type of jutsu: Supplementary, Offensive, Defensive, Ninjutsu
Users: Tetsuhada
Element Affinity: Earth Release
Using earth element, Tetsuhada summons multiple large pillars to burst from the ground all around. This move can be used to block some attacks, as well as to hold objects and finaly strike the target.

Weakness: Takes a few seconds to strike, consumes chakra and is weak to Lightning Jutsu.

Earth Clone Technique- Tsuchi Bushin no Jutsu
Rank: D-rank
Range: Short range
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
User: Most Earth Element Ninja
This technique creates a clone made of mud of the user. Since its made of mud, it can continue to reform and mold itself back to its original shape.

Weakness: Lightning Element

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Tetsuhada's Jutsu Empty Re: Tetsuhada's Jutsu

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:27 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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