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The Prophet and the first peice.

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The Prophet and the first peice. Empty The Prophet and the first peice.

Post by Zen Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:11 am

Zen walked along the streets of konoha whistling a quiet tune to himself his hands in his pockets as he looked around with his right eye. He was dressed in his normal jounin uniform,though upon entering the market square he heard shouts from one man over in a corner shouting something that seemed really odd. The wolf ninja raised an eyebrowl and walked over to him"um...sir if you don't stop im gonna have to ask you to leave"Zen explained. The old man looked at the wolf ninja"there is a dark storm coming....i've seen it and if you are up for the task you must seek out the holy relics of past warrirors and gain the armor bestowed upon them"the old man explained.

At this point Zen was thinking that this old man was crazy"sir just calm down now what are you talking about what armor?"Zen asked crossing his arms. The old man looked at Zen and blinked"why the armor of the divine of course...only someone who has a good heart can wear the armor and you must wear it,surely thats why you came here take this map it shows where all the armor pecies can be found.."the prophet said shoving the map into Zen's paw. Zen looked down at the map"but I..."Zen couldn't finish as he then looked up seeing the old man was gone,he looked around seeing no sign of him before sighing.

The wolf ninja sighed abit as his ears dropped but then perked up as he looked at the map,he slowly opened it and it revealed 4 villages each circled and labeling where each of the armor pecie was,he noticed that one of the pecies was in the leaf village he then figured he might aswell get it. He then rolled up the map and put it in his jacket and disappeared in a flash of light. Zen then reappeared ontop of the Hokage's office rooftop before speeding off towards the destination of where the armor was,he moved quickly though the streets and the alleyways before stopping at a dead end looking around to find a trapdoor.

Zen then dropped into a cave lit only by candles as he then followed the path,he then stopped to another pathway seeing a gate and behind it greeves"that must be one of the armor peices.."Zen thought. He then noticed tiles and stepped on one as it made a sound and then stepping on another as it made a different sound. The wolf ninja then thought for a momment"...guess I need to figure out the right pattern.."Zen thought as he stepped on the tile he had just stepped on making the noise.

He soon then figured out the pattern and the gate opened to the wolf ninja as he walked up the stone staries to the greeves grabbing them and placing them over his shoulder. The wolf ninja then disappeared in a flash of light getting ready to head to the next village for the next peice.
Anbu Captain
Anbu Captain

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