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Atuki Nakusume'

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Atuki Nakusume' Empty Atuki Nakusume'

Post by Koddy Wed Jun 17, 2009 8:00 pm

Kekkei Genkai Name: Atuki Nakusume'/Death BloodyBlack

If Kekkei Genkai what type of: Doujutsu

Rank: Genin+


The leader of the Clan has a weapon that is passed down between person. It is achieved when they become leader, or after it is created the first time, using the blood of the maker. Here are the statistics of it. Must be at least Chuunin
Name of Weapon: Black Bloody Blade(BBB)

Appearence: It is a Pure Black Sword, thats 5 foot long, and the sword is made of sealed blood, causing it to be harder then diamond, titanium, and steel all put together. It does rust eventually, and constantly drips blood until it rust. The only way to lock the abilities away on it is for it to rust, where it turns into an orange, flaky blade.
Atuki Nakusume' BBB

Abilities: The blood on the sword is made of the first Clan Leader. The first Clan Leader had a odd bloodtype, one that wasn't anywhere else, him being the only one to have it. The blood on the Blade is called "Poison Blood" because any blood that's not the same attacks each other, if inside the body, it makes clots that leads to death, but that is at large doses of the blood on the blade. That's the only ability.

Downside: This weapon can only be made by the first leader of the clan with the odd Blood type. The maker needs immediate medical attention when the blood is removed from the body to make the blade. When it is destroyed, it is PERMANENTLY destroyed, and unachievable again.

When a future user is fighting, there blood begins to pump faster, and they may get cut a few times. He then begins to become weaker as he bleeds out. And in attempt to defeat his opponent he will begin to push himself over 100% thus activating the Eyes abilities, but not the eye yet. 2 Post later his eye will begin to get it's pupils stretched and tilted in four directions.
Atuki Nakusume' NewBitmapImage2
The stretched pupil is always black. The large one is an example of 2 or Warnash. The top one with the full eye is a deformed version of Gorya.

A group of Blood manipulators.
They have 4 Different levels of Eye. The red, white, gray, and black, listed in order of strength. By the color of there eye shows the abilities((listed last)) they have, or enhancements they have((mentioned below))
They also go by alternate names, or real names. This Eye are Known as Maheino.
Red: Tokae (Fear)
White: Warnash (Pain)
Gray: Gorya (Misery)
Black: Sumeno (Death)

Red: None, Allows you to use Bloodline Abilities.
White: Speed, and Understanding FROM ORIGINAL STATS stat = 1 now = 1.5
Gray: Speed, Understanding, Sight, Hearing. FROM ORIGINAL STATS stat = 1 now = 2
Black: Triples with proper training all of the above. FROM ORIGINAL STATS stat = 1 now = 3

Those you can only gain at ranks though, and ability to RP/in Rp training.
Red: Basic RPing to rules. Genin
White: Above Average RPing. Chuunin
Gray: Advanced RPing. Jounin
Black: Excellent RPing. Leader/Kage/Sannin/Must come from Sino Family Line

To there eye, they can use an ability which are listed below. (Will list post limits at end)
One thing is that they have to go threw each eye to reach the next for example to get to Sumeno they would have to go threw all of the following(Each time they use the eye):
Tokae(Red): They have the ability to manipulate 10 drops of there OWN blood. You must have the blood unrelieved though, from a cut or something, and cannot be on the inside of skin. Must stay an outside source. Can't use blood couched up do to high oxygen levels weighing it down.
Warnash(White): They have the ability to manipulate 20 drops of there OWN blood. The blood may be inside of you, but can only be removed from a cut. If there is no cut, there is no blood. Blood that has been coughed up you can use too.
Gorya(Gray): They have the ability to use a pint of blood. It can be removed without a cut, but causes mass pain, and can only be removed from chakra points. With that maximum, they have the ability to use outside sources of other peoples blood. They don't have the ability to manipulate the blood in small spaces such as an inner body, only outside body. They can if they have high experience in the bloodline, gain the ability to move into the small spaces, such like the mouth, lungs, stomach. When that happens, the opposing blood clumps, causing eventually death, depending on how bad the effect is. need the whole pint at a time to cause death.
Sumeno(Black): He can remove blood threw chakra points, causing extreme pain, also being able to use all of his blood at one point, but when using this ability, it causes his muscles to die, if he uses this ability of using all of his blood, he starts dieing, starting with his arms, then legs, then organs fail, then the heart slows to weak, and then the brain begins to shut down, and then the heart dies out, and the brain suffocates. It also allows a certain genjutsu only thing Eye can do.
The following genjutsu can be denied separate from the clan
Name: Sumeko Dashin
Ability: When the user gains eye contact with the opponent he sends chakra into his eyes. This does not need handsigns. The opponents brain is confused and starts feeling hurting parts all over. Then looking around his body, then back at the user, notices that the user's hand is up toward the opponent. The opponent sees blood being draw out of his body all over, and he is in extreme pain.
Downside: When the user uses this, he also loses focus, and also sees what the opponent sees, making himself vulnerable. Also he then goes down a level in his eye, down to Gorya.
When blood dries, it become non manipulative. When blood regains, you can use BlManip again. 10 drops of blood = quarter pint.
It starts regaining after you leave the Eyes.

Red: Blood dries in 5 post(Desert 3). Takes 1 post to regain 1 drop of blood. 10 post full
White: Blood dries in 10 post(Desert 7). Takes 3 Post to regain 5 drops of blood. 4 post full
Gray: Blood dries in 50 post(Desert 35). Takes 3 post to regain 10 drops of blood. 4 post full
Black: Blood Doesn't Dry(Desert Doesn't Dry). Takes 3 post to regain 1 pint of blood. 4 post full

Weaknesses: Weak against pure solids. Weak against bloodless areas. Blood dries Faster when area is very dry. You have to go threw each eye to get to a certain one. No instant skip from Red to Gray even if you already have Black unlocked. Basically the last thing listed above. Weak Against anything that can withstand blood. Like Solids


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Join date : 2009-06-17

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