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Amon's Jutsu

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Amon's Jutsu Empty Amon's Jutsu

Post by Guest Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:52 pm

Name of Jutsu: Element scroll/ summon
Rank: Academy and up
Range: close to far it is all about how the move is used
Type of Jutsu: Summon
Users: Myself
Element Affinity: Wind and earth more so earth later on.

Description: This jutsu is basically a jutsu that lets one summon elements from the earth. The element you wish to chose you must select on a table and or scroll. (the seal that is) Once done doing the whole cut finger give blood yad yad, the element comes forth from the seal if a gas it will fly away. The element my be flung from the seal if more chakra is added.

Weakness: In fact the weakness is if there is a wind and earth controlling clan on this site seeing as this move uses those two things to make the elements this jutsu would basically be doom to the user.

Limits: The current limit for the lowest ranking ninja (Genin and under) is that they may only summon the noble gas's and Oxygen.


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