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Hanging Out With Parents

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Hanging Out With Parents Empty Hanging Out With Parents

Post by Aki Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:24 pm

Aki sighed quietly as her father insisted on taking them to Ichikraku... With the Chunin Exams under way her mother and father could actually be together without being in too much trouble. The Hunters were well aware of her having to choose between Konoha and Kiri soon, and they had strongly objected to her going, but her mother had convinced them all that she needed to see Konoha again, just one last time since it was so obvious she was going to stay in Kiri after all, she had never contacted her father or anyone in Konoha since she had left...

Why did I agree to this again? thought Aki as her mother and father simply started to make out. She looked away in bored disgust.

Because... you said, and I quote: "I'd rather be at Konoha than here being chased and stalked by all these guys!" So it's your own fault really, you could have just said "No" you know. stated Akihime, yawning.

I know... but this is so boring. And I was hoping that Kaimaru could at least teach me a few new jutsus, you know, from the Nara Clan seeing as I am a Nara and all... mumbled Aki.

True... but-- Incoming Nara stalker said Akihime as she sensed the wayward mind of a certain familiar Nara teenage guy who had been all over Aki since they had visited. Aki groaned in response to this. Akihime only grinned.

"Hey Aki," announced the teenage Nara. Even for a Nara, he was actually quite popular in the village, well... most of it anyway. His name was Shikata. Shikata didn't get the apparent hint that Aki didn't want to talk to him when she wouldn't even answer him. "So, what'cha been up to?" he asked, sitting down beside her and waving to Kaimaru slightly. Kaimaru and Masaki ignored them.

... Can I just... kill him? asked Aki. For once she actually wanted to kill someone and Akihime didn't agree. Usually it was the other way around... Akihime laughed in response to this, ignoring Aki. You're supposed to be a part of me! said Aki, irritated. This guy was just so... so... annoying! They were cousins anyway, so was he hitting on her anyway?!

You know why... You guys are only half cousins teased Akihime. The only reason why she was tolerating this guy was simply because she could handle him if anything... happened. Aki mentally sighed, knowing that Akihime could judge emotions a lot better now.

"... Hi Shikata..." she said in a really, really, really bored voice.

Shikata only grinned. He was very different from your normal Nara... "Love ya too Aki," he grinned. Aki groaned, it was barely audible, but Shikata heard it anyway. "Aw come on Aki, it's not like that! Well... maybe it is, but I'm not here for that."

"Then what are you here for?" she asked, closing her eyes and trying to block out Akihime's laughter. At least one of them was enjoying this...

"Hokage-sama wants you."

One eye opened. "Like I care?" she said, closing it again.

This caused Shikata to sigh and cross his arms. "You know, I don't get you Aki. You're one of the most beautiful girls I know, but you don't even... do anything."

"Do I care?"

"Geez Aki... You could have a boyfriend by now if you'd just--" He was cut off as another Nara came running and tackled Aki to the ground, laying on top of her.

Aki let out a small groan and looked up to see who it was, Shikara, Shikata's twin sister. "Hey Aki," she grinned. "Hokage-sama wants you to run the third part of the Chunin Exams!" she half yelled.

Aki mentally groaned. Why does the Hokage want me to run the Chunin Exams?

I dunno do I? Maybe cuz he wants you stay in Konoha? Or the Naras asked him? Hello, remember, you've turned sixteen.

Right... Thanks replied Aki sarcastically. So much for her "vacation" here at Konoha.

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Age : 31
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