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Night's Jutsus/Techniques

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Night's Jutsus/Techniques Empty Night's Jutsus/Techniques

Post by Night Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:28 pm

Name of Jutsu: Fuuton: Fuuatsu Sashitsukae [Wind Release: Wind Pressure Impediment]
Rank: C.
Range: Mid.
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu.
Users: Night and Kiyoshi. [Otherwise, Permission required.]
Element Affinity: Fuuton. [Wind]
Description: The user goes through a relatively long series of handseals, and then places his palms flat on the ground. He then guides his Fuuton chakra through the soil and creates cavities of high pressured air between him and his opponent. As a result, if anyone steps into this high pressured area, they will be cut in half.
Weakness: The user goes through a relatively long series of handseals.

Name of Jutsu: Fuuton: Fuugekitai Kabe [Wind Release: Wind Repel Wall]
Rank: C.
Range: Mid.
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu.
Users: Night and Kiyoshi. [Otherwise, Permission required.]
Element Affinity: Fuuton. [Wind]
Description: The user, being assaulted, will quickly flash through handseals for this jutsu. Once done, the user will hold his last seal and stomp the ground with his dominant foot. Afterwards, a wave of wind emanates from the user's body in a spherical shape towards all directions. This wave is capable of repelling a barrage of weapons or knocking back a charging opponent.
Weakness: N/A

Name of Jutsu: Fuuton: Fuukobushi [Wind Release: Wind Fists]
Rank: C.
Range: Mid.
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu.
Users: Night and Kiyoshi. [Otherwise, Permission required.]
Element Affinity: Fuuton. [Wind]
Description: This techniques doesn't require handseals, but will use an immense amount of chakra. When the user breaths ous, several fists (Usually 10), made out of wind chakra, will go towards the target, and if the target is hit, they will be blown back several feet, and cut or damaged in the targeted place.
Weakness: Uses alot of chakra.

Posts : 16
Points : 11
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2009-06-07

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Night's Jutsus/Techniques Empty Re: Night's Jutsus/Techniques

Post by Guest Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:30 pm



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