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Jouten Rimaka

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Jouten Rimaka Empty Jouten Rimaka

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Thu Nov 27, 2008 2:29 pm

Name: Jouten Rimaka

Age: Unknown

Rank: S-Ranked Bounty Hunter

Village: Sunagakure

Appearance: Jouten Rimaka F11ca98821ee70_full

Personality: A quiet, subtle and somewhat peaceful man. However, he is a schemer

History: In the beginning, the univeres was in war with itself and the beings that were living in it. The war has been here since the beginnig time since heaven was also in war. Kenkon Rimaka, the founder of the clan 4500 years ago, came down to this planet in order to avoid the chaos the universe that was giving him and his race. When they appeared they landed in the sandy dune's (Wind Country). Kenkon and his people separated into different parts of the world, but for the time being, the Rimakan's stayed in wind country. They were a peaceful race, they despise war and they hated humans, animals, plants and other beings to be hurt. However, this method of thinking and way of life changed when the new generation of Rimakan's were born. About 2500 years before the current timeline, Jouten Rimaka was born.

Jouten Rimaka was the son of Kenkon Rimaka. As a child, he would adventure himself into trouble. He would play pranks on the other memebers and some of the small villages around the area. He was a troublemaker but he was also very clever and brilliant at it for that matter. He would make up schemes, in order to obtain his goal. If there was a set objective he wanted to obtain then he will go the extreme levels to obtain it. Kenkon knew that his son would become a great leader, or so he thought. Jouten didnt like the methods that Kenkon had. Kenkon was peaceful, loving and didnt want to get engage with such violence and pestial things that would harm the people of the Rimakan's. Jouten was the opposite of his father, he was a war hawk. A violent person at times when people, humans and Rimakan's are harmed by others. Jouten would try and defend his people and others in order to keep the peace. Kenkon disagreed with the methods Jouten had. Jouten then left the clan for he knew that staying here would not help his views as a person

As Jouten left the clan, he began to harness the ability of the Rimakan's talent. He was able to unlock the powers that Kenkon sealed up for all the Rimakans. The only people that were not sealed by Kenkon was himself and his lover. Jouten was partially sealed and could only, at one time, be able to release his powers only through emotional distress. For more then 2000 years, the seal began to slowly fade away and Jouten was able to release more and more of this abilities. Through those 1000 years he had experience many war's. One of which where it was called the assassin's war. This war was a dispute between two rival assassin holds. Jouten there learn much of his taijutsu from one of the leading assassin holds. He began a known prodigy for his taijutsu abilities. For over that two millienium, he travelled, fought, destroyed, conquer many villages, it didnt satisfy him. He knew that as long as his people, his race would break away from the peaceful nature that they once had, he would never had a peace of mind cause he still cared for the family. Jouten returned back home 500 years before the plot had begun

The returning of Jouten made many Rimakan's safer then they were and more relax. Returning home felt good for Jouten. Almost as though he had died and came back to life, the people of his race were estatic and almost lost there minds seeing him again. Well during this time, many of the Rimakan's started to come up to Jouten, believing his ideals and revolutionary thoughts. Because after Jouten's defile, many of the Rimakan's started to believe the ideals of Jouten and wanted to accept those teachings instead of the peaceful and loving ideals of Kenkon. So because of this two different thought process the Rimakan's split up into two branches. The Main and Side branches. The main were the people that still believed in the views of Kenkon while the Side were those that followed Jouten and believed in his views. The main branch would mediate, pray while the side branch would train there human's body to the limits. For awhile there was no fighting between them, a few quarrels at times but mostly no fighting The little break period that the two branches had wasnt for long for the side branch went to war with a village that was attacking the Rimakan's. The side branch wiped out the whole entire village, leaving nothing there but the sand they were built off of. The Main family were outrage, seeing the crime that the side branch commited. This was the tipping point of war between the two families but it didnt start off until a meeting of the council between the main and side. The council, for more then six hours, argued on the same points. The tipping point came when Kenkon stood up and looks over at the people. Saying that this what was going to happen if there were differences between the two views. That there shouldnt be a quarrel between this two groups. He says "The Universe went to war simular to this millienums ago just because two views couldnt work it out. We should live in peace like we use to, never to say a word about this ever...." before he was able to finish his sentence. A blade of the most hardest metal stabbed Kenkon in the heart. Kenkon looks at end of the blade. A evil smile came upon the man that had stabbed Kenkon. As Kenkon's slowly slipping away he says "My son....". He falls backwards and his body goes limp on the ground. Jouten cleans his blade and looks at the council. He then begins to kill the main groups council one by one. Many of them escape but in the end it caused the Rimakan's to start a deadly war between themselves.

The Rimakan wars was a 500 year event. Simular to the crusades, they would have grace years and periods of peace but throughout that hundreds of years there was war between them. Many beings, may it be humans, animals and other beings had died losing there lives in the war of the Rimakan's. It seemed there would be no end to it. But during one year, there was one man would help the side branch turn the tide on the battle. Rokudou Sennin, the orginal Rinnegan user. It was him the helped the side branch help gain the upperhand on the main village teaching them how to use ninjutsu, explaining the elements of fire, water, wind, earth and lightning. but it wasnt him that ended the war it was Jouten who ended it. At the last battle, the armageddon of Rimakans, Jouten was able to release the seal that had him barren from his power releasing the full power of his race. He killed mostly all of the both groups. However, although the war was won, the remaining Rimakan's didnt want anything of this sort happen again in the near future. Thinking this, they had to get rid of the bad seed, which was Jouten. The remaining Rimakan's used the new ability of Fuuinjutsu and sealed his body into the earth of wind country, never to be heard from again.....

...or was it. By this time, many of the Rimakan's went back to a peaceful life and went into someplace near an unknown continent. But by this time, the ninja began to show itself more and more. Clan's began to devolop themselves and started to create villages. The villages began to establish itself but the akatsuki began to establish itself also. It was 85 or 90 years before the current time plot. Madara had left the Uchiha clan and started the akatsuki. Madara went all over the world finding more people to recurit for his organization. At one time, he stopped over wind country, hearing that there was a sort of power that was unknown and mysterious. Madara began to investigate on the matter. He travells all over the desert, searching for this mysterious power that they said was just a legend. When it seemed to be no hope, Madara stumbled upon a mysterious ruin. Madara investigated, seeing that this was extremely old, ancestoral and very different from shinobi. In the middle of the cave lied a body. The body that was covered with old fuuinjutsu that is considered ancient to the modern ninjutsu of today. Madara released the seals, ulitmately releasing Jouten as well. Jouten had the urge to kill Madara but by looking at him, Jouten got on his knee's and said that he would serve him for releasing him from his long slumber. Madara had one thing to say to him. "I do not wish for you to come and be my servant however I would want you to help me conquer this world". With a grin on his face and a false smile, he shook his hand agreeing with the terms. For a time, Jouten and Madara were a powerful duo. Madara's powerful katon ninjutsu with his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Jouten's ancient ninjutsu, taijutsu and his ability to control all types of metals and earth. For a short period of time Jouten was considered the akatsuki's "sensei" his job was to teach other shinobi and other s-rank criminals how to run a succesful operation without the hassle of Madara telling them But it was for a short period as Jouten wanted to adventure out more and become not only powerful but rich as well. He wanted to create his own village but he needed the money in order to do so. Madara, reluctantly, gave him permission to do his own accords, as long as he still followed Madara's orders. Jouten, agreeing, set afoot among earth country. A place where he wanted to settle in millienium ago. At first, the plans that he had for his village was working successfully, until he met the two Uchiha brothers. The Angel's of Death, Kyouken and Kudara Uchiha. Both of them ulitmately defeated him after a three struggle in order to gain the wealth Jouten wanted to obtain his village. This ultimately made him go back to the akatsuki and help Madara once again.

Jouten had no partner for a time, he was a loner and decided not to work with anybody. That is, until Kyouken came onto the scene. Madara gave the task to Jouten to train him to become the next mastermind of the akatsuki. Kyouken, sixteen at the time and he just defeated both his father and his grandfather, was a prodigy still and learning for the ulitmate wisdom of Jouten completed Kyouken's training. Both of them were a team, simular to Madara and Jouten. Finally after the rigourous training of Jouten, Kyouken becomes the new mastermind of the akatsuki. Jouten leaves his task and begins to wonder once more

Learned jutsus: Chakra Kaika (the founder. He passed it down the shinobi)

Weapons/items: Chain Gourd

Goals: To have peace between himself and others. To start another shinobi war. To rule his own village

Last edited by Hitoshi Munashii on Sun Dec 21, 2008 10:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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Age : 33
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Jouten Rimaka Empty Re: Jouten Rimaka

Post by Kenshi Tue Dec 02, 2008 1:36 pm

I never seen Jouten in action that much, cuz I came to NN late.

He a muthafuckin' baller.


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