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Posting Under Protest.

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Posting Under Protest. Empty Posting Under Protest.

Post by L Thu Jun 18, 2009 2:09 pm

Sanmaru walke dthrough the streets of Suna, wearing a dark black cloak. He would seem like a wander, and by the ways things were going right now in the shinobi world, he would also seem like a threat to the village. He walked slowly, heading directly towards the Kazekage's mansion. People stared at him, talking amongest themselves. Jounin kept a very careful eye on him as they passed by him.

Sanmaru stopped as he arrived infront of the mansion. He looked up at it. His hair covered his left eye, but his left eye was still visable. He knew exactly where the Kazekage's office was, that is if they hadn't changed anything since Sanmaru was a kage. Electricity could be seen running through Sanmaru's visable eye as a metal pan came floating towards him. He walked ontop of it and it slowly carried him up, to the top of the mansion. Once he reached the roof, he jumped off of it and the pan fell back downwards, towards the ground. He walked into the door that led from the roof to the floor below it, where the Kazekage was.

Once he entered the pathway, he was surprised that he didn't see anyone. They must of either had a lack of shinobi or the Kazekage didn't like people crowding his path. And so, i finally get to meet the new Kazekage. Lets hope he ignorant. Sanmaru thought to himself as he reached the door to the Kazekage's office. He slowly turned the knob...

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Posting Under Protest. Empty Re: Posting Under Protest.

Post by Lee Thu Jun 18, 2009 7:55 pm

After taking a quick stroll around the village, the Kazekage was a bit tired. He sat down and shuffled his papers. Nothing much was very interesting about these, for they were the last pieces of paper in the pile. His pile was usually organized with his most important files first, and his least important, last. There were only five more left, so you could imagine how boring they were. He had just finished his papers now, leaning back into his reclining chair with this hands behind his head. Just as he got comfortable, and was about to get some sleep, was when he heard an odd turn on the other side of his door knob.

He guessed someone was coming in without knocking first, which wasn't very polite at all. Sanosuke put his hand across his sheath, down to the base of his hilt. He had to keep on guard in case of the possibility that this was some kind of surprise attack on the Kazekage. It might have been someone over friendly terms. Or maybe it was just one of his villagers. Whatever it was, he had to be on guard.

"Come in?" he said sarcastically.

Last edited by Lee on Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:44 am; edited 1 time in total


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Posting Under Protest. Empty Re: Posting Under Protest.

Post by L Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:43 pm

As Sanmaru walked into the room, he smirked. He saw the Kazekage in a position where he could both defend and attack. The Kazekage of been awfully cautious, at the moment, if he was willing to unsheath his katana on a secretary, or even a civilian. So far, Sanmaru wasn't impressed.

"Sanosuke Raitaga, the newest Kazekage. It was a shame seeing Taku leave the Kazekage title to you. You couldn't protect your desk if your life depended on it, much less this whole village. Tell me, why do you deserve to be Kazekage?"

Sanmaru was looking at the paintings and pictures on the walls. It seemed like he wasn't paying that much attention to Sanosuke.

Last edited by L on Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:35 am; edited 1 time in total

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Posting Under Protest. Empty Re: Posting Under Protest.

Post by Lee Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:53 pm

Sanosuke wondered who this man was, and if he maybe knew Taku somehow. Taku had left the Kazekage title to Sanosuke after seeing that he was one of the strongest jounin of his village. This mysterious man, who questioned his title without knowing him at all, wore purple hair and had purple eyes. An odd combination of features. Sanosuke listened to his last comment, then asked the question that was more-so on his mind than this mans pestering.

"Tell me, who are you, and why are you here in my office?"

Sansosuke eased his guard up a bit. He wanted to get to know this man before he made any false judgements about his power, or his intentions.

Last edited by Lee on Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:44 am; edited 1 time in total


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Posting Under Protest. Empty Re: Posting Under Protest.

Post by L Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:10 pm

Sanmaru looked at Sanosuke from the corner of his eye. Sanosuke had ignored Sanmaru's question and asked one of his own. Sanmaru didn't really like that. But, he would get his answer, one way or another. Sanmaru turned his head over towards Sanosuke.

"I'm your judge. What am I judging? Your abilities as Kazekage. Now, you're probably thinking, what does that mean? Well, it's simple. If you can beat me, you'll keep your title. If you lose, I'll personally strip you of your title as Kazekage." Sanmaru said in a cold and heartless tone.

Last edited by L on Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:35 am; edited 2 times in total

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Posting Under Protest. Empty Re: Posting Under Protest.

Post by Lee Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:26 pm

"I see..."

Sanosuke was quite surprised that someone would challenge him. It hadnt happened in so long, that it never really occured to him that it would happen. But this man had done it. Sanosuke took a second or two to bring in what this myterious man had just told him. I guess, a battle it was. Sanosuke sighed and stood up from his seat. He was sure that this man was kidding. His whole presentation was a bit goofy. Sanosuke wouldn't let appearences fool him, however, he thought this would be a fight where his victory was clear.

"If that's the case, then please, follow me." Sanosuke said drearely. He had just woken up from his morning nap, shuffling through some papers. It was a bit of a surprise to have an out of village challenger at this moment. However, he couldn't turn down a challenge. Sending his few jounin to attack this man would be cowardely and un-honerable. No, he would finish him off by himself. Sanosuke rubbed his head through his hair as he stepped out the back of his mansion. There was a small training area that he usually reserved only for himself. He didn't take many challengers back here. But then again, he never had many challengers.

"Well, this is where we will be fighting, Mr.Judge," Sanosuke said with a bit of annoyance put on the last word. He got to the right side of the grassy area, letting his opponent get to the opposite side. "What was your real name again? I don't believe I've heard of you," Sanosuke asked, expecting a sarcastic remark from the 'judge' before him. Sanosuke put his chakra multiplying seal on his wrist, exerting 20% of his chakra inside of it. Later on, his chakra would come back to him, doubled.

Last edited by Lee on Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:43 am; edited 1 time in total


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Posting Under Protest. Empty Re: Posting Under Protest.

Post by L Fri Jun 19, 2009 7:35 pm

Well... Sanmaru said as he observed the area that would be fighting in. "Mostly nobody has heard of me. I never tell anyone hwo I am, but... Since you're not going to live anyway... I might aswell tell you. I'm one of Konoha's best kept secrets. I'm the person they send ahead of all the other shinobi, the one that's supposed to weaken the village and let the others finish it off. I'm Konoha's secret weapon, AX0, other whys known as Tenzo Suyako."

Sanmaru looked over towards the Mansion, "They won't arrive today, but within two weeks time, they'll finish the job. I suggest you attack them before then, that is, if you survive." He continued to look at the mansion, like he wasn't even paying attention to Sanosuke. It seemed that he didn't really care about fight. He turned around, now facing Sanosuke. "You failed the first part." He said as an explosion happened right next to the mansion, destroying a small chunk of it.

"It's your move."

Last edited by L on Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:35 am; edited 2 times in total

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Posting Under Protest. Empty Re: Posting Under Protest.

Post by Lee Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:05 pm

Sanosuke was a bit intrigues by this. Konaha was always up to these odd types of shenanegens. Special weapens, Kyuubi, all this. He figured the 'special weapen' in front of him was from A to S rank status. Didn't matter. The only thing he was slightly worried about was what part of his mansion had fallen. Damnit.. Sanosuke thought, bringing both of his hands down to his hilt. He focused his eyes on his opponent, and analyzed the distance between the two of them. Exactly five meters and seven feet away. Perfect.

"It's your move," his opponent said in a careless manner. Sanosuke snickered a bit as he brought his head down and kept a low stance. This move required a stance that would allow him to make a dash. He did so, crossing the distance between him and his opponent in about one second. His sword slashed up from the secrecy of his torso, and Sanosuke brought his upper body up at the same time, all in one quick moment. This was a trap. The instinct would be to jump back from this attack, if you were indeed quick enough, but this move was different.

This was known as his Mirror blade technique. He would create a void in front of him, sending it through a void behind his opponent. As half of his blade went through the void, normally slahing up with a normal technique, would now slash down at his opponents back. Human instinct told the body to jump backwards from a directed attack, and even if he jumped forward, half of the blade was still their. 'Human Instinct' also cut in to say that jumping to the side is never the first way to dodge an attack. Maybe the smartest, but fear always made one go for a shielding attack. Some sort of sefense, which most likely wouldn't work, due to the fact that his sword is able to burn through just about anything. It was one of Sanosuke's many trapping moves, and he hoped that he had done it surprisingly enough as a first move, that even this seemingly inhuman creature would not be able to register the movements into his brain.

Last edited by Lee on Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:43 am; edited 1 time in total


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Posting Under Protest. Empty Re: Posting Under Protest.

Post by Kaji-Kanto Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:06 pm


A man wearing a black trench coat that sat on a roof nearby. Through the shadow of the trench coat nothing could be seen. He chuckled a little laugh as the mansion went to pieces. The man was still sitting when he spoke. "So the 'great' Sanmaru and the newest kazekage are having a battle. This shall be quiet a predicament but its obvious who i must help."

Soon as he spoke he stood up and let out a yawn letting the black trench coat open up to reveal a very average figure. Instead of usual casual attire the man wore a purple shirt with the trench coat open. His silver hair was spiked down on his head and his eyes were closed and a smirk across his face. The man jumped off the roof to land on the next one and slowly he began to move towards the battle grounds of the two men.

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Posting Under Protest. Empty Re: Posting Under Protest.

Post by L Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:16 pm

Sanmaru's eye widened as he saw Sanosuke infront of him, slashing his sword upward, towards Sanmaru's torso. If something attacked you from the front, human instict would tell you go dodge, usually by jumping backwards, in order to get away from the attack. Mostly every ninja knows that and they usually use it to their advantage. But, Sanmaru knew that Sanosuke thought just like every other ordinary shinobi, so he would of course do the same thing. The only flaw with Sanosuke's plan was that Sanmaru didn't really listen to his insinct. He used his mind over his insticts, which is how he prefered it.

As Sanmaru's insticts told him to jump backwards, his mind told him to go right. Sanmaru, knowing instantly what to do the moment he saw Sanosuke infront of him, he jumped right. Once Sanmaru had dodged the blade, he spun around, still in the air. As he spinned around Sanosuke, he moved his right arm over to his left side and aimed his finger tips towards the center back of Sanosuke. He shot out a condenced lightning bolt 3 inches away from Sanosuke's back.

Last edited by L on Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:34 am; edited 2 times in total

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Posting Under Protest. Empty Re: Posting Under Protest.

Post by Lee Fri Jun 19, 2009 11:46 pm

This man wasn't a human. He was a weapen. He figued that this mans sense of instict wasn't strong, for he didn't show much fear, but replaced it with intelligence. His brain knew the right way to go, and that was to the side. He simply chose to go to the right, although it didn't matter if went right or left. Sanosuke's intelligence didn't occur much in battle. It was usually his battle instincts, or his calm 'tude. In this case, it was his self calamity that allowed him to do what he did.

His opponent spun around him with speed that almost matched his. He was surprised that he was able to dodge his own attack so easily. What Sanosuke did to dodge his opponents attack, was too simply fall. He fell forward, feeling the intense heat on his back, knowing it was the right thing to do. Using his already forwarded momentum of his sword slash technique, he erased the voids and fell forward just in time. He mad it too the floor in one piece, letting the beam fly over-head. He felt the intense energy, like the lightning beam was almost fatal.

Sanosuke quickly tumbled shortly to his diagnol left, making sure to not distance himself from his opponent too much. He then realized what position he was in, and how to take advantage of it. Sanosuke quickly turned around, his opponents beam still going to the right of him. He turned around, shifting with his agile feet. He then charged his opponents hip area, giving a horizontal slash from the left of his hip, holding the hilt with his right hand. Sanosuke's sword movements were faster then his opponents movements, he knew that for sure. If he dodged left, he would hit Sanosuke's sword. If he dodged right, Sanosuke's sword would hit him. If he jumped, he would lose some feet. Sanosuke was charging him, so he couldn't go backwards. He had to construct the perfect trap, leaving his opponent unable to get away. He was still very low.

Advice:Whip it out, in this situation.

Last edited by Lee on Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:43 am; edited 1 time in total


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Posting Under Protest. Empty Re: Posting Under Protest.

Post by Ushiro Hyuuga Sat Jun 20, 2009 1:01 am

On a far off roof top Ushiro sat there looking up at the sky think of the time the chuunun exams ended with a smile on his face as he said "man that chuunin exams whose weird but fun to bad i whose no help to my team maybe i should just give up being a genin and just live my life as a normal person but i trained with Neji when we whose here on a mission or just to visit my blindness is not helping me at all". Ushiro continue to stare up at the sky laying his head on a roor sand falling to the ground "maybe i just don't belong in the sand village people dont like me at all so i just might leave the village and start over" Ushiro look down to see chakra flows clashing from left to right as Ushiro started to travel to the near by roof top to see who is fighting.
Ushiro Hyuuga
Ushiro Hyuuga

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Posting Under Protest. Empty Re: Posting Under Protest.

Post by L Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:10 am

Sanmaru watched Sanosuke's quick movements are he came charging at him. It was now obvious that Sanosuke was a close-range type of fighter. His taijutsu would be greater than Sanmaru's. If they kept fighting close-range, Sanmaru would surely lose. On the other hand, Sanmaru was more of a long-range fighter, surely beating Sanosuke in that department. It seemed that in order for Sanmaru to win, he would have to keep a distance between himself and Sanosuke in order to win. The way things were going, it seemed that, that wouldn't be too hard.

Sanmaru quickly put both of his fists next to his ribs, facing Sanosuke. In an instant, as Sanosuke's blade was close to Sanmaru, Sanmaru's fists and feet unleashed a giant blast of fire. It sent Sanmaru flying backwards, about 20 to 30 feet, barely avoiding the blade. The fire that Sanmaru had unleashed towards Sanosuke reached about fifteen to twenty feet in height and width, reaching up to 2370 °F.

Sanmaru made the fire flow from his feet a bit more gentler, just enough to keep him floating up in the air, using his arms to keep the fire flow attacking Sanosuke going. He hoped that releasing a blast of fire that close would badly injure, if not defeat the Kazekage.

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Posting Under Protest. Empty Re: Posting Under Protest.

Post by Lee Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:59 am

As Lee charged forward, he knew something was wrong. His opponent had gotten into some sort of stance, which he recognized as some sort of attacking stance. Lee slashed forward, yet he had missed, and now, he knew why. His opponent, only being a short distance away from him, had used an attack which would peopell him away from Sanosuke's attack. Dodging, and creating a deadly attack. Impressive. Sanosuke did not underestimate this man anymore, most definetely not. he had shown impressive ways to dodge, then counter all of his kenjutsu techniques. Techniques which he could usually trap his opponents in. Sanosuke looked up, and caught himself with his back foot.

This was bad, like a fire storm going off ahead of him, and Sanosuke knew that he couldn't completely avoid it. No, not completely. As he caught himself, and took a step back, his clothing had almost set fire. He knew what he had to do. Making one quick handseal, Sanosuke put a fist directly into the fire. It burned his hand quite severly, making the Kazekage cringe in pain. But the idea had worked. This was a wind typed move, called air fist. The fire had evacuated around Sanosuke, and was now sent at high speeds, with even more pressure, towards his opponent. Before he could see if it hit, he heard some commotion, or, sensed it. Something was going down in his village.

Damnit, Sanosuke thought as he jumped to the top of his mansion with a few large steps. He would have to be judged by this man later on, for he had no time to waste. He knew that something, or someone was attacking. As he passed by into the streets of Suna, he noticed two people. A commen genin by the name of Ushiro Hyuuga. Well, not so commen. He was a blind Hyuuga after all. Also, to his surprise, and anxiety, he saw a man he unforutnetely had encountered before. Kaji Kanto of the Akatsuki. He remembered the attack on his village, and how this man out of the two, was very dangerous. With the Akatsuki out of commision, he was wondering what the man was doing here. He had no time to waste with either of these two, for he knew that a larger force was attacking his village.



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Posting Under Protest. Empty Re: Posting Under Protest.

Post by L Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:46 pm

Sanmaru watched the Kazekage stick his hand into the flames. He must of been cornered and saw that to be only way to escape the flames. But, sticking his hand into the flames left Sanosuke with a 4th degree burn, 3rd at the very least. The depth of the burns woould of reached his dermis and underlying tissue, and possibly fascia, bone, or muscle. It really wasn't one of the wisest moves to make.

Sanmaru stopped the fire flow from his feet and arms. He then, quickly, created a sphere of wind below his feet. he stood on it and used it to keep him flying and, used the speed of it to move to the right, dodging the attack that Sanosuke had thrown at him. Seeing Sanosuke leave to go fight the order, Sanmaru decided to go follow him. He left on his wind sphere, following Sanosuke.


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