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Post by Leon Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:56 pm


Name: Suchua-to, Riion Maikeru(Since you want japanese. We all affectionately refer to him as Leon )

Age: 21

Bloodline: Suchua-to

Rank: Jounin(medic-nin)
Classification: low A rank
Village: Takigakure originally, although he travels the world at will
Alignment: Although he appears good, there is a small detail not yet revealed about his past. So for safety reasons, neutral.


Personality: Leon is a very sarcastic person. He is kind and gentle towards strangers, but his lovable exterior hides a cold, almost heartless interior. He is a very direct person, skipping over details and leading straight to the point.

History: (oh boy, here we go.)

Leon's story begins long before his birth...his grandmother, Rhoda, married young. She loved her huband more than anything in the world. He was an empowered fighter, but was killed in the line of duty. Poor Rhoda's heart was broken, and she vowed to do the imposible: put an end to world strife. She studied medicine and became an accomplished medic-nin, saving many lives and repairing scarred relationships.

She wanted to pass her skills and especially her secrets on to her son, but he became a fighter. He was a taijutsu user, a slacker, everything she didn't want her skills to be passed to. So she hatched a plan. She would influence her grandson, and he would carry on her legacy.

unfortunately, she died of lung cancer when her grandson was only three. He was crushed, his life fell apart...his grandmother was the only one he ever loved. And now she was gone...

He grew up in a poor family. Without the money to afford finer things, Leon spent his time gardening and playing with paper. He created Kami, a small paper figurine, and brought him to life. As he went through the ninja academy, he became stronger and made modifications to Kami. He graduated with flying colors and began to train with Zen, a leaf ninja. His training pushed him onward, as his life began to develop.

He became an accomplished thief, stealing for both peasants and the government. He continued a private education, and excelled in the arts. But he soon discovered his grandmother's legacy, and decided to become a medic-nin like her.

He studied himself to death, but found effective ways to cure disease. His main trick was a family nerve-shock trait paired with the use of seals, printed on paper which he still enjoyed folding as a hobby. He studied all medical things, but had an unparalleled fascination with the human mind.

He served as Takikage for a while, leading his country in an effort to make the world better. He then decided to remove himself from office, spending time in the river country with a young girl named Erika. After she was one day murdered brutally in a seemingly pointless attack, Leon did intense detective work to recover information to avenge her. In the process, he found out about his lineage connection to the throne of Raigakure and his direct lineage to the first Hokage, allowing him to realize his full potential as a mokuton user.

After serving the Raikage throne for a while, Leon deemed it necessary to return to his home village. He left the throne and returned home to find a group of corrupted senators running his land. He forced them out of town and was re-elected Takigakure, but a recurring terrorist named Kyuuzou Kure constantly thwarted his plans to keep his village in total peace.

Things climaxed when Leon was meeting with his former entourage. In the saftey of his home, protected by Calcifer, he conducted a peaceful meeting to discuss plans for the future. Lin and her family lived in a nearby home, provided by Leon, and also happened to be present at the time. A huge explosion was heard outside and the many people present rushed outside to see what was happening.

Kure had bombed a small section of town and threatened to keep bombing if he did not receive the Takikage. Although Leon seemed somewhat ready to go along with him, his friends and entourage forbid it and a huge battle ensued.

Leon's allies, as well as most of the village, fell apart during the battle. Although his allies all lived, Leon finally freed himself(he was bound to a tree so that he could'nt be kidnapped) and agreed to Kure's terms. He left the village by will in a move that shocked many, shattering Leon's seemingly innocent demeanor

Kure managed to convince Leon to leave the life he had and study under him. He left, and his village was in pieces...the people were largely injured although few fatalities were reported. Rebuilding took only a short time but it seemed like an eternity to the villagers.

Leon learned how to manipulate explosions through the guidance of his new teacher, and has now returned from a large hiatus. The world has not seen him in a long time, and he is packed to the rim with new techniques and tricks up his sleeve. Scarred and torn by his constant conflict in emotions, he has become a hardened and powerful shinobi.

So what does the future hold for these many people? The only way to find to stay tuned!
A criminal by the name of Geheimnis began a streak of robberies and senseless murder across the land. His murders were seen only by a singular old woman. Thought to be delirious, she and her daughter and grandson were exiled from most countries as a disturbance. Because this was unintentional, Geheimnis offered his help but the family refused because he was the cause. He later fought Kure, and won a slight victory. This was the point that Geheimnis mentioned Leon, who had recently made a deal with a demon who ate his heart. He disappeared after Kure started raiding Taki(many believe of his own shame) and he hasn't had a killing since.

Lin(whose mother saw the Geheimnis attacks) is rumored to have escaped Takigakure with her family(it's where they finally found shelter), but no one knows of the family's whereabouts.

Gerik, a member of leon's royal entourage while in Raigakure, has been rumored to rally a force to look for Leon in these troubled times. Three of the other four members are also said to be in this alliance.

Calcifer, a small fire keeping Leon's house warm, is said to have amazing power. However, he seems content in Leon's home. A rumor suggests he has a lot worse record than housekeeping, though...

and finally Kure, who managed to sway Leon into training, has also been seen. But it appears his terrorist ways are through, so leon may have taught Kure as much as vice-versa.
Character Summaries and Status:
Leon: just returned from Hiatus. Extremely powerful, full of newly found potential. Holds two deep secrets, which will be revealed in time.

Geheimnis: missing. some believe he is dead, others believe he is hiding. he holds a solitary dark secret...

Calcifer: Keeping leon's house warm and keeping the special portals contained within safe. He holds his own secret as well...

Lin: Went missing after the destruction of Takigakure. She is believed to be safe somewhere in hiding.

Lin's Mother: Went missing with Lin. Knows a piece of information that could swing the entire world on its side.

Lin's Son: Went missing with Lin. Rumors say he is training in hiding to become a ninja.

Kure: Back from Hiatus, appearingly no longer a terrorist. He knows of one of Leon's secrets.

Erika: Although she was apparently raised from the dead by a mysterious sand ninja, she disappeared soon afterward. Nobody knows if she is safe or not.

Gerik: former entourage member. looking desperately for leon as a savior for troubled times.

Neimi: former entourage member. following her fiance, colm, to help gerik find Leon.

Colm: former entourage member. strategist of gerik's group and one of his closest friends.

Joshua: former entourage member. whereabouts and status unknown.

Amelia: former entourage member. now a high-ranking imperial officer, she left her post to help gerik look for Leon.

Speciality: Genjutsu and Fuuinjutsu, for healing and paper arts

Learned jutsus:just a very very VERY few. i'll have a full list asap.(i'll probably need to list some of these in technique creation because only old members know some of them)
Paper Art: Flight of a Thousand Sparrows
Paper Art: Paper Fireworks Festival
Kasumi Juusha no Jutsu - Mist Servant Technique
Kokuangyou no Jutsu - Journey into Black Darkness Technique
Magen • Narakumi no Jutsu - Demonic Illusion • Hell Viewing Technique
Nehan Shouja no Jutsu - Temple of Nirvana Technique
Raigou Senjusatsu - Amida Buddha's Welcoming One Thousand Arms of Death
[Doton] Kibaku Nendo - Exploding Clay
[Doton] Kibaku Nendo • Kyuukyoyu Geijutsu • CO - Exploding Clay • Ultimate Art • CO
[Doton] Kibaku Nendo • C1 - Exploding Clay • C1
[Doton] Kibaku Nendo • C2 Doragon - Exploding Clay • C2 Dragon
[Doton] Kibaku Nendo • C3 - Exploding Clay • C3 (Deidara's Specialty #18 Jutsu)
[Doton] Kibaku Nendo • C4 Karura - Exploding Clay • C4 Karura

Elements: Water is dominant Lightning is recessive.

Weapons/items: A silver knife that he received from Zen when he was 17, at a christmas party.(yes, creepy little me remembers that. o.O)
Also, he has kami, a small paper shapeshifter he has had since he was a small child.

Goals: To put an end to war ultimately, but also to help as many as he can to further their goals. There seems to be something else laying hidden in Leon"s conscience as well...but those goals are unknown.
He wishes for his village to be rebuilt first and foremost, and wishes to relocate all of his lost allies. He also wishes to find Erika once more.

[Edited to include a bit more detail. Mokuton removed and I limited to 2 elements for now.]

Last edited by Leon on Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:36 am; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 32
Points : 29
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2008-11-23
Age : 31
Location : Good old J-town, Johnstown, PA

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Post by Guest Sat Jun 06, 2009 3:04 pm

Ok just a few things here. First, cant have Mokuton because your not a Senju. Secondly, For now you will have to choose between lightning and earth. When You get to a higher level you can pick up the other one. Like when your S rank. I declare you a low A rank ninja. Make those changes and you shall be APPROVED.


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Post by Leon Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:23 am

Bump, and edit. It's teh fixed now haha!

[Edited to include a bit more detail. Mokuton removed and I limited to 2 elements for now.]

Posts : 32
Points : 29
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2008-11-23
Age : 31
Location : Good old J-town, Johnstown, PA

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Post by Guest Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:24 am

Approved, great element choice.


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