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An Unknown Disciple?

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An Unknown Disciple? Empty An Unknown Disciple?

Post by L Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:10 am

Drip... Drip... Drip... Drip...

Sanmaru walked, by himself, along the only entrance to Mori no Kuni, a river. A lonely river being surounded by varies trees, a forest to be exact. It had just recently rained and all the drops of water that had fallen from the heavens above were still ver fresh. They dripped off the leafs of the trees, making a dripping sound. Drip... Drip... Drip... Drip... was all that was one could hear as they walked alongside the river path. Some of the water drops landed ontop the dark cloak that he wore. It covered his entire body, all that was visible was his mouth. The cloaks hood covered his head. If someone were to be following Sanmaru, they would clearly be able to see that he walked with a purpose. What was it? That was still unknown at the moment. All that was known was that he came to do something and he wasn't going to leave until he obtained it, or got something better.

How long will it take to reach the middle of the river? He asked himself in his mind, as he kept walking.

Hours passed, the sun had set, and the moon had risen. The forest was now completly dark and all the dangers of it awakened. Going from village to village... Tracking down ninja to ninja... Interrogating civilian after civilian... I have finally found one of their location. It doesn't matter which one it was, I hopefully only need one. But, if he has company with him... That'll make it that much more enjoyable. He stopped walking and turned his head, now looking to his right. Huh... It seems I have finally reached half of my destination... What awaits me ahead... I don't know. Will it be exiting? Of caurse.

Sanmaru turned, and began to head to the right, inside the dark forest. Now... All he has to do is keeping walking forward and he'll reach one.

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An Unknown Disciple? Empty Re: An Unknown Disciple?

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:52 pm

"Well if it isnt a little lost wanderer" A gentle voice echoes around the area. As the voice echoes around the area, the tree's began to rattle as the wind blows through the little cracks of the leaves, the wind presses up against the ground causing a little dust to arise upwards and follows the wind trails. Sanmaru's body was lightly blowned by the wind gust, it seemed as though this was a type of welcoming rather than a warning. The dust in which the wind generate shaped itself, turning into a little hand that was telling him to come and follow the wind. It seemed too easy and it was too easy, even Sanmaru would be able to figure that the most easiest is always the most complex

Only 400 meters away from were two people, both of them were wearing some type of robes that was foreign to most shinobi and probably to most people. From the symbols on there backs it had the kanji for "water" and "wind" so it was obvious that these two people represented those two elements. The water element, unknown by name but by title it is the Disciple of water, robes that was black and white, it had a sash that came across from his right side that was the color of blue, he had a decorative hood with beads and crystals of different sorts, all of which were a blue tint. His eyes were surprising green, very green to be at least and he had short spiked hair that had blue tips at the end of it. The wind element, or the Disciple of wind, also wore a black and white robe but instead of a sash going across his shoulder to his hip. he had a cross shape in the middle of his chest. He had long silky black hair and blue and green eyes. To say the least these were very handsome men but there intent was so twisted and disgusting that the inner self of these two men were demonic

The wind disiciple used his ability of the wind to lure Sanmaru to him had his hands combined together, all of his fingers interlocked into one. He had his eyes closed as he was reciting an incantation to manipulate the wind. Both of the disciples, elite guards of The Leader, had sensed this man coming towards them four miles before he reach his current destination, but it seems as though Sanmaru, the unknown man to them both, tried to lead them out as though he was hunting him down. They heard much about Sanmaru though, they heard that he was once the Raikage of the village hidden in the clouds, Kumogakure no sato, and has powers that excemplify the common shinobi, this would be a great oppurinity to actaully kill a shinobi but they couldnt just kill just like that. The Leader told them both that those who are willing to give up there shinobi code and join there cause are welcome into joing The Order, an elite organization whose sole purpose is to get rid of the world but in acutality that is a cover up created by The Leader, his true intentions were hidden, even amongst the highest of ranking officials in the group and to the disiciples. No one knows the real reason as to what his plans truly are, they are so blinded by his teachings, they dont even know what his true intent was

The two disciples wait patiently for Sanmaru to arrive, the water disicple places his hands together and begins to say "Mizu no saze go nottasamu". His body began to glow a bluish tint as he was activating his special ability of water. Clouds began to form quickly from the southeast region and it was leading towards the area where Sanmaru and the disiciples of water and wind. The dust trail continued to lead to the two men who were waiting for Sanmaru.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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An Unknown Disciple? Empty Re: An Unknown Disciple?

Post by L Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:50 pm

It seems my presance has been aknowledged. Sanmaru thought as the wind blew and the finger began to form, infront of him. He followed it, his head hanging down, knowing that at the end, he'll meet the ones he was looking for. Until then, he remained quiet, going the way the wind told him to. Eventually, he stopped. He looked up, slowly. The two robed men now visible in Sanmaru's eyes. He stared at them. So... These are two of the Disciples? One, I'm presuming to be able to control wind. If we were to get into a fight, I think I'd be able to handle him. The other, I'll have to keep watch on him. He thought as he continue dto stare at them.

"I wish to join the Order." He said, bluntly.

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An Unknown Disciple? Empty Re: An Unknown Disciple?

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:16 am

The water disciple, looking at him with such hate and arrogance that it was very clear, chuckles at the site of him going at them, trying to come into the organization, bluntly to say the least. He tighten his hands profusely, trying not to lose his cool by looking at Sanmaru Look at him he thought to himself. This guy is a total shinobi, people like him would bring The Order down. For all we know, he could be a spy trying to take us down. Fuck that. He's not one of us. He walks over the Sanmaru, his hair spiked up dramatically and his face was now completely stern and cold, but there was a reason to his hatred. Years back, back when the water disciple was only a eight years old. His village was completely annihlated by a group of shinobi who were going through war at the time. He remember them specifically and one of them was from the village hidden in the clouds. There shinobi, both brutal in nature and swift like the lightning from the heavens, quickly disposed of the village plus the water disciples family. The amount of hatred and rage that the boy built up over the next twenty years would aid him in battle for the rest of the his life, or what was left of it

He claps his hands together and water began to form at the fingertips of his hands. He stares at Sanmaru with the great hatred and the tension only build when the water disciple came and said "Sorry, but we dont like your god-forsaken shinobi shit.....why dont you leave before I get even more pissed off"

"What are you doing!?!" the wind disciple scream out at the water disciple. He walks up to the water disciple and puts a hand on his shoulder, trying to restrict him back "Father wants us to recruit as much people as we can, we might need him for the war. Dammit, stop trying to be tough and let him in, he might be a shinobi and he might follow the way of there lifestyle, but we can change him, ya know? Get into our believes and common goals"

The water disciple slaps away at the wind disciples arm and snarls at him "Dont give me that shit! These are the same people that killed OUR families, have you forgotten about mother, father and all of our brothers and sisters, those fucking bastards took them away and tried to get away with it by saying they were "casualities of war". WHAT A FUCKING JOKE" he begins to scream at the wind disciple "Well....well not anymore....if he wishes to join, he'll have to come through me first.....the fucking prick will either kill me or I'll kill him......HHHHAAAAUUUGGGGHHHHH" he lashes outward with his hands releasing a water whip that would come and slash at Sanmaru
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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An Unknown Disciple? Empty Re: An Unknown Disciple?

Post by L Tue Jun 16, 2009 2:05 am

Sanmaru jumped back as the water whip came charging at him. Water desciple... Of caurse, I know that he has control over water. I'll have to test that and see the extent of this 'aqua magic'. I guess I'll should go head to head with him, using my water against his. That might help me out, a little. I might be able to find out if his water abilities are better than mine. Once that is known, it should prove to be one of the deciding factors in this fight. But... Sanmaru landed on a tree branch and then jumped off of it, towards the water desciple. As he went flying at him, two water whips had formed in Sanmaru's hands. Sanmaru landed on the floor a couple feet away from the desciple and then jumped at him again. He hoped to counter the water whip with one of his own and attack the desciple with his other.

Sharp rocks, suddenly, formed from both sides and behind the desciple. They went charging at him...

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